Society (Column)
# | Title | Date | Summary |
1 | Society College Eye 21:22, p.3 |
News from campus organizations. | |
2 | Alpha College Eye 19:34, p.5 |
Society meeting; program information. | |
3 | Society College Eye 19:21, p.5 |
News from the literary societies. | |
4 | Society College Eye 19:3, p.2 |
Campus social notes. | |
5 | Society College Eye 9:28, p.3 |
Irvings elected officers; Clios entertained founding members of their group and discussed Clio history. | |
6 | Society College Eye 9:27, p.3 |
Neotrophian society elected officers; Shakes and Aristos held joint meeting. | |
7 | Society College Eye 9:26, p.6 |
Philos and Alphas held a joint meeting; Shakes held their regular meeting; poem describing why the owl is the Shakespearean mascot. | |
8 | Society College Eye 9:20, p.3 |
Professor Getchell spoke to the Ossoli society about the importance of literary societies; Alphas and Philos held joint meeting. | |
9 | Society College Eye 9:19, p.3 |
Chrestomathians held a Valentine's Day-themed meeting; Aristotelians had tryouts for the annual debate; Jabbow Gemb Hall and Homerians held Valentine's Day parties. | |
10 | Society College Eye 9:17, p.6 |
Ellen Richards Club sponsored the movie "Efficiency in the Home" for the Red Cross; Chrestomathians elected officers; Presbyterians have over sixty members. | |
11 | Society College Eye 9:11, p.3 |
Societies elected new officers. | |
12 | Homerian Society College Eye 9:2, p.6 |
Homerians set up volunteer program. | |
13 | Societies Normal Eyte 21:4, p.64 |
News from the literary societies. | |
14 | Society; Chresto Normal Eyte 19:17, p.265 |
Chrestos enjoy program and dinner with international theme. | |
15 | Society Normal Eyte 17:31, p.492 |
Philos and Alphas gave joint music program; Clios present music and literary program; Chrestos enjoyed German program. |
16 | Society Normal Eyte 17:27, p.428 |
Creative work was entered titled Autobiography of an Easter Bonnet. | |
17 | Society Normal Eyte 17:26, p.414 |
Shakes held an indoors picnic; roster of officers. | |
18 | Society Normal Eyte 17:24, p.377 |
Orios enjoy humorous program; Neos had general program; Chrestos has college program; Zetas enjoyed music. | |
19 | Society Normal Eyte 17:23, p.363 |
Neos enjoy Gypsy program; Shakes celebrate Presidents Washington and Lincoln; Alphas celebrate Valentine's Day; Clios enjoy basketball game. | |
20 | Society Normal Eyte 17:22, p.348 |
Chrestos hear essays and music. | |
21 | Society Normal Eyte 17:21, p.332 |
Zetas entertain Ossolis; Luella Rigby talks about missionary work in Burma. | |
22 | Society Normal Eyte 17:20, p.311 |
Ossolis organized medical program; Zetas installed officers; Chrestos gave art program; Aristos hold miscellaneous program; Shakes present Russo-Japanese program; Philos hold combination program. |
23 | Society Normal Eyte 17:19, p.296 |
Clios enjoy miscellaneous program; the history of the Shake-Aristo monkey mascot. | |
24 | Society Normal Eyte 17:18, p.281 |
Chrestos hear papers; Shakes have frost program; Zetas have Longfellow program. |
25 | Society Normal Eyte 17:15, p.236 |
Alphas hold surprise party for Philos; Shakes hold bell program; Zetas enjoy miscellaneous party | |
26 | Society Normal Eyte 17:14, p.219 |
Neos put on brownie program. | |
27 | Society Normal Eyte 17:13, p.203 |
Orios present comic program; Zetas proud of Clara Tolstrup's victory; Clios tell a story with titles. | |
28 | Society Normal Eyte 17:11, p.169 |
Poetic tributes to the Orios and the Chrestos; Shakes put on "Bachelor Maids" program. | |
29 | Society Normal Eyte 17:10, p.155 |
Ossoli presents current events program; Philos enjoy music and debate. | |
30 | Society Normal Eyte 17:9, p.138 |
Humorous look at the word man; Chrestos played games and enjoyed supper; Aristos present Southern program; Alphas debate the value of Halloween; new Zeta women present program. | |
31 | Society Normal Eyte 17:8, p.123 |
Philos present literary program; Orios celebrate selection of debaters; Clios hold initiation; Neos present Indian program; Ossolis had social program. | |
32 | Society Normal Eyte 17:7, p.106 |
Alphas present Dutch program; Zetas meet along Cedar River; Aristos enjoyed Cuban program; Chrestos enjoyed music and debate; Shakes held initiation ceremony. | |
33 | Society Normal Eyte 17:6, p.89 |
Shakes and Aristos hold banquet; Ossolis focus on race; Clios consider American Indians. |
34 | Society Normal Eyte 17:5, p.75 |
Chrestos enjoy New England program; Zetas enjoy music and conversation; a new Alpha's thoughts. | |
35 | Society Normal Eyte 17:4, p.57 |
Neos present college program; Ossolis enjoyed Indian program; mock letter home about Clios meeting; Shakes and Aristos presented music program | |
36 | Society Normal Eyte 17:3, p.42 |
Chrestos enjoyed Eugene Field program; Zetas enjoyed music program; mock letter home about Orio meeting | |
37 | Society Normal Eyte 17:2, p.27 |
Philos present literary program; Clios debate the best way to spend a summer; Neos present Asian program; Alphas install new officers; Ossolis hold reception for Zetas. | |
38 | Society Normal Eyte 17:1, p.12 |
Shakes hear papers and conduct debate; Orios present literary program; Aristos state their mission and importance. | |
39 | Society Normal Eyte 12:35, p.556 |
Alphas enjoyed a marine program; Orios held their usual meeting; Neos held annual reception. | |
40 | Society Normal Eyte 16:34, p.541 |
The Alphas submitted a poem about their picnic, the Shakes also had a picnic to report. | |
41 | Society Normal Eyte 16:33, p.529 |
Chrestos submitted a poem entitled Trucks at School; the Neos held an honorary member program; and the Aristos had a triangular debate. | |
42 | Society Normal Eyte 16:32, p.507 |
The Shakes have a newly decorated hall, and the Neos held a miscellaneous program. | |
43 | Society Normal Eyte 16:31, p.489 |
The Aristos held a program on "the laboring man", Ossolis had a grandmother's program, and the Philos submitted a report on Fort Sumter. | |
44 | Society Normal Eyte 16:30, p.476 |
Zetas held a short and interesting program. | |
45 | Society Normal Eyte 16:29, p.456 |
The Alpha society gave a program on mud.. | |
46 | Society Normal Eyte 16:28, p.440 |
The Neos presented a bird program; the Zetas held a program. | |
47 | Society Normal Eyte 16:27, p.423 |
Alphas hear essay on China; Zetas present Paul Dunbar program; Shakes enjoy music program. | |
48 | Society Normal Eyte 16:24, p.377 |
Shakes held Far North program; Aristos, Zetas, and Philos all held meetings. |
49 | Society Normal Eyte 16:23, p.357 |
Orios submitted a story by Fred Cram, Neos watched a performance by the "Old Maids." | |
50 | Society Normal Eyte 16:20, p.310 |
The Shakes say that one of the wonders of the world is boys; Clios hire Sherlock Holmes to find a stolen mascot; Zenos held a normal meeting; and the Neos had a debate. |