Stichter--Katherine (Class of 1905)
Displaying 1 - 18 of 18 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
1 | Deaths 21 Alumni News Letter 3:1, p.6 |
Katherine Stichter died from diabetes December 15, 1918. | |
2 | County superintendents Alumni News Letter 2:2, p.4 |
List of graduates elected as county superintendents. | |
3 | T. C. alumni College Eye 8:29, p.8 |
Many alumni and former students attended the recent conference for county superintendents. | |
4 | Miss Katherine Stichter College Eye 8:7, p.1 |
Katherine Stichter is superintendent in Washington County; Oriel Bennet is teaching in Cogan. | |
5 | The alumni Quarterly News Letter to the Alumni 0:0, p.1 |
Reports of activities of ISTC alumni. | |
6 | Social Science Club Old Gold 0:0, p.154 |
Brief overview of the purpose of the club; roster of officers; photo. |
7 | Among the I. S. T. C. graduates College Eye 4:30, p.6 |
Roster of graduates re-elected to county supervisor positions. | |
8 | Social Science Club is organized; plans for year are outlined and officers chosen College Eye 4:5, p.6 |
First meeting was held in Sara Riggs' home. | |
9 | Katherine Stichter Normal Eyte 21:15, p.258 |
Teaches a primary grade; does institute and Chautauqua work during the summer. | |
10 | Katherine Stichter Normal Eyte 17:34, p.539 |
Re-elected at Washington, Iowa. | |
11 | The Alpha Society Normal Eyte Annual 0:0, p.30 |
Brief history of the first literary society for women with summary of events in the last year; photo. | |
12 | Alpha Normal Eyte 15:27, p.427 |
Aunt Samantha and Uncle Josiah entertained the group. | |
13 | Alpha Normal Eyte 15:22, p.348 |
Gave pillow and pennant shower. | |
14 | Katherine Stichter Normal Eyte 15:22, p.350 |
Has begun work in Waterloo schools. | |
15 | The Special Primary girls Normal Eyte 15:18, p.286 |
Elected Katherine Stichter, Eunice Calkins, and Esther Fitzsimmons as officers. | |
16 | Greek was the nature of the program given by the Alphas Normal Eyte 15:18, p.287 |
Provides a description of the recent program. | |
17 | Alpha Normal Eyte 15:15, p.236 |
At the recent Alpha meeting, the "Mouse Trap" was performed by members of the society. | |
18 | Alpha Normal Eyte 15:11, p.174 |
Presented program on light opera. |