Student Admissions Ambassadors (SAA)
# | Title | Date | Summary |
1 | Wading through misrepresentation Northern Iowan 119:30, p.4 |
Laito Zarkpah writes an article describing the Center for Multicultural Education (CME) space and explaining the importance this space has for students; photo. | |
2 | Yessenia Rodriguez: Latina and proud Northern Iowan 118:44, p.1 |
An article about Yessenia Rodriguez, UNI student and active member of numerous campus activities and organizations for NI Women's History Month; photo. | |
3 | NISG recognizes extraordinary student orgs Northern Iowan 118:42, p.4 |
The Northern Iowa Student Government (NISG) has started a Positive Highlight that will highlight student organizations/individuals who bring a positive atmosphere to campus; photo. | |
4 | UNI needs to compensate SAA Northern Iowan 118:30, p.3 |
Bailey Klinkhammer hopes to see the Student Admissions Ambassadors compensated; photo. | |
5 | N.I. en Espanol: SAA reconoce a la facultad y los empleados Northern Iowan 117:46, p.2 |
The Student Admissions Ambassadors (SAA) held their Apple Polisher event virtually this year which recognized the impact of UNI's faculty and employees on students. This article is written in Spanish; photos. | |
6 | NISG holds presidential elections: Boeding and Greene Northern Iowan 116:35, p.1 |
Elle Boeding and Rachel Greene are running, currently unopposed, for Northern Iowa Student Government (NISG) student body president and vice president. They discuss their backgrounds and platform. NISCO elections will be held February 25-26; photos. | |
7 | UNI community packs REC town hall Northern Iowan 116:22, p.1 |
More than 200 students, faculty, and community members attended a town hall hosted by the UNI Racial and Ethnic Coalition (REC) at Maucker Union on November 11. REC summarized their formation and launch of the #UNIisnotanAlly campaign, directed at what they viewed as a failure of UNI's administration to act on goals to combat racism. REC took questions and invited students of color to share their experiences. An addition to the article titled "Related: REC, students from Iowa and ISU attend Board of Regents meeting" covers the Board of Regents November 13 meeting that REC and representatives from Iowa and Iowa State attended to call for a town hall meeting with the regents; photos. | |
8 | 2018 Homecoming kickoff Northern Iowan 115:16, p.1 |
2018's Homecoming Week began with the Homecoming Kickoff on Lawther Field. Siraj Acharya and Megan Lenstra were crowned homecoming royalty. Three Pride Cry finalists were chosen: Alpha Phi and Sigma Phi Epsilon, Dance Marathon, and Alpha Sigma Tau; photos. | |
9 | Panther Portrait: UNI Homecoming pep rally Northern Iowan 114:13, p.4 |
Photos of the Homecoming pep rally; photo. | |
10 | Homecoming Kick-Off & Pride Cry Northern Iowan 114:12, p.1 |
UNI's Homecoming week started with the Panther Kick-Off event and Pride Cry; photo. | |
11 | Stronger together: Not just a slogan Northern Iowan 112:37, p.3 |
Northern Iowa Student Government (NISG) presidential candidate Hunter Flesch discusses his ticket with vice presidential candidate Avery Johnson and encourages members of the student body to consider voting for them; photo. |
12 | Hopefuls debate Northern Iowan 112:37, p.1 |
Northern Iowa Student Government (NISG) president-vice president candidates debated in Maucker Union on February 16, moderated by Northern Iowan executive editor Nick Fisher. The two tickets are Hunter Flesch and Avery Johnson, and Jamison Whiting and Aaron Friel; photo. |
13 | "Band-Aids on bullet holes" Northern Iowan 112:22, p.1 |
Ethnic Student Promoters (ESP) and various staff, students, and faculty protest the lack of administrative action on discrimination on campus; photos. |
14 | Hoping for happily ever after Northern Iowan 112:14, p.1 |
Homecoming week's kick-off Pride Cry event was held at Lawther Field on October 12. The week's theme is "Once Upon a Time." Pride Cry finalists included the Student Admissions Ambassadors (SAA), Connecting Alumni to Students (CATS), Noehren Hall, Alpha Delta Pi and Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Dance Marathon and Camp Adventure. The Homecoming Court was also announced, including Molly Norman, Emily Thompson, Camryn Wrage, Alicia Hornfeck, Natalie Rork, Kantinka Kyeremateng, Jamal White, Kody Gafkjen, Archie Hardin, and Robert Orman. |
15 | Students race for traditions Northern Iowan 111:7, p.4 |
Students and groups completed the Amazing Race Traditions Challenge; photo. | |
16 | Future president and vice president push involvement Northern Iowan 110:45, p.5 |
The future UNI NISG president and vice president push for student involvement in their letter to the editor; photo. | |
17 | Panthers storm the capitol Northern Iowan 110:40, p.1 |
Many UNI students and faculty when to the Iowa Capitol in Des Moines for the second annual UNI Day at the Capitol. They were able to tell stories about the people at UNI to show the representatives UNI's impact on Iowa. | |
18 | UNI students pump up the pep for Homecoming Northern Iowan 110:14, p.1 |
The finals of the pride cry were held at the Homecoming Pep Rally. Student Admissions Ambassadors/Connecting Alumni to Students won. Dance Marathon came in second, while Alpha Delta Pi and Sigma Alpha Epsilon came in third; photo. | |
19 | Three UNI graduates receive Lux Service Award Public Relations News Release 2012:298, p.1 |
Karl Baresel of Davenport; Darvel Givens of Waterloo; and Theresa Luensmann of Aspinwall received the university's most prestigious award for undergraduates during the 2013 spring commencement ceremony. | |
20 | Students, citizens and alumni gather at Homecoming Festival Northern Iowan 109:17, p.6 |
Included display of murals and student organization booths; photo. | |
21 | Pride Cry kicks off Homecoming Northern Iowan 109:16, p.1 |
Nine teams compete; three teams selected for finals on Friday; teams must sing fight song and another song as well as dance; Homecoming Court announced; photo. | |
22 | Faculty Senate debates access to course graduation distribution Northern Iowan 109:14, p.1 |
Senate shows support of making grade distributions more public. Senate members discuss concerns and implications of this decision. Business student gives supporting opinion. | |
23 | Black Male Leaders Union wins Pride Cry Northern Iowan 108:13, p.1 |
This is the first year the Black Male Leaders Union has participated in the Pride Cry. Other finalists included Student Admissions Ambassadors with Connecting Alumni to Students and Alpha Delta Pi with Kappa Sigma; photo. | |
24 | Pride Cry kicks off Homecoming Northern Iowan 108:12, p.1 |
Eight student groups showcased their singing and dancing in the annual Homecoming Pride Cry contest. This year's contest was determined to be the best ever; photo. | |
25 | Student Profile: T. J. Warren Northern Iowan 107:56, p.2 |
Received his master's degree in postsecondary education--student affairs last month and ended a colorful college career; served as a resident assistant, Student Admissions Ambassador, and as TC this past year; among other activities; photo. | |
26 | UNI student named Iowa Student Employee of the Year Northern Iowan 107:54, p.1 |
Darion Watson, a senior communication major, is the first UNI student to be so honored. Mr. Watson is a resident assistant in Dancer Hall. Amy Mesirow, Dancer Hall RLC, says Watson's personal integrity and drive are unparalleled; photo. | |
27 | 'STOP THE CUTS' Northern Iowan 107:43, p.1 |
Regent's Day brought roughly two hundred fifty students to Des Moines. Students visited with legislators, hoping to hold the line on budget cuts aimed at higher education; photo. |
28 | Spring 2011 Career Fair fast approaching Northern Iowan 107:37, p.1 |
Career Fair is an opportunity for employers to meet with students. Experiences gained benefit all ages of students; photo. | |
29 | Looking for ways to spend free time? Northern Iowan 107:1, p.12 |
Getting involved in campus activities can be a key factor in college success. Campus Activity Board activities on Thursday evenings, intramurals, Camp Adventure, and the Northern Iowa Student Government are examples; photo. | |
30 | UNI announces 2010 Lux Service Award recipients Public Relations News Release 2009:437, p.1 |
The Lux Service Award is the most prestigious award given to three undergraduate students each academic year to acknowledge their service to UNI. Recipients are: Amy Costliow, Ebony Jackson, and Jessica Staudt. | |
31 | UNI announces new members of Student Admissions Ambassadors Public Relations News Release 2009:252, p.1 |
The ambassadors are a select group of 50 students who volunteer to represent the university to prospective students and visitors by giving tours, serving on panels and hosting a variety of other events and activities. New members are listed. | |
32 | UNI to host Cedar Valley Middle School Midnight Preview March 13 Public Relations News Release 2008:388, p.1 |
Some middle school students in Waterloo and Cedar Falls will kick off their spring break at the WRC with a pizza party, informational sessions, movies and recreational options. Pernell Cezar will welcome the students. | |
33 | Trash clean up expensive Northern Iowan 105:14, p.1 |
Cleaning up after football games takes nearly sixty man hours and $2000; photo. | |
34 | UNI Homecoming Weedend reunions Public Relations News Release 2008:124, p.1 |
Several organizations will hold their alumni reunions and socials during the weekend of Oct. 10 - 11. List follows. | |
35 | Hail our Panthers, we are ever loyal Northern Iowan 104:48, p.7 |
School spirit and support of the University involves students, faculty, staff, parents, the community, and the Cedar Valley. | |
36 | Get off the couch and get involved already Northern Iowan 104:43, p.7 |
Involvement in extracurricular activities looks great to employers, especially if they are professional activities. Students urged to try different things. | |
37 | Crying out with Panther pride Northern Iowan 104:14, p.4 |
Panther Cry pep rally well attended; photo. | |
38 | Panther Portraits Northern Iowan 104:14, p.11 |
Photos from Pride Cry, Maucker Murals, and vigil in remembrance of Matthew Shepard; photo. |