Smith--Joan (Student--1963)

Displaying 1 - 4 of 4 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Dishonor reveals cancer in America
College Eye 59:20, p.2
Country shows a trend toward the 'easy' in every aspect of life.
2 Honor cloak rooms 'noble experiment'--but it failed
College Eye 58:3, p.2
Compares an old fable to the situation with the cloak rooms.
3 Sigma Alpha Eta Sponsors Banquet and Picnic
Old Gold 0:0, p.189

Sigma Alpha Eta is a national honorary society for students of speech correction, and their goal is to promote fellowship among speech correction students; they annually sponsor a spring banquet and picnic; photo.

4 Newman Club Worships Together
Old Gold 0:0, p.193
The Newman Club held Church nights, divisional meetings, picnics, and Sunday mass, coffee hours, study groups and numerous other events; they had numerous hopes for having another great year next year; photo.