Sorensen--Raymond (Class of 1936)
Displaying 1 - 47 of 47 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
1 | 'Golden Class' celebrating with special reunion events on campus Public Relations News Release 1986:415, p.1 |
Thirty-five class members from 1936 and their spouses are expected at the event; members of the honored class will participate in Saturday's commencement by wearing their cap and gowns. | |
2 | 7 win Alumni Service awards Alumnus 47:3, p.16 |
List of winners; photo. | |
3 | Many changes--much remains the same on campus; join us at the reunion Alumnus 47:2, p.10 |
Outline of events; photo. | |
4 | ISTC Alumni Reunion to be held June 4 Public Relations News Release 1960:429, p.1 |
Alumni Service Awards are to be presented by the Alumni Association's Ray Sorensen at the annual Alumni Reunion. Ten persons from the staff and alumni are to be recognized at the event. The classes of 1901, 1911, and 1936 are to receive special attention. | |
5 | Ray Sorensen is Association president Alumnus 45:3, p.12 |
Raymond Sorensen elected president; Marion Staley elected vice-president; Perry Grier elected to board; photo. | |
6 | Alumni Association elects new officers Alumnus 44:3, p.31 |
Donald Barker is president; Raymond Sorensen is vice president; Mary Jane Snyder Hutchison is on board. | |
7 | Future Wars vets have fun Alumnus 20:3, p.3 |
Report of activities of Veterans of Future Wars. | |
8 | Delta Sigma Rho Old Gold 0:0, p.92 |
Membership qualifications, activities, officers, and members; photos. | |
9 | Debate Old Gold 0:0, p.94 |
Season highlights and photos. | |
10 | Kappa Delta Pi Old Gold 0:0, p.112 |
Purpose, activities, officers, and members; photos. | |
11 | Social Science Honors Society Old Gold 0:0, p.157 |
Activities, officers, and members; photo. | |
12 | Pi Gamma Mu Old Gold 0:0, p.163 |
Purpose, activities, officers, and members; photos. | |
13 | Hamilton Club Old Gold 0:0, p.172 |
Purpose, activities, officers, and members; photo. | |
14 | Graduates Old Gold 0:0, p.241 |
Graduate photos. | |
15 | Veterans of Future Wars meeting ends in a riot; no heads broken but some fun; Ray Sorensen leads opposition, McCabe absconds with insignia College Eye 27:37, p.3 |
Students outline purposes of new group; thirty join group. | |
16 | Affirmative team thrice victorious College Eye 27:37, p.1 |
At Wisconsin competition. | |
17 | Debaters, speech students continue forensic activities College Eye 27:34, p.1 |
Results of recent competition; will go to Des Moines for state speech contest. | |
18 | Five entered in Iowa U. contest College Eye 27:33, p.3 |
19 | Palm trees and sidewalk cafes intrigue Tutor debaters on trip; New Year's Eve whoopee in Havana is long but not wild, Lambertson avers College Eye 27:27, p.1 |
Debaters talk about their trip to the South and to Cuba. | |
20 | Teachers College debaters and their coach swing into a busy season Public Relations News Release 1935:425, p.2 |
Schedule of tournaments. | |
21 | Exactly one hundred students are included on the fall term honor roll Public Relations News Release 1935:381, p.2 |
Honor roll students. | |
22 | Vacation trips are planned by faculty College Eye 27:25, p.3 |
Survey of destinations. | |
23 | Debate team dons flannels, leaves for Cuba today College Eye 27:25, p.1 |
Looking forward to trip. | |
24 | Raymond Sorensen will tour the Southeast and spend three days in Havana Public Relations News Release 1935:349, p.1 |
Schedule of events for the debate trip. | |
25 | Untitled College Eye 27:24, p.8 |
Raymond Sorensen and Paul Boysen speak to Kiwanis Club. | |
26 | Teachers College debaters will spend three days in Cuba Public Relations News Release 1935:334, p.1 |
Schedule of events. | |
27 | Raymond Sorensen and Paul Boysen will debate for the Cedar Rapids Kiwanis Club Public Relations News Release 1935:328, p.1 |
They will discuss the merits of a written constitution. | |
28 | Dr. F. W. Lambertson heard the debaters from Oxford argue with the Iowa State College team Public Relations News Release 1935:242, p.1 |
The Oxford team will debate at the Teachers College on Friday. | |
29 | Scrap the Constitution?; this week we tell about Tutor debaters; Boysen and Sorensen to uphold honor of Purple and Gold College Eye 27:21, p.1 |
Paul Boysen and Raymond Sorensen will face British debaters; photo. | |
30 | Paul Boysen and Raymond Sorensen have been selected to debate the team from Oxford University Public Relations News Release 1935:238, p.1 |
The Oxford team will debate at Iowa State College and the University of Iowa on Thursday. | |
31 | Two debaters from Oxford University will start their American tour November 5 Public Relations News Release 1935:184, p.1 |
Two teachers college students will take on the Oxford team November 15. | |
32 | W. H. Ray will return to his alma mater for the Dad's Day luncheon Public Relations News Release 1935:182, p.1 |
Program for the event. | |
33 | Six are winners in preliminaries of speech tilt College Eye 27:16, p.4 |
For after-dinner speaking. | |
34 | Eleven students will participate in the Peace Oratorical Contest Public Relations News Release 1935:97, p.1 |
Contest participants. | |
35 | Perfect grades were earned by two students during the spring term Public Relations News Release 1934:1114, p.2 |
Honor roll students. | |
36 | International Relations Club Old Gold 0:0, p.154 |
Organized in 1934; purpose, advisors, officers, and members; photo. | |
37 | The Teachers College tennis players will finish preliminary workouts this week Public Relations News Release 1934:1011, p.1 |
Season schedule. | |
38 | Discussion free at new forum meeting held in Commons College Eye 26:35, p.3 |
Professor Thompson talked about economic security. | |
39 | Debaters from the Teachers College will spend a busy week starting February 21 Public Relations News Release 1934:924, p.1 |
The debate team will travel to South Dakota and Minnesota for eight debate contest. | |
40 | Honors are being achieved by twenty-one students from Cerro Gordo county Public Relations News Release 1934:910, p.2 |
Cerro Gordo county is also represented by three Teachers College faculty members. | |
41 | Roger Fleming is taking an unusually active part in debate work at the Teachers College Public Relations News Release 1934:868, p.1 |
Achievements of Roger Fleming. | |
42 | Raymond Sorenson had the honor of being selected as one of the four Teachers College men who debated in the tournament at Normal Public Relations News Release 1934:847, p.1 |
Sorensen won two out of four debates with no partner. | |
43 | Four Teachers College debaters left for Normal, Illinois Public Relations News Release 1934:823, p.1 |
They will engage in eight debates during the tournament at Normal University. | |
44 | Debaters on way to Illinois meet College Eye 26:28, p.1 |
Will debate collective bargaining. | |
45 | A list of summer term honor students has just been released Public Relations News Release 1934:606, p.2 |
Honor students enrolled at Corning are also included. |
46 | All four seeded players drew byes Public Relations News Release 1934:605, p.1 |
Program for the third annual Haddox Trophy tennis tournament. | |
47 | We've got a former fire chief with us College Eye 26:3, p.1 |
Ray Sorensen served as fire marshal in Plymouth. |