Stein--Karl Buren (Class of 1904)
Displaying 1 - 50 of 55 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
1 | Dr. Karl B. Stein Alumnus 29:1, p.32 |
The wife of Dr. Stein died October 8, in Sarasota, Florida. Dr. Stein preceded her in death on February 4, 1944, at Chicago, where he was founder and president of the Musical Dramatic Conservatory. | |
2 | Dr. K. B. Stein, founder of music conservatory, dies Alumnus 28:2, p.10 |
Karl Buren Stein died February 4, 1944; obituary. | |
3 | Alumni famous around world College Eye 34:36, p.2 |
Quick profiles of famous alumni. | |
4 | Karl Buren Stein Alumnus 24:3, p.26 |
His picture was on the cover of a recent issue of the magazine, "Music News." Received an honorary Doctor of Music Degree from Cornell College; is the founder of the Musical Dramatic Conservatory of Chicago. | |
5 | Karl B. Stein Alumnus 22:4, p.20 |
President of the Chicago Music and Dramatic Conservatory; Mrs. Stein is the former Enola Pearl Pierce. | |
6 | Prominent alumni graduated here; serve as college presidents College Eye 29:6, p.5 |
Quick look at illustrious graduates of ISTC. | |
7 | President of two colleges is one of seven who received early training at your alma mater! Alumnus 20:2, p.11 |
Survey and roster of alumni who direct or serve in executive position in colleges and universities. | |
8 | Dr. Earl Allen Roadman is the only alumnus who directs two colleges Public Relations News Release 1935:661, p.1 |
College presidents who received their early training at the Teachers College. | |
9 | Dr. Karl B. Stein Alumnus 15:4, p.10 |
Praised in National Magazine of Business. | |
10 | Karl B. Stein Alumnus 15:1, p.9 |
President of Musical Dramatic Conservatory of Chicago. | |
11 | Karl B. Stein Alumnus 14:4, p.22 |
Stein is president of the Auditorium Musical Dramatic Conservatory of Chicago, which opened its 22nd year September 8, 1930. Complete courses in voice, dramatic art, piano, and violin are given there. | |
12 | Karl Buren Stein Alumni News Letter 6:3, p.5 |
Karl Buren Stein presents two operas as president of the Auditorium Musical-Dramatic Conservatory. | |
13 | Karl Buren Stein Alumni News Letter 2:1, p.4 |
Had much success as President of the Stein Musical-Dramatic Conservatory. | |
14 | Karl Buren Stein, 1904 Quarterly News Letter to the Alumni 0:0, p.1 |
Karl Buren and Enola Pearl Pierce Stein founded the Auditorium Musical Dramatic Conservatory of Chicago. | |
15 | Professor Karl Buren Stein College Eye 4:1, p.8 |
Received Doctor of Music degree from Cornell College. | |
16 | Mrs. Enola (Pierce) Stein Normal Eyte 21:13, p.221 |
Along with Karl Buren Stein, has returned from Europe. | |
17 | Mr. and Mrs. Stein Normal Eyte 20:20, p.341 |
Will be spending a summer in Europe. | |
18 | We have at hand a very neat and artistic announcement Normal Eyte 20:3, p.51 |
Karl and Enola Pierce Stein open studio in Chicago. | |
19 | The following Normal Eyte 19:17, p.267 |
Charles B. Stein (now known as Karl Buren Stein) and his wife are doing well in the music field. | |
20 | Karl B. Stein Normal Eyte 18:3, p.44 |
Accepted a teaching position at the American Conservatory in Chicago; will continue studying music. | |
21 | K. B. Stein Normal Eyte 17:34, p.540 |
Sent postcards to friends. | |
22 | A wedding of unusual interest Normal Eyte 16:10, p.156 |
Enola Pearl Pierce married Karl B. Stein. | |
23 | Chas. B. Stein Normal Eyte 15:14, p.223 |
Went to Chicago to study voice, violin, and harmony. | |
24 | Fall term graduates Normal Eyte 15:12, p.187 |
Roster of students who will be graduating at the end of the fall 1904 term. | |
25 | Charles B. Stein Normal Eyte 14:29, p.458 |
Visited chapel. | |
26 | Charlie Stein Normal Eyte 14:29, p.451 |
Made a brief visit. | |
27 | Mr. C. B. Stein Normal Eyte 14:28, p.445 |
Taught in institute in Manchester. | |
28 | Who and what are Minnes are Normal Eyte 14:9, p.129 |
The Minnesingers performed at the Teachers Association meeting. | |
29 | Charles Stein Normal Eyte 14:2, p.25 |
Charles Stein is the new music teacher in Cedar Falls. | |
30 | Society Normal Eyte 13:35, p.547 |
Zetas enjoy presentations and debate; Philos present music and debate; Aristos present patriotic program; Orios feature debate; Shakes present teachers convention. | |
31 | Society Normal Eyte 13:34, p.533 |
Neos enjoy money program; Orios present music and drama; Zetas enjoy music; Aristos present music and debate. | |
32 | The following are some of the elections that have taken place recently Normal Eyte 13:31, p.490 |
Roster of those who have found positions. | |
33 | Instrumental recital Normal Eyte 13:31, p.486 |
Features Mandolin Club, orchestra, and soloists; performance program. | |
34 | Robin Hood Normal Eyte 13:30, p.473 |
Review of the comic opera. | |
35 | Shakespearean open session; Friday evening's entertainment a good one--orations and other numbers well received Normal Eyte 13:29, p.455 |
Enjoyed music and drama. | |
36 | The opera Normal Eyte 13:28, p.438 |
Cecilians and Minnesingers will present "Robin Hood". | |
37 | Society Normal Eyte 13:25, p.393 |
Philos heard papers; Aristos enjoyed costume program; Orios held railroad program. | |
38 | Society Normal Eyte 13:24, p.374 |
Aristos elect officers. | |
39 | Oratorical contest Normal Eyte 13:23, p.364 |
Account of the contest. | |
40 | C. B. Stein Normal Eyte 13:21, p.330 |
Has been sick. | |
41 | Society Normal Eyte 13:20, p.314 |
Alphas installed officers; Shakes have French program; Clios have Italian program; Zetas hear papers. |
42 | Pupils' reception Normal Eyte 13:20, p.307 |
Program of performers and their work. | |
43 | Minnesingers annual; fifth annual concert a success--everyone well pleased--specials presented in Scotch music and solos Normal Eyte 13:19, p.292 |
Performance program. | |
44 | Society Normal Eyte 13:15, p.236 |
Aristos enjoy literary program; Philos work on debates; Chrestos feature poetry. | |
45 | The tour by the Minnesingers Normal Eyte 13:15, p.230 |
Sang at ISTA convention and in Slater, Boone, Webster City, and Ackley. | |
46 | C. B. Stein's birthday Normal Eyte 13:14, p.220 |
Friends celebrated. | |
47 | Society Normal Eyte 13:2, p.30 |
Roster of Philo and Orio officers. | |
48 | Chas. Stein Normal Eyte 12:35, p.555 |
Will stay over summer. | |
49 | Chas. Stein Normal Eyte 12:28, p.442 |
Visited campus. | |
50 | Chas. Stein Normal Eyte 12:25, p.390 |
Praise for musical performance of Karl Stein. |