Soneson--Jerome P. (Philosophy and Religion Faculty)

Displaying 1 - 50 of 77 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Darby discusses racism in Iowa schools
Northern Iowan 114:16, p.3
Derrick Darby, a professor from the University of Michigan, gives a talk about racism in the education system as a part of the Hearst Lecture Series; photo.
2 Remembering Scharron Clayton
Northern Iowan 114:3, p.2
UNI Professor of Ethnic and Cultural Studies, Scharron Clayton, passed away on June 11, 2017, at the age of 70. Clayton is remembered for her work in education about African-American life and culture; photo.
3 Talking science and religion over beer
Northern Iowan 112:45, p.5

UNI Freethinkers and Inquirers (UNIFI) held Pint with a Prof on March 24, featuring professors Steve O'Kane and Jerry Soneson discussing "Religion and Science: Friends or Enemies," photo.

4 UNI lecture to explore Bible as protest literature
Public Relations News Release 2013:167, p.1
UNI philosophy and world religions assistant professor John Burnight will give a lecture "Truth vs. Tradition: The Book of Job as Protest Literature". He explores the possibility that suffering is part of the human condition.
5 UNI and Luther professors untangle evolution and religion
Northern Iowan 110:20, p.2
UNI hosted a discussion about how evolution undermines religion. Jerry Soneson and Loyal Rue headed the discussion. Not all students agreed with the professors opinions and this was reflected in the question and answer session.
6 UNI to host presentations on evolution and Obamacare
Public Relations News Release 2013:107, p.1

UNI's Department of Philosophy and World Religions is hosting lectures concerning evolution and religion, as well as the Affordable Care Act. Several faculty members will be speaking at these events.

7 Religion, philosophy programs to lose faculty and courses
Northern Iowan 108:50, p.1
Jerome Soneson, department head, voices concern over the loss of forty-three percent of the faculty. The Department of Philosophy and World Religions will lose four tenured professors and two term faculty.
8 Louisa Thomas to speak on nonviolent conflict resolution
Northern Iowan 108:21, p.1
Center for Multicultural Education will host author known for nonviolent conflict resolution. Her presentation is entitled "Peaceful Resolution of International Conflict".
9 Louisa Thomas to discuss nonviolent conflict resolution at UNI
Public Relations News Release 2011:96, p.1
Louisa Thomas will present "Peaceful Resolution of International Conflict" which will be followed by a paneled discussion.
10 Faculty divided over shorter semesters, longer classes
Northern Iowan 106:17, p.5
A proposal to have fourteen week semesters and longer class periods has met differing opinions among faculty members. The proposal will be brought up at the next Faculty Senate Meeting.
11 Celebration of International Blasphemy Day offends, raises questions over free speech
Northern Iowan 106:11, p.1
Northern Iowa Freethinkers and Inquirers chalked blasphemous messages, including Bible verses, secular quotes, and cartoons. A spontaneous discussion on religion with nearly seventy people participating was held near Maucker Union; photo.
12 UNI appoints new deans and department heads
Public Relations News Release 2008:149, p.1
Several new academic administrators have begun work this semester on the campus. Kurt Meredith is serving as interim assistant provost for international programs. Mary Herring is interim associate dean of the College of Education.
13 UNI student finds the study of his dreams
Northern Iowan 104:41, p.7
Grant Rozeboom will deliver paper at Dartmouth Undergraduate Philosophy Conference; photo.
14 Campus police now armed
Northern Iowan 104:28, p.2
On December 23, 2007, campus police began to carry firearms; Dave Zarifis talks about the matter; photo.
15 "Just Sex" not your average course
Northern Iowan 104:27, p.4
Professor Harry Brod offers a class the explores sexuality, love, religion, pornography, and education; photo.
16 To arm or not to arm, that is the issue
Northern Iowan 104:6, p.1
Permission for public safety officers at Regents institutions to carry firearms is a hot topic; photo.
17 Forum discusses possibility of arming campus police
Northern Iowan 104:3, p.1
Discussion of campus police carrying firearms was well attended; photo.
18 UNI to hold open forum to address issue of arming campus police Monday, August 27
Public Relations News Release 2007:117, p.1
A panel of UNI experts will speak at the forum and answer questions August 27.
19 UNI Lifelong University announces fall 2006 courses
Public Relations News Release 2006:0, p.1
The University of Northern Iowa's Lifelong University has introduced four courses for fall 2006.
20 UNI Lifelong University announces fall 2006 courses
Public Relations News Release 2005:0, p.1
Class topics include poets, the Holocaust, South America, natural science, and Americanism.
21 UNI faculty, staff examine ethics from all angles
Public Relations News Release 2005:0, p.1
List of staff and faculty members who specialize in Ethics given.
22 'Should Iowa Have a Death Penalty' attracts many opinions
Northern Iowan 102:40, p.1
Discussion for and against death penalty aimed to educate those who attended.
23 Tuesday, Feb. 21
Public Relations News Release 2005:0, p.1
School Counselors and Administrators Conference will be held; "Rock the House '06" concert will take place; Civic Discourse and Opposing Views series will host discussion of death penalty; "State of Hip Hop" panel discussion will be held at Maucker Union.
24 Debate on death penalty to take place at UNI
Public Relations News Release 2005:0, p.1
"Should Iowa Reinstate the Death Penalty?" will be the next topic of debate in the "Civic Discourse and Opposing Views" series.
25 Movie night features real-life business ethics
Northern Iowan 102:36, p.12
David B. Wilson Chair in Business Ethics sponsored program that focused on whistle-blowing in the tobacco industry; photo.
26 Whistle-blowing discussion to be held at UNI
Public Relations News Release 2005:0, p.1
Wilson Series in Business Ethics will host a movie night and panel discussion on whistle-blowing.
27 Professor talks about 'life worth living'
Northern Iowan 102:12, p.6
Dr. Jerry Soneson was the second faculty member to be part of the 'Last Lecture Series' where speakers must prepare a speech as if it were their last; photo.
28 Tuesday, Oct. 4
Public Relations News Release 2005:0, p.1
Jerry Soneson will give lecture on "The Enduring Value of a Good Education"; Yulia Gusarova will give lecture "Savinov: Family of Artists".
29 UNI Campus Activities Board to present 'The Last Lecture Series' with Jerry Soneson
Public Relations News Release 2005:0, p.1
Last Lecture Series will feature Jerry Soneson, professor of religion and humanities.
30 Religious influence being used to sway voters, says UNI professor
Public Relations News Release 2004:0, p.1
Jerome Soneson is concerned about church officials instructing their parishioners how to vote in the presidential election.
31 DeBerg takes leave to research religion
Northern Iowan 100:55, p.1
Betty DeBerg takes leave of absence in order to research the effect of campus ministry programs; Jerry Soneson will fill in as head of the Philosophy and Religion Department; photo.
32 UNI appoints Jerry Soneson interim head of philosophy and religion
Public Relations News Release 2003:0, p.1
Jerry Soneson will serve as interim department head while the current department head, Betty DeBerg, is on research leave.
33 Get to know your professors: Jerome Soneson
Northern Iowan 100:18, p.11
Profile of Professor Jerome Soneson; photo.
34 UNI faculty delve into ethics at all levels
Public Relations News Release 2002:182, p.1
Faculty members who are experts in the field of ethics are listed.
35 Second Elderhostel session to be held at University of Northern Iowa July 9-14
Public Relations News Release 2000:8, p.1
Jerome Soneson, Bruce Chamberlain, and Sue Grosboll will be conducting sessions at Elderhostel.
36 Rescheduled lecture
Northern Iowan 96:31, p.2
Jerry Soneson will speak on the apocalypse and Armageddon Wednesday.
37 "Thinking About the End of Times: From Ancient Israel to the New Millennium" lecture at University of Northern Iowa rescheduled to Wednesday Jan. 26
Public Relations News Release 1999:206, p.1
The first presentation in the Millennium Lecture Series, originally scheduled for January 19, has been rescheduled for January 26, at 7 p.m. in Maucker Union Expansion.
38 Millennium Lecture Series at UNI to kick off Wednesday, Jan 19, with "Thinking About the end Times: From Ancient Israel to the New Millennium"
Public Relations News Release 1999:195, p.1
Jerry Soneson will lecture on beliefs about apocalypse and Armageddon.
39 Millennium lecture series
Northern Iowa Today 84:1, p.10
Faculty will present ten lectures on their visions of the future.
40 Cluster course restructures general education classes
Northern Iowan 96:14, p.1
New General Education Cluster Course (010:059) integrates Humanities II, American Civilization, Oral Communication, and College Reading & Writing; photo.
41 The University of Northern Iowa will host two Elderhostel sessions in June and July
Public Relations News Release 1998:280, p.1
Two Elderhostel sessions of classes will be held in June and July. Classes will be taught by Jerome Soneson, Don Rierson, Harold Wohl, Edward Amend, Bill Shepherd, and Charles Holcombe.
42 Looking to future for the NI
Northern Iowan 95:27, p.6
Columnist looks to the future of the NI and says thanks to many for their influence.
43 University-Wide Conference Sept. 8
Campus News Network 9:2, p.
Focus of conference will be undergraduate education.
44 Elderhostel draws 'senior' students from Iowa and beyond to University of Northern Iowa for summer classes
Public Relations News Release 1997:411, p.1
Elderhostel allows students of at least 55 years of age to participate in summer classes at UNI.
45 Elderhostel draws 'senior' students from Iowa and beyond to University of Northern Iowa for summer classes
Public Relations News Release 1997:410, p.1
Elderhostel allows students of at least 55 years of age to participate in summer classes at UNI.
46 Not printing letters feeds public ignorance
Northern Iowan 94:19, p.5
Believes that there is benefit to being exposed to all points of view.
47 Pi=3.1415927, life lesson or pick-up line?
Northern Iowan 94:5, p.5
Speculates on the kind of learning that is valuable.
48 Openings remain for second session of Elderhostel to be held at University of Northern Iowa July 13-18
Public Relations News Release 1996:446, p.1
Elderhostel will be hosted on campus in July with openings in the second session.
49 Presidential Symposium continues search for the "Qualities of an Educated Person"
Campus News Network 7:16, p.1
Civic and business leaders with the UNI community will gather at first Presidential Symposium April 9-10 to discuss qualities of an educated person.
50 University of Northern Iowa Theology Club to address religion and family life Monday, October 7
Public Relations News Release 1996:88, p.1
The Theology Club will begin its year of discussion on religious issues October 7 with a presentation by Vicky Kessler.