Smith--L. Wayne (Class of 1928)

Displaying 1 - 50 of 52 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 L. Wayne Smith
Alumnus 22:2, p.24
Lives in Ames, Iowa, with his wife, the former Helen Keefe.
2 Erbe to preside as toastmaster at grads' dinner
College Eye 26:22, p.1
Program for the dinner.
3 Five Iowa State Teachers College fraternities and sororities had their annual spring dances
Public Relations News Release 1934:492, p.1
4 Iowa high school debate tournament closes here Friday
College Eye 23:37, p.1
Seven coaches are ISTC alumni.
5 Seven former debaters
Public Relations News Release 1931:286, p.1
Alumni return to ISTC as high school debate coaches in annual state debating tournament this week.
6 Major players in "Beggars" cast are announced
College Eye 22:5, p.1
Roster of cast members for "Beggars on Horseback".
7 The Drama
Old Gold 0:0, p.180
Description of the drama department and cast roster from two major productions; photos.
8 Lambda Gamma Nu
College Eye 20:2, p.8
Smoker held the evening prior to alumni returning for the weekend.
9 Men's debate
Old Gold 0:0, p.182
1927-1928 men's debate team and debate question; photo.
10 Class of 1928
Old Gold 0:0, p.55
Class of 1928 graduates; photos.
11 Informal photos
Old Gold 0:0, p.127
Student photos.
12 Theta Alpha Phi (Iowa Beta Chapter)
Old Gold 0:0, p.174
Members and honorary members; brief history; Photos.
13 Playcraft Club
Old Gold 0:0, p.177

Members; plays given during 1927-1928; Photos.

14 Lambda Gamma Nu
Old Gold 0:0, p.275
Honorary members; members; pledges; photo.
15 Lambda Gamma Nu
College Eye 19:32, p.8
Fraternity happenings; pledging.
16 Prospective future
College Eye 19:23, p.4
Seniors tell what they hope to be doing next year.
17 Debaters toe mark to make team; twenty-three out for debate this term
College Eye 19:16, p.1
Those in debate will divide into teams and compete among themselves; roster of debaters.
18 Debate with Upper Iowa December 16; I. S. T. C. negative team to debate here
College Eye 19:15, p.1
Roster of team members.
19 Playcraft Club
College Eye 19:14, p.5
Elect officers.
20 Theta Alpha Phi
Old Gold 0:0, p.139
Brief history of the organization; roster of new, active, and honorary members; photos from production of "The Square Peg", by Lewis Beach.
21 Play Craft Club
Old Gold 0:0, p.142
Roster of officers and members; photo.
22 Lambda Gamma Nu
Old Gold 0:0, p.273

Roster of honorary members; members and pledges; photo.

23 Wayne Smith and Helen Keefe married March 8
College Eye 18:34, p.1
24 Dramatic contest won by Cortright
College Eye 18:33, p.1
Winners and their topics.
25 Theta Alpha Phi
College Eye 18:29, p.2
Meets for program.
26 Dramatic contest preliminaries held
College Eye 18:29, p.2
Roster of speakers and topics.
27 Home declamatory contest held in Training School
College Eye 18:29, p.1
TCHS presents program.
28 Training School declamatory pupils have preliminaries; home contest early in February
College Eye 18:27, p.1
Roster of speakers and their topics.
29 Theta Alpha Phi has initiation
College Eye 18:24, p.1
Roster of initiates.
30 Midwinter play "New Brooms" cast is picked
College Eye 18:24, p.1
Play preview; roster of cast members.
31 Theta Alpha Phi holds banquet on Founders Day; new members to be taken in soon
College Eye 18:23, p.1
Enjoyed dinner and program.
32 The English Club
College Eye 18:23, p.5
English Club met; viewed several plays from play production class.
33 Playcraft Club entertained Monday
College Eye 18:21, p.1
Presented two short plays.
34 Theta Alpha Phi play to be given Oct. 21
College Eye 18:13, p.1
Roster of cast members for "A Square Peg."
35 Lambda Gamma Nu
College Eye 17:39, p.8
Announces new pledges; many visitors to the house.
36 Wayne Smith
College Eye 17:35, p.3
Teaching in Alden; attended the T.C.-Luther game; forced to spend the night due to muddy roads near Alden.
37 Lambda Gamma Nu
College Eye 17:20, p.3
Serenaded Bartlett Hall women; gave dinner for alumni.
38 Wayne Smith teaches in Allison
College Eye 17:18, p.5
Visited at Lambda Gamma Nu house.
39 Lambda Gamma Nu
College Eye 17:17, p.8
Several alumni visit for the weekend.
40 Wayne Smith
College Eye 17:14, p.5
Wayne Smith will teach in Ellison; Max Clark will teach in Randalia.
41 Public speaking contest
College Eye 17:12, p.1
Professor Welsch's classes held contest.
42 Theta Alpha Phi hold initiation
College Eye 17:12, p.1
Paul R. Brown and Opal Sarchett join.
43 Lambda Gamma Nu
Old Gold 0:0, p.309
Fraternity members; pledges; photo.
44 Aristotelian Literary Society
Old Gold 0:0, p.253
Officer roster; members; colors, motto, mascot.
45 First Year Commerce
Old Gold 0:0, p.114
Officer roster; members; photo.
46 The Inquiring Reporter
College Eye 16:27, p.7
Students respond to question about a women holding her escort's arm.
47 One act plays presented at English Club
College Eye 16:26, p.8
Presented "Thursday Evening" and "The Man on the Kerb."
48 Y. M. C. A. Gospel team at Waterloo, Hudson, and Janesville Sunday
College Eye 16:25, p.8
Three teams sent out after requests from various churches.
49 Fraternities pleased with new pledges
College Eye 16:8, p.1

Roster of pledges.

50 First Year Commercial
Old Gold 0:0, p.170
Names of officers and students; photo.