Stroebel--Alberta L. (Class of 1935)
Displaying 1 - 47 of 47 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
1 | Material has been sent to the printers and first proofs are in the hands of the editor Public Relations News Release 1935:592, p.1 |
The February issue of the Purple Pen will go on sale February 25. | |
2 | Perfect grades were earned by two students during the spring term Public Relations News Release 1934:1114, p.2 |
Honor roll students. | |
3 | Jane Becknell was appointed chairman of the banquet committee Public Relations News Release 1934:1110, p.1 |
Committee members for the annual reunion of Sigma Tau Delta. | |
4 | V. O. V. Sigma Phi Old Gold 0:0, p.229 |
Founded in 1896; advisors, honorary member, officers, and members; photos. | |
5 | Class of 1935 Old Gold 0:0, p.66 |
Graduate photos. | |
6 | Purple Pen Old Gold 0:0, p.132 |
Founded in 1929; has received several awards; officers and photos. | |
7 | Kappa Delta Pi Old Gold 0:0, p.170 |
The local chapter was established in 1923; advisor, officers, and members; photos. |
8 | Sigma Tau Delta Old Gold 0:0, p.177 |
Organized in 1928; purpose, advisor, officers, and members; photos. | |
9 | Literary Workshop Old Gold 0:0, p.180 |
Organized in 1929; purpose, advisor, officers, and members; photos. | |
10 | Chairmen of committees working on the college prom settled details at their final meeting Public Relations News Release 1934:1040, p.1 |
Schedule for the dance and committee members. | |
11 | Perfect grades in eighteen hours of work were earned by Hilda Miller Public Relations News Release 1934:1017, p.2 |
Honor roll students. | |
12 | Material being collected for prose anthology College Eye 26:36, p.1 |
Sigma Tau Delta will publish book of student prose. | |
13 | Committees planning senior prom May 3 College Eye 26:36, p.1 |
Roster of committee officers. | |
14 | Purple Pen is named winner; Columbia Scholastic Press Association rates it first College Eye 26:35, p.1 |
15 | Writers read at Women's Club College Eye 26:35, p.3 |
Six students read original compositions. | |
16 | Six student writers will read original selections before the Women's Club of Grundy Center Public Relations News Release 1934:971, p.1 |
Program for the event. | |
17 | Edith Neff is twice represented in the winter term of the Purple Pen Public Relations News Release 1934:941, p.1 |
Description of her publications. | |
18 | Eight Waterloo writers are represented in the winter term issue of the Purple Pen Public Relations News Release 1934:940, p.1 |
Names of authors and their writing. | |
19 | Winter Purple Pen to appear Monday College Eye 26:32, p.1 |
Survey of contents. | |
20 | Leroy Furry was chosen editor-in-chief Public Relations News Release 1934:883, p.1 |
The editorial board will evaluate manuscripts of members of the Writer's Club | |
21 | Board of editors named by writers College Eye 26:30, p.1 |
Part of plan to become a chapter of the Literary Workshop. | |
22 | English fraternity to hear six readers College Eye 26:30, p.3 |
23 | Cossack life of Russia revealed in book review College Eye 26:28, p.1 |
Alberta Stroebel reviews "And Quiet Flows the Don". | |
24 | Reviews of current literary best sellers will be presented by Teachers College students Public Relations News Release 1934:796, p.1 |
Program for the event. | |
25 | Four women and three men earned straight A grades during the fall term Public Relations News Release 1934:789, p.2 |
Overall the honor roll contained fifty-seven women and twenty-three men. | |
26 | Students plan oral reviews; will give weekly talks on current literary best sellers College Eye 26:26, p.1 |
Schedule of book review sessions. | |
27 | Juniors and Seniors elect class officers Public Relations News Release 1934:679, p.1 |
The Freshman class representative was also chosen. | |
28 | Juniors and seniors nominate class officers Public Relations News Release 1934:644, p.1 |
Three students were chosen for each office. | |
29 | Sigma Tau Delta to plan further sale of student verse book College Eye 26:15, p.1 |
Plan another campaign to sell "A Book of Student Verse"; work on Purple Pen progressing. | |
30 | Alberta Stroebel has resigned as president of Lambda Beta Public Relations News Release 1934:628, p.1 |
Helen Humphries has been appointed to her spot, and a new secretary will be elected soon. | |
31 | Purple Pen officers elected Alumnus 18:3, p.32 |
Roger Bennett and Margaret Schmidt are the editor and manager of the Purple Pen; new officers were elected. | |
32 | Kappa Delta Pi Old Gold 0:0, p.177 |
The local Psi Chapter was established in 1923; officers, faculty members, and members; photo. | |
33 | Nu Omicron Nu Old Gold 0:0, p.235 |
Organized in 1896; officers, aims, and members; photos. | |
34 | Sigma Tau Delta Old Gold 0:0, p.184 |
Established in 1928; officers, purpose, and members; photos. | |
35 | English Club Old Gold 0:0, p.147 |
The English Club was organized in 1910; officers and members; photo. | |
36 | Two mathematics groups were among the many organizations which elected officers last week Public Relations News Release 1934:508, p.1 |
Mathematics Club and Kappa Mu Epsilon elected officers. | |
37 | Roger Bennett and Margaret Schmidt will be editor and business manager next year of Purple Pen Public Relations News Release 1934:486, p.1 |
New officers were also chosen by the Lambda Beta chapter of Sigma Tau Delta. | |
38 | Untitled College Eye 25:16, p.3 |
Roster of new Sigma Tau Delta members. | |
39 | Nu Omicron Nu Old Gold 0:0, p.246 |
Officers, history, aims, members, and pledges; organized as Nu Omicron Nu in 1896; combined with Sigma Phi in 1918; photos. | |
40 | Student newspaper will All-American honors Public Relations News Release 1932:289, p.1 |
In a nation-wide contest conducted by the National Scholastic Press, the College Eye won the highest rating attainable. This is the second time that the College Eye has achieved distinction in nation contest. | |
41 | Ninety-eight men and women on the Honor Roll Public Relations News Release 1932:275, p.1 |
Sixty-nine women and twenty-nine men made the Honor Roll for the winter term of 1933. For the number of men enrolled, this year had the highest number of men on the Honor Roll in the school's history. | |
42 | Freshman B. A. and B. S. Old Gold 0:0, p.91 |
Photo and roster of the Class of 1935. | |
43 | The College Eye Old Gold 0:0, p.228 |
Names of staff members of The College Eye; photo. |
44 | V. O. V. Sigma Phi Old Gold 0:0, p.261 |
Names of members; photos. | |
45 | Oscar Johnson and Don Finlayson to head Old Gold and College Eye staffs during next school year College Eye 23:38, p.1 |
Roster of student publications staffs; photo. | |
46 | Donald Finlayson, Waterloo Public Relations News Release 1931:303, p.1 |
Editors for College Eye elected. | |
47 | Donald Finlayson, Waterloo Public Relations News Release 1931:301, p.1 |
Editors for College Eye and Old Gold chosen. |