Sports Junkies

Displaying 1 - 27 of 27 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Fantasy fun is for everyone
Northern Iowan 103:28, p.5
A positive look at fantasy sports.
2 Ex-UNI professor seeks compensation for denied tenure; television comments regarding Sports Illustrated's swimsuit issue may be reason for rejection
Northern Iowan 94:30, p.1
Robert Snyder has filed a grievance against UNI for denying him tenure. Professor Snyder was involved with the student-run talk show "Sports Junkies" in 1994.
3 "Sports Junkies" set for fourth year
Northern Iowan 92:3, p.11
Show prepares for new season.
4 Sports Junkies enters interactive age
Northern Iowan 91:49, p.2
Will present live show.
5 Sports Junkies enter the interactive age
Northern Edition 3:10, p.6
Program will feature live call-in format.
6 Sports Junkies taking over airwaves
Northern Edition 3:7, p.11
Local talk show on cable.
7 Sports Junkies hits the ice
Northern Edition 3:5, p.3
Will broadcast from Young Ice Arena.
8 Sports Junkies goes live on cable
Northern Edition 3:3, p.3
Will take viewers' calls live on show.
9 Junkies interview linebacker
Northern Edition 3:1, p.9
Sports Junkies interview Bryce Paup.
10 Sports Junkies hits the road
Northern Iowan 91:28, p.1
Television show produced in UNI-Dome; photo.
11 Sports Junkies takes show on the road
Northern Edition 2:29, p.5
Show produced in UNI-Dome.
12 Sports Junkies back for another season
Northern Iowan 91:6, p.1
Humorous sports commentary show will continue on public access cable station.
13 UNI professor challenges arbitration decision
Northern Iowan 90:43, p.1
Professor Snyder maintains that his evaluation files were used improperly.
14 UNI professors, students, deserve awards too
Northern Iowan 90:25, p.4
Awards dubious honors to faculty, students, and campus groups.
15 Grievance filed over academic evaluations
Northern Iowan 90:23, p.1
Robert Snyder files grievance over materials, relating to Sports Junkies show, that he deems were inappropriately added to his evaluation.
16 Sports Junkies: they're back and better than ever
Northern Iowan 90:12, p.17
Professor Rob Snyder and Scott Stackhouse, a broadcasting major, produce the T.V. show "Sports Junkies"; photo.
17 "Junkies" back on air; cable access 2
Northern Iowan 89:41, p.2
Tells readers when program is aired.
18 Student talk show makes a comeback; "Sports Junkies" in back
Northern Iowan 89:40, p.1
Show had been suspended for inappropriate behavior; production is now reviewed by committee of faculty members; photo.
19 Forum debates censorship; 'Sports Junkies' topic of discussion
Northern Iowan 88:57, p.4
Attempts to decide whether the show was censored or was shut down because of a lack of professionalism; photo.
20 For every action . . . there is a reaction
Northern Iowan 88:57, p.8
Sports columnists debate the Sports Junkies issue.
21 Censorship forum tonight: 'Sports Junkies' provides example
Northern Iowan 88:56, p.1
Conflicting views over show: censorship vs. lack of professionalism.
22 'Important to recognize outstanding effort' in broadcasting department
Northern Iowan 88:52, p.2
Calls attention to news and feature radio program produced by students.
23 'Sports Junkies' cancellation raises question of freedom of expression
Northern Iowan 88:52, p.3
Believes college is place for learning and experimentation.
24 'Sports Junkies' scrapped: Hall pulls plug on controversial show
Northern Iowan 88:51, p.1
Review by jury leads to cancellation; Professor Snyder protests.
25 Student-produced talk show suspended; 'Sports Junkies' offends
Northern Iowan 88:46, p.1
Receives complaints about profanity and about the way in which the swimsuit of Sports Illustrated was used; photo.
26 University of Northern Iowa student cable program to be discontinued
Public Relations News Release 1991:472, p.1
One University student cable program has been discontinued and another is under review according to Jon Hall.
27 Sports talk show created, hosted by UNI students
Northern Iowan 88:34, p.16
"Sports Junkies" is a new talk show hosted by UNI students; airs on Public Access; photo.