Stover--Betty Jean (Student--1949; Physical Education Staff)

Displaying 1 - 18 of 18 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 UNI-AOP to honor educator/adminstrator of year, scholarship recipients; install new officers, Wednesday (May 14)
Public Relations News Release 1986:427, p.1

Romanin is administrator of the year; recognized ten members who have/will be retired; scholarship winners were announced; new officers were installed.

2 28th annual recognition breakfast May 3 to honor 41 long-term UNI employees
Public Relations News Release 1986:392, p.1
The breakfast will honor employees who have worked at UNI for at least ten years; Windham and Matheson will provide the entertainment; list of those being honored.
3 In search of a new president
Alumnus 67:1, p.9
Search committee announced; procedures outlined; controversy over using executive search company; photo.
4 Clerical workers have upcoming union vote
Northern Iowan 75:28, p.2
Group of workers does not believe that AFSCME can help them.
5 UNI Office Staff Member Elected to State Office
Public Relations News Release 1972:110, p.1
Ethel Ackerman was elected president-elect of the Iowa Association of Educational Secretaries at their meeting in Des Moines last weekend (Oct. 22-23).
6 Honor classes return for reunion
Alumnus 56:3, p.12
184 attend reunion; service awards announced; photo.
7 Alumni Service Awards Presented at 88th Annual UNI Alumni-Faculty Reunion
Public Relations News Release 1971:658, p.1
List of awardees during the presentation given on May 30.
8 UNI Secretaries to Attend Meeting in Des Moines
Public Relations News Release 1970:117, p.1
11 members of the UNI Association of Educational Secretaries (AES) will attend the annual convetion of the Iowa AES Oct 23-24 in Des Moines.
9 News Release 10-22-1970
Public Relations News Release 1970:117, p.1
11 members of the UNI Association of Educational Secretaries (AES) will attend the annual convetion of the Iowa AES Oct 23-24 in Des Moines.
10 Two Board of Regents members at UNI Today
Public Relations News Release 1969:451, p.1
Members of the Board of Regents will be meeting with members of the UNI presidential evaluation committee to continue discussions regarding the selection of a new UNI president.
11 Faculty Members to Participate in ISEA Convention
Public Relations News Release 1969:88, p.1
Iowa State Education Association conference.
12 13 faculty members are elected to state offices
College Eye 63:21, p.7
List of SCI staff and their offices.
13 Readers miss evergreen tree
College Eye 53:12, p.2

Sad that tree is cut down on campus in preparation for a new building.

14 Elementa-Ki
Old Gold 0:0, p.170
List of members; photo.
15 Physical education club
Old Gold 0:0, p.252
Brief description of the group; photo.
16 Dance recital in Auditorium tonight
College Eye 38:25, p.3
Description of the program.
17 Annual Orchesis dance show held
Public Relations News Release 1946:126, p.1
Over seventy five girls participated in the annual show. Maude Morre directed the production. Admission was free.
18 Reunion held by first students in four-quarter rural course
College Eye 36:41, p.1
Four women attend reunion of those who began program initiated by President Price in 1941.