Strickland--Helen L. (Class of 1921)

Displaying 1 - 20 of 20 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Achoth House
College Eye 13:10, p.11
Boarding house news.
2 Second year Kindergarten
Old Gold 0:0, p.104
Roster of class officers and roll; schedule of events; words to the yell; photo.
3 Shakespeareans
Old Gold 0:0, p.130
Roster of members for the Shakespeareans and the Aristotelians; brief overview of the year; photo.
4 Achoth Apartments
College Eye 12:34, p.8
News of residents.
5 Achoth Apartments
College Eye 12:31, p.6
News of residents.
6 Achoth Apartments
College Eye 12:30, p.8
News of residents.
7 Achoth Apartments
College Eye 12:29, p.8
News of residents.
8 Achoth Apartments
College Eye 12:27, p.8
News of residents.
9 Achoth Apartments
College Eye 12:26, p.8
News of residents.
10 Achoth Apartments
College Eye 12:25, p.8
News of residents.
11 Achoth Apartments
College Eye 12:24, p.8
News of residents.
12 Second year kindergarten
College Eye 12:23, p.7
News notes on students in the curriculum.
13 Achoth Apartments
College Eye 12:22, p.8
News of residents.
14 Helen Strickland
College Eye 12:20, p.8
Visited Charles City.
15 Helen Strickland
College Eye 12:19, p.8
Went to Parkersburg.
16 Achoth Apartment
College Eye 12:18, p.8
News of residents.
17 Helen Strickland
College Eye 12:11, p.8
Visited Parkersburg.
18 Photographs of graduates
Old Gold 0:0, p.74
19 I. S. T. C. students who were away last week-end
College Eye 11:3, p.8
Names of students and where they went.
20 The following girls were out of town last weekend
College Eye 11:2, p.8

Roster of names and where they went.