Student League

Displaying 1 - 50 of 62 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Student Senate history notes changes
Northern Iowan 66:51, p.9
Brief history of student regulation and governance.
2 Two SLB presidential candidates express views on campus issues
College Eye 59:27, p.3
Dan Jorgensen and Wes Barnett outline their views.
3 Board considers proposals for a semi-weekly EYE
College Eye 59:11, p.5
Might begin next semester; will publish column on student government every two weeks.
4 Purple Arrow book sales total $1,800
College Eye 58:21, p.7
607 books were sold.
5 Applications for government offices on campus available
College Eye 56:20, p.3
6 ISTC states non-discriminatory policy
Public Relations News Release 1960:354, p.1
President James William Maucker announces a non-discriminatory rental policy for off-campus student housing. The policy was endorsed by the Faculty Senate and Student League Board.
7 Benefit Fair
Old Gold 0:0, p.24
Description of the 1957 Benefit Fair organized to raise money for welfare organizations with booths that offered babysitting to a kissing booth; photos.
8 Orientation Photos
Old Gold 0:0, p.25
Photos of the Fall Convocation, All-Campus Church Night and of the A. W. S. Convocation are featured on this page; photos.
9 State Attorney General Robert L. Larson will be guest speaker during the annual all-campus student election convocation Wednesday, April 9
Public Relations News Release 1951:561, p.1
Three candidates for Student League Board president, top position in student government on campus, will also speak at the convocation, which is the feature of pre-election activities.
10 Special to: Cedar Falls Daily Record
Public Relations News Release 1951:142, p.1
Arno Jensen, George Holmes, and Bill York were accepted for recognition in the 1951-52 edition of "Who's Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges."
11 In an all-campus election the students voted to have cut day as a day of on-campus festivity at an undisclosed date
Public Relations News Release 1951:71, p.1
The election was the result of a recommendation presented to the Student League board, and student governing body. Traditionally cut day was a spontaneous event sponsored by the Student League board. It is usually held the Friday of Homecoming week.
12 Clear Lake Mirror - Dean Myhr
Public Relations News Release 1951:47, p.1
Dean Myhr, Clear Lake, has been appointed to serve as co-chairman of the Dad's Day committee. Myhr, a senior student, is an art major. The committee plans the annual Dad's Day, which will be held October 20 in conjunction with the football game.
13 Clear Lake Reporter - Dean Myhr
Public Relations News Release 1951:48, p.1
Dean Myhr, Clear Lake, has been appointed to serve as co-chairman of the Dad's Day committee at the College. The appointment was made by the Student League board, student governing body.
14 Cedar Valley Times - Beth Smalley
Public Relations News Release 1951:50, p.1
Beth Smalley, Vinton, has been appointed to the Board of Control of Student Publications at the College. The appointment was made by the Student League Board, student governing body at the college. Also appointed to the board was Jim Rassmussen, Waterloo.
15 Cedar Falls Daily Record - Bill York
Public Relations News Release 1951:51, p.1
Bill York, Cedar Falls was elected vice president of the Student League Board at the College this week. Evelyn Seipert, also of Cedr Falls was elected to serve as secretary of the group.
16 Herbert V. Hake, radio program director, will head the college's lecture-concert committee during the coming year
Public Relations News Release 1950:391, p.1
Hake's appointment was announced by J. W. Maucker. The retiring committee chairman, L. L. Sage, asked to be relieved of committee responsibilities because of his professional duties. Three students will also serve on the committee.
17 The Oil Can, awarded annually to the student contributing the most to journalist was presented to Clara Hack and Dewayne Cuthbertson
Public Relations News Release 1950:321, p.1
Hack is executive editor of the College Eye, weekly newspaper, and Cuthbertson is executive editor of Old Gold, the yearbook. The award was made at the annual Gridiron dinner sponsored by the campus chapter of Alpha Phi Gamma.
18 Presidential candidates for the Student League board gave short campaign speeches Monday morning (March 5) at an all-student convocation.
Public Relations News Release 1950:252, p.1
The two candidates are Lee Mille, 22, sophomore from Manchester and Don Peters, 21, junior from Marcus. Miller is majoring in physics and mathematics and Peters in business education.
19 All-student elections at ISTC
Public Relations News Release 1950:247, p.1
The next few days will see plenty of campaign activity at the college as candidates in Wednesday's (March 7) all-student election rustle up support.
20 SLB approves drive for Red Cross here
College Eye 42:20, p.5
Alpha Phi Omega will sponsor drive.
21 Name Reporters for College Eye
Public Relations News Release 1950:106, p.1
Ann Lane covers music events; Jim Young, covers safety education programs and the Student League board, and Shirlee Davis, covers the home economics department. The three are from Waterloo.
22 AWS and Men's Union work on booklets for fall distribution
College Eye 41:29, p.5
Description of the booklets.
23 Hilltopics; committees at work
College Eye 40:12, p.2
Organizations searching for members; believe it will be a worthwhile experience.
24 Dean of Men
Old Gold 0:0, p.19
Gordon Ellis has become a busy man on campus, thanks to the increased number of male students. Dean Ellis handles men's housing, employment, personal records, and veteran affairs; photo.
25 Campus Personalities
Old Gold 0:0, p.130
Three active students on campus that people should know; photo.
26 Who's Who
Old Gold 0:0, p.132
Brief biographies of eight students selected as Who's Who in American Colleges and Universities; photo.
27 Who's Who "Big Wheels" on campus
Old Gold 0:0, p.134

Brief biographies of eight more active students on campus; photo.

28 Roger's Rambling Remarks
College Eye 38:20, p.2
News around campus and suggestions for improvement.
29 Man heads Student League
Alumnus 30:4, p.3
Sam Edgar is president.
30 Student League Board
Old Gold 0:0, p.28
The student league oversee committees and organizations on campus; photo.
31 Student League constitution OK'd by student vote
College Eye 37:26, p.3
Students approve new constitution, 478-46.
32 Sam Edgar selected president of Student League
Public Relations News Release 1946:68, p.1
Maurine DeWitt selected as president of the Women's League and Keith Keel will continue as head of the Men's Union.
33 Choose campus officers; Edgar heads all students for 1946-47
College Eye 37:23, p.1
Sam Edgar will head SLB; Maurine DeWitt will head Women's League; Keith Keel will head Men's Union; photo.
34 Cutline for photo of Melba Wallace
Public Relations News Release 1946:50, p.1
Melba Wallace elected president of the Student League. She will complete the unexpired term of Leona Bro.
35 Student League board elects president
Public Relations News Release 1946:49, p.1
Melba Wallace elected president of the Student League; to fill out the unexpired term of Leona Bro.
36 Upcoming election to select the president of the Student League
Public Relations News Release 1946:36, p.1
Three candidates will be on the ballot during advance registration. All three have a long list of qualifications.
37 League should handle smoking issue
College Eye 37:9, p.2
Lawther Hall women believe that college should provide locations on campus in which smoking is allowed.
38 Student administration
Old Gold 0:0, p.34
The Student Welfare Committee and Student League plan activities and recommend solutions to student problems; photo.
39 Tutor Timetable
College Eye 36:29, p.2
Campus events.
40 Tutor Timetable
College Eye 36:25, p.1
Campus event schedule.
41 Student League primaries scheduled this weekend
College Eye 36:24, p.1
Voting procedures.
42 Ice Carnival to be tomorrow night
College Eye 36:18, p.1
Description of the program.
43 Tutor Timetable
College Eye 36:16, p.2
Campus activities.
44 Tutor timetable
College Eye 36:14, p.3
Campus events and activities.
45 Tutor Timetable
College Eye 36:10, p.4
Campus events and activities.
46 War stamp big aim of war activities committee
College Eye 36:6, p.1
Student War Activities Committee outlines their plans.
47 Student League and how it works.
Old Gold 0:0, p.30
Purpose of Student League and the three major committees; photo.
48 Here's what happened at Iowa State Teachers College in 1943-1944
College Eye 35:31, p.3
Photos of activities and people throughout the year; photo.
49 A trumpet-band--formals to grace year-end dance
College Eye 35:31, p.1
Description of the Senior Prom.
50 The ambitious forty
College Eye 35:29, p.2
Urges wider participation in student leadership.