Student Leadership Association

Displaying 1 - 19 of 19 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 MLKJ Day of Service
Northern Iowan 111:29, p.1
Many UNI students and faculty worked together to remember and honor Martin Luther King Junior; photo.
2 Friends, colleagues remember Martin
Northern Iowan 109:1, p.1

Drake Martin died as the result of a fall at Backbone State Park. He served as the assistant director of residence. He was a positive influence on untold numbers of students. He will be missed.

3 Stewart and Anderson receive Lux Service Award
Northern Iowan 108:54, p.1
Ashley Stewart and Joel Anderson received the Lux Service Award, the highest honor bestowed on undergraduates at UNI. The award recognizes those who have outstanding records of service to the university; photo.
4 Random Acts of Kindness Week encourages students to take on volunteer opportunities
Northern Iowan 108:36, p.5
Volunteer Center of Cedar Valley joined with UNI in 2008 to promote volunteer events in the Cedar Valley. Iowa is the second largest volunteer state with over 880,000 official volunteers.
5 UNI to host Martin Luther King, Jr. Day of service
Public Relations News Release 2011:231, p.1
The Martin Luther King, Jr Day of Service will bring out more than 200 UNI students, faculty and staff in volunteering in the Cedar Valley.
6 Volunteer Tuesdays
Northern Iowan 107:44, p.1
The Student Leadership Center sponsors two shifts of volunteer activities, 2-5 and 5-8. Students volunteer at organizations such as the Salvation Army and the Northeast Iowa Food Bank; photo.
7 SIAC now accepting nominations for Student Organization Awards
Northern Iowan 107:44, p.4
The Student Involvement and Activities Center and the Student Leadership Center recognize the hard work that students do outside the classroom.
8 UNI to celebrate Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Northern Iowan 107:28, p.1
Dwight Watson, Dean of the College of Education, will speak on the importance of Dr. King to all races, ethnicities, religions, or sexual orientations; photo.
9 UNI Student Leadership Center develops leadership skills
Northern Iowan 107:5, p.7
Maucker Union sponsors a group to provide students with leadership opportunities. On Volunteer Tuesdays, the group provides transportation to four area service agencies. A rope course event is planned later in September.
10 UNI announces 2010 Lux Service Award recipients
Public Relations News Release 2009:437, p.1
The Lux Service Award is the most prestigious award given to three undergraduate students each academic year to acknowledge their service to UNI. Recipients are: Amy Costliow, Ebony Jackson, and Jessica Staudt.
11 UNI announces winners of leadership awards
Public Relations News Release 2007:701, p.1
The Leadership Center recently hosted a reception ceremony recognizing students involved in leadership roles and programs during the 2007-2008 academic year.
12 News Talk looks into manipulation tactics
Northern Iowan 104:47, p.1
Students and citizens make up the News Talk discussion group; meets in the University Book and Supply store; photo.
13 Workshop shows ins and outs of event planning
Northern Iowan 104:29, p.2
Student Leadership Center hosted an interactive workshop on how students can get involved in the event planning field; photo.
14 Lending a helpful paw
Northern Iowan 95:35, p.12
Student Leadership Association organized Panther Pals, pairing upper-classman with a freshman to help acclimatize the new student to campus and Cedar Falls.
15 Lt. Governor Joy Corning to give leadership awards speech at University of Northern Iowa, April 13
Public Relations News Release 0:469, p.1
Joy Corning will speak at the Student Leadership Awards reception at UNI.
16 Student leaders hold conference
College Eye 41:28, p.5
A list of those students attending the conference and assuming leadership on campus next year.
17 Committee appointed for religious week
College Eye 36:13, p.1
18 Tutor Timetable
College Eye 32:8, p.1
Meetings and events scheduled; Tri S to meet.
19 Student Council unveils problems they considered
College Eye 13:18, p.1
Recommends that ISTC hold a May Day celebration, eliminate chapel attendance slips, organize a Publicity Bureau, provide a school supply store, and organize two more dances.