Smith--Karen J. (Classes of 1958 and 1960)
Displaying 1 - 12 of 12 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
1 | Greek Week Queen Old Gold 0:0, p.124 |
Greek Week Queen Karen Smith from Lytton, Iowa; Photo. | |
2 | Chimes, Torch and Tassel Serve College Community Old Gold 0:0, p.160 |
Chimes choose sophomore women who participate in interest honor, religious, and social activities, show leadership ability, and scholastic achievement; senior women of Torch and Tassel are chosen for the same abilities; photo. | |
3 | Kappa Delta Pi Encourages High Standards Old Gold 0:0, p.167 |
Kappa Delta Pi is a national honor society in education; membership is limited to juniors and seniors who rank scholastically in the upper one-fifth of their college, and who have 6-12 hours of work in education; photo. | |
4 | Presbyterians Rent Live "Art" Pieces Old Gold 0:0, p.203 |
Live art was added to the Presbyterian Student Center; they were entertained by their own ballet troupe while decorating the Christmas tree; letters from the Jr. Year board student in Switzerland kept them in touch with international affairs; photo. | |
5 | Interfraternity and Intersorority Promote Fellowship Old Gold 0:0, p.205 |
The interfraternity council is composed of two members from each of the fraternities, and the inter-sorority is composed of the sorority presidents and officers, elected by the members of all sororities; they both aim to promote close friendships; photo. | |
6 | Delta Delta Phi Sponsors Service Projects Old Gold 0:0, p.206 |
Delta Delta Phi sponsored a tea for alumni at Homecoming, the building of a float with Alpha Chi Epsilon, The Mother's Day Tea, and several service projects; a Christmas dance, a caroling party, and a spring dance also took place; photo. | |
7 | Karen Smith TKE sweetheart queen College Eye 50:32, p.1 |
Brief profile of Karen Smith; photo. | |
8 | Greeks have show, dance; royalty, sing College Eye 50:27, p.4 |
Preview of Greek Week Variety Show; photo. | |
9 | Presbyterians Form Bible Study Group Old Gold 0:0, p.202 |
Description of the Westminister Foundation and the activities that they took part in; photo. | |
10 | Marlins Emphasize Skills Old Gold 0:0, p.237 |
Brief description of Marlins, a group that is primarily interested in sychronized swimming, although it has its roots in life saving; photo. |
11 | Outstanding Delt awarded trophy Old Gold 0:0, p.247 |
Delta Delta Phi sorority members strive for stronger bonds of friendship, to become women with poise, sane judgement, good taste, and courtesy; photo. | |
12 | Class of 1960 Old Gold 0:0, p.298 |
Sophomore class of 1958; photo. |