Student Council of Religious Activities

Displaying 1 - 50 of 84 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Bishop Players perform tonight
College Eye 63:8, p.4
California theater company will perform the play "Step Down to Glory" in the Auditorium.
2 No boundaries on Christian achievement
College Eye 60:34, p.4
Donald Bliss speaks at SCRA event.
3 SCRA to host sixth annual religion lecture series
College Eye 60:32, p.6
Representatives of three faiths will speak.
4 Sixth annual SCRA lectures Feb. 14 & 15
College Eye 60:31, p.6
Schedule several speakers.
5 Mr. Larson is featured SCRO speaker
College Eye 60:25, p.8
Will speak on Holiday Inn strike.
6 'End of World' discussion in Regents Lounge
College Eye 60:25, p.6
SCRA will sponsor discussion.
7 Faculty-student relationships to be discussed
College Eye 60:20, p.6
SCRA sponsors discussion; Professors Froyen and TePaske will participate.
8 Religion--a creative power says Dr. James Thomas
College Eye 60:10, p.5
Speech sponsored by SCRA.
9 Register for SCRA rally by Thursday
College Eye 60:3, p.4
Will hold discussion.
10 Anderson made SCRA prexy at annual banquet
College Eye 59:41, p.4
List of other officers.
11 Two complain of EYE coverage, student unconcern for SCRA
College Eye 59:31, p.2
Eye excluded coverage of Student Council of Religious Activities candidates.
12 Panelists disagree on morality of Maitland's 'New Morality'
College Eye 59:20, p.1
Panel discusses David Maitland's views; photo.
13 Maitland tells convocation, 'not a new morality at all'
College Eye 59:19, p.1
Excerpts from speech by David Maitland; photo.
14 'Religion and Morality' subject for SCRA series
College Eye 59:18, p.1
David Maitland will speak; photo.
15 SCRA sponsor for workshop on counseling
College Eye 59:2, p.3
William Hulme will speak.
16 Discuss rights in race-religion talks
College Eye 58:18, p.5
Monsignor Daniel Cantwell, Edward Zerin, and Bishop Stephen Spottswood participate in panel discussion; photo.
17 Three faiths represented: religious leaders to lecture at 3-day SCRA conference
College Eye 58:17, p.1
Profile of guest speakers; photo.
18 Race, religion conference set by SCRA
College Eye 58:13, p.3
Description of conference.
19 SCRA banquet will be Tuesday in Commons
College Eye 57:28, p.6
Will install new officers.
20 Latin America is ready for revolution say clergy officials
College Eye 57:18, p.8
Excerpts from remarks by Howard Yoder and Father John De Jong.
21 Latin American Religion topic for lecture Monday, Tuesday
College Eye 57:17, p.1
Father De Jong and Howard Yoder will speak; photo.
22 Missionaries speak on Latin America religions Feb. 11-12
College Eye 57:16, p.3
Profiles of Howard Yoder and Father John De Jong.
23 SCRA, ACCIA plan lecture series
College Eye 57:15, p.6
Howard Yoder and Father John W. De Jong will speak on religion in Latin America.
24 Dr. Allen to speak at campus retreat
College Eye 57:2, p.4
Dr. Allen with be the guest speaker at the Student Council of Religious Activities campus retreat.
25 Zatha Weems to speak for SCRA dinner
College Eye 56:29, p.3
26 May apply for SCRA positions until Tuesday
College Eye 56:19, p.5
27 Kubose: Buddhism--America's most misunderstood religion
College Eye 56:16, p.4
Excerpts from speech by Gyomay Kubose.
28 SCRA to sponsor lecturer, Dr. Smith of MIT Jan. 21, 22
College Eye 56:15, p.5
Huston Smith will speak.
29 'Morality' film, discussion by SCRA Nov. 30
College Eye 56:10, p.5
30 Catholic-Protestant dialogue Monday at ISTC
Public Relations News Release 1960:394, p.1
The Student Council of Religious Activities sponsors a Roman Catholic-Protestant discussion between Professor James Spalding and Reverend Robert Welch of the State University of Iowa. The discussion will be held in Sabin Hall auditorium.
31 Joseph Sittler to speak at ISTC
Public Relations News Release 1960:211, p.1
The Student Council of Religious Activities sponsors two lectures by visiting speaker, Professor Joseph Sittler. Religious activities are directed by Professor Harold E. Bernhard.
32 Senior chapel Sunday morning
College Eye 51:31, p.1
Will conduct services.
33 Special college convocation to be sponsored by SCRA
College Eye 51:4, p.1
William E. Lockhart will discuss legal issues relating to religion at a public institution; photo.
34 Second annual religious conf. this weekend
College Eye 51:3, p.3
For campus religious leaders; sponsored by SCRA.
35 Student Personnel Integrates Residence and Academic Programs
Old Gold 0:0, p.94
The Student Personnel Office provides an opportunity for the student to develop intellectually, socially, and spiritually; combining the residence hall program with the academic program was the main goal of the Office of Student Personnel; photo.
36 SCRA Sponsors Brotherhood Trips
Old Gold 0:0, p.191
Activities began when the Fall Officer's Leadership Conference was held; the SCRA took trips to the Moslem Mosque in Cedar Rapids, the Greek Orthodox Church in Waterloo, and to Dubuque to observe the institutions of the Roman Catholic Church; photo.
37 SCRA holds leadership workshop
College Eye 50:2, p.3
For campus religious centers.
38 SCRA Plans Campus Religious Policies
Old Gold 0:0, p.190

Description of the Student Council of Religious Activities and a photo of the members; photo.

39 Student Personnel
Old Gold 0:0, p.94
Brief description of the duties of the Student Personnel Office; photos.
40 Meditations begin next Wednesday
College Eye 49:3, p.6
Will hold short devotional services.
41 SCRA Sponsors Religion-in-Life Week
Old Gold 0:0, p.189
The purpose and major responsibility of this week was to make students more aware of God in their lives; activities promoted by the Student Council of Religious Activities were done through commissions on worship, religion in life, and publicity; photo.
42 Student Personnel
Old Gold 0:0, p.38
Student Personnel promotes the social and intellectual growth of each woman student through a counseling and guidance program, both group and individual; they also promote the overall physical and emotional health and wellbeing of every student; photo.
43 Holy Week theme 'On the Cross'
College Eye 48:25, p.1
Schedule of activities for Easter week.
44 Student centers
College Eye 48:8, p.8
News from campus religious centers.
45 SCRA retreat near Madrid set Nov. 9-11
College Eye 48:7, p.1
46 Religious leaders' dinner tomorrow
College Eye 48:1, p.5
Annual fall dinner for campus religious leaders.
47 student council of religious activities
Old Gold 0:0, p.234
Brief description of the group; photo.
48 Group visits church today
College Eye 47:29, p.3
SCRA will visit St. Demetrius Church.
49 Council schedules brotherhood trip
College Eye 47:28, p.6
SCRA will visit Antioch Baptist Church.
50 Brotherhood trip
College Eye 47:14, p.8
Will visit St. Demetrius Church in Waterloo.