Student Council of Religious Activities
Displaying 1 - 50 of 84 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
1 | Bishop Players perform tonight College Eye 63:8, p.4 |
California theater company will perform the play "Step Down to Glory" in the Auditorium. | |
2 | No boundaries on Christian achievement College Eye 60:34, p.4 |
Donald Bliss speaks at SCRA event. | |
3 | SCRA to host sixth annual religion lecture series College Eye 60:32, p.6 |
Representatives of three faiths will speak. | |
4 | Sixth annual SCRA lectures Feb. 14 & 15 College Eye 60:31, p.6 |
Schedule several speakers. | |
5 | Mr. Larson is featured SCRO speaker College Eye 60:25, p.8 |
Will speak on Holiday Inn strike. | |
6 | 'End of World' discussion in Regents Lounge College Eye 60:25, p.6 |
SCRA will sponsor discussion. | |
7 | Faculty-student relationships to be discussed College Eye 60:20, p.6 |
SCRA sponsors discussion; Professors Froyen and TePaske will participate. | |
8 | Religion--a creative power says Dr. James Thomas College Eye 60:10, p.5 |
Speech sponsored by SCRA. | |
9 | Register for SCRA rally by Thursday College Eye 60:3, p.4 |
Will hold discussion. | |
10 | Anderson made SCRA prexy at annual banquet College Eye 59:41, p.4 |
List of other officers. | |
11 | Two complain of EYE coverage, student unconcern for SCRA College Eye 59:31, p.2 |
Eye excluded coverage of Student Council of Religious Activities candidates. | |
12 | Panelists disagree on morality of Maitland's 'New Morality' College Eye 59:20, p.1 |
Panel discusses David Maitland's views; photo. | |
13 | Maitland tells convocation, 'not a new morality at all' College Eye 59:19, p.1 |
Excerpts from speech by David Maitland; photo. | |
14 | 'Religion and Morality' subject for SCRA series College Eye 59:18, p.1 |
David Maitland will speak; photo. | |
15 | SCRA sponsor for workshop on counseling College Eye 59:2, p.3 |
William Hulme will speak. | |
16 | Discuss rights in race-religion talks College Eye 58:18, p.5 |
Monsignor Daniel Cantwell, Edward Zerin, and Bishop Stephen Spottswood participate in panel discussion; photo. | |
17 | Three faiths represented: religious leaders to lecture at 3-day SCRA conference College Eye 58:17, p.1 |
Profile of guest speakers; photo. | |
18 | Race, religion conference set by SCRA College Eye 58:13, p.3 |
Description of conference. | |
19 | SCRA banquet will be Tuesday in Commons College Eye 57:28, p.6 |
Will install new officers. | |
20 | Latin America is ready for revolution say clergy officials College Eye 57:18, p.8 |
Excerpts from remarks by Howard Yoder and Father John De Jong. | |
21 | Latin American Religion topic for lecture Monday, Tuesday College Eye 57:17, p.1 |
Father De Jong and Howard Yoder will speak; photo. | |
22 | Missionaries speak on Latin America religions Feb. 11-12 College Eye 57:16, p.3 |
Profiles of Howard Yoder and Father John De Jong. | |
23 | SCRA, ACCIA plan lecture series College Eye 57:15, p.6 |
Howard Yoder and Father John W. De Jong will speak on religion in Latin America. | |
24 | Dr. Allen to speak at campus retreat College Eye 57:2, p.4 |
Dr. Allen with be the guest speaker at the Student Council of Religious Activities campus retreat. | |
25 | Zatha Weems to speak for SCRA dinner College Eye 56:29, p.3 |
26 | May apply for SCRA positions until Tuesday College Eye 56:19, p.5 |
27 | Kubose: Buddhism--America's most misunderstood religion College Eye 56:16, p.4 |
Excerpts from speech by Gyomay Kubose. | |
28 | SCRA to sponsor lecturer, Dr. Smith of MIT Jan. 21, 22 College Eye 56:15, p.5 |
Huston Smith will speak. | |
29 | 'Morality' film, discussion by SCRA Nov. 30 College Eye 56:10, p.5 |
30 | Catholic-Protestant dialogue Monday at ISTC Public Relations News Release 1960:394, p.1 |
The Student Council of Religious Activities sponsors a Roman Catholic-Protestant discussion between Professor James Spalding and Reverend Robert Welch of the State University of Iowa. The discussion will be held in Sabin Hall auditorium. | |
31 | Joseph Sittler to speak at ISTC Public Relations News Release 1960:211, p.1 |
The Student Council of Religious Activities sponsors two lectures by visiting speaker, Professor Joseph Sittler. Religious activities are directed by Professor Harold E. Bernhard. | |
32 | Senior chapel Sunday morning College Eye 51:31, p.1 |
Will conduct services. | |
33 | Special college convocation to be sponsored by SCRA College Eye 51:4, p.1 |
William E. Lockhart will discuss legal issues relating to religion at a public institution; photo. | |
34 | Second annual religious conf. this weekend College Eye 51:3, p.3 |
For campus religious leaders; sponsored by SCRA. | |
35 | Student Personnel Integrates Residence and Academic Programs Old Gold 0:0, p.94 |
The Student Personnel Office provides an opportunity for the student to develop intellectually, socially, and spiritually; combining the residence hall program with the academic program was the main goal of the Office of Student Personnel; photo. | |
36 | SCRA Sponsors Brotherhood Trips Old Gold 0:0, p.191 |
Activities began when the Fall Officer's Leadership Conference was held; the SCRA took trips to the Moslem Mosque in Cedar Rapids, the Greek Orthodox Church in Waterloo, and to Dubuque to observe the institutions of the Roman Catholic Church; photo. | |
37 | SCRA holds leadership workshop College Eye 50:2, p.3 |
For campus religious centers. | |
38 | SCRA Plans Campus Religious Policies Old Gold 0:0, p.190 |
Description of the Student Council of Religious Activities and a photo of the members; photo. |
39 | Student Personnel Old Gold 0:0, p.94 |
Brief description of the duties of the Student Personnel Office; photos. | |
40 | Meditations begin next Wednesday College Eye 49:3, p.6 |
Will hold short devotional services. | |
41 | SCRA Sponsors Religion-in-Life Week Old Gold 0:0, p.189 |
The purpose and major responsibility of this week was to make students more aware of God in their lives; activities promoted by the Student Council of Religious Activities were done through commissions on worship, religion in life, and publicity; photo. | |
42 | Student Personnel Old Gold 0:0, p.38 |
Student Personnel promotes the social and intellectual growth of each woman student through a counseling and guidance program, both group and individual; they also promote the overall physical and emotional health and wellbeing of every student; photo. | |
43 | Holy Week theme 'On the Cross' College Eye 48:25, p.1 |
Schedule of activities for Easter week. | |
44 | Student centers College Eye 48:8, p.8 |
News from campus religious centers. | |
45 | SCRA retreat near Madrid set Nov. 9-11 College Eye 48:7, p.1 |
46 | Religious leaders' dinner tomorrow College Eye 48:1, p.5 |
Annual fall dinner for campus religious leaders. | |
47 | student council of religious activities Old Gold 0:0, p.234 |
Brief description of the group; photo. | |
48 | Group visits church today College Eye 47:29, p.3 |
SCRA will visit St. Demetrius Church. | |
49 | Council schedules brotherhood trip College Eye 47:28, p.6 |
SCRA will visit Antioch Baptist Church. | |
50 | Brotherhood trip College Eye 47:14, p.8 |
Will visit St. Demetrius Church in Waterloo. |