Study Abroad

Displaying 1 - 50 of 675 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Iceland study abroad experience
Northern Iowan 119:37, p.4
A small group of UNI students and faculty shared their findings from their trip to Iceland during a seminar held in Latham Hall on February 13, 2023. Peyton Guthrie writes the trip details and about how students can learn more information about study abroad trips; photo.
2 Panther portrait: Study abroad trip to Iceland
Northern Iowan 119:37, p.5
Five photos of students' and faculties trip to Iceland over winter break; photo.
3 UNI Study Abroad Center hosts Passport Day
Northern Iowan 119:23, p.5
The Study Abroad Center will host UNI Passport Day in Bartlett where students can apply for or renew their passports. The Black Hawk County Recorder's Office will be at the event to accept passport applications and renewals.
4 UNI's study abroad program bounces back post pandemic
Northern Iowan 119:16, p.1
Kate Murphy interviews the secretary at the study abroad center (SAC) Ann Frenna about the adjustments that have been made with planning study abroad trips during and after the pandemic; photo.
5 Second First Impressions
Northern Iowan 118:7, p.3
Brittany Kalvig discusses the pros of traveling abroad before or during college; photo.
6 Study abroad fair goes virtual
Northern Iowan 117:28, p.4
The Study Abroad Fair is held virtually; photos.
7 Study Abroad Fair goes virtual
Northern Iowan 117:9, p.4
The Study Abroad Fair is hosted virtually due to COVID-19; photos.
8 UNI cancels international travel, COVID-19
Northern Iowan 116:42, p.1
Due to COVID-19, UNI has cancelled all university-sponsored international travel. The university first cancelled travel for the next 30 days, then for all summer 2020 study abroad courses. UNI implemented travel restrictions in stages, beginning in January with a temporary moratorium on travel to China, extending it to South Korea on February 29, Italy on March 2, and Iran on March 3. Students in UNI Camp Adventure were recalled or transferred from affected areas. On March 5, the Board of Regents issued a statement for all three public universities cancelling university-sponsored travel for all faculty, staff, and students for the next 30 days, which included spring break. UNI absorbed the cost of cancelled study abroad programs. Although the threat of the virus remained low for Iowa and campus, the university began preparations for the unlikely event of a campus shutdown with information posted on A panel on the virus and combatting its spread was to be held March 11 in Lang Hall Auditorium; photo.
9 Panther Portrait: Study Abroad Fair
Northern Iowan 115:30, p.4
The Study Abroad Fair took place on January 23 in the Maucker Union ballroom; photos.
10 The best field trip you'll ever take
Northern Iowan 115:28, p.3
Barikor writes about a study abroad experience in Spain and urges other UNI students to study abroad; photos.
11 Tips to remember while packing for study abroad
Northern Iowan 115:9, p.3
Kong, currently studying in England, gives packing tips to those preparing for their own study abroad experiences; photo.
12 Traveling the world with study abroad
Northern Iowan 115:7, p.4
The Study Abroad Center will host a Study Abroad Fair to encourage students to explore the possibility of studying abroad; photos.
13 Study Abroad Fair
Northern Iowan 114:8, p.1
The annual Study Abroad Fair gives students a chance to learn about the opportunity to Study abroad for a year, semester or as a shorter program; photo.
14 Fill up on Study Abroad
Northern Iowan 112:37, p.1

The Residence Hall Association (RHA) and UNI Study Abroad hosted "Around the World in 80 Plates" on Tuesday, February 16; photo.

15 The ebb and flow of study abroad programs
Northern Iowan 112:9, p.2
Many factors, such as enrollment and professor availability, play a role in UNI study abroad's capstone offerings.
16 New opportunities abroad
Northern Iowan 112:7, p.4

Study Abroad's International Opportunities Fair was held in the Maucker Union Ballrooms on September 16, showcasing many of the programs and experiences available to students.

17 How studying abroad changed my life
Northern Iowan 111:44, p.3
Riley Cosgrove shares how studying abroad changed his academics.
18 Study abroad offers trip to Tanzania
Northern Iowan 111:17, p.1
Students are able to take a ten day trip to Tanzania as part of UNI's Study Abroad program; photo.
19 Study abroad under interim direction
Northern Iowan 111:2, p.2
When previous director Yana Cornish resigned, Craig Klafter, the former Associate Provost for International Programs, approached Assistant Director of the Study Abroad Center Paula Vanzee about filling in as the interim director; photo.
20 Study abroad as a UNI student!
Northern Iowan 110:55, p.
Says students can study abroad while paying UNI tuition.
21 Unforeseen benefits of study abroad
Northern Iowan 110:51, p.3
The author shares her international experience that she had. She mentions that even if you study abroad for a short period of time you will still benefit from it. Many students are more confidence and creative after their experience; photo.
22 Bass brings vast experience to CSBS
Northern Iowan 110:51, p.1
Brenda Bass has been named the new Dean of the College of Social and Behavioral Sciences. She has been with UNI since 1996. She is excited about this new opportunity.
23 Grab college opportunities and travel while young
Northern Iowan 110:41, p.3
The author encourages college students to take advantage of every opportunity to travel and experience different cultures. Even if you are not able to travel, there are many other ways at UNI to learn about and experience different cultures.
24 UNI students explore living beyond U.S. borders
Northern Iowan 110:31, p.1
UNI's Study Abroad Department hosted an International Opportunities Fair for students to learn more about different study abroad opportunities. Interested students were able to talk to others about their study abroad experience; photo.
25 UNI and KNU partner for STEM education
Northern Iowan 110:3, p.2
UNI will be partnering with Kyungpook University in South Korea to support science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education. Students from each school will be provided with a dual-degree opportunity and the chance to study abroad.
26 UNI partners with Kyungpook National University in Korea to internationalize STEM education
Public Relations News Release 2013:24, p.1
UNI is partnering with Kyungpook National University in Korea to announce an innovative double-degree program. The program is for students training to be teachers in the science, technology, engineering, and mathematics areas.
27 University of Northern Iowa Study Abroad Center recognized in new report
Public Relations News Release 2012:209, p.1
UNI's Study Abroad Center has been recognized nationally in the 2012 Open Door Report.
28 Clearing up portions of Study Abroad article
Northern Iowan 109:26, p.4
Associate Provost Klafter responds to previous article concerning the Study Abroad program. Mistaken information and confusion in previous article addressed.
29 Remarkable voices
Northern Iowa Today 94:4, p.8
UNI speech pathology program is strong; includes possibility for international work; one hundred per cent job placement for graduates; photo.
30 Faculty express concerns about Study Abroad Center; restructuring, compensation, faculty oversight committee discussed in meeting
Northern Iowan 109:25, p.1
Faculty raise concerns over compensation from Study Abroad programs. Senate meeting proposes faculty oversight committee for Study Abroad to make appropriate decisions about Study Abroad courses; photo.
31 UNI southern Italy capstone course earns top national honors from Abroad101
Northern Iowan 109:24, p.6
Based on student reviews, UNI's southern Italy capstone course was voted the number one short-term study abroad program in the United States. Study Abroad Center will continue to offer short-term courses and add additional programs; photo.
32 UNI Study Abroad Center receives top ranking
Public Relations News Release 2012:134, p.1
UNI Study Abroad Capstone in Southern Italy awarded top short-term study abroad program. UNI offers study abroad programs in more than sixty countries.
33 UNI to celebrate International Education Week
Public Relations News Release 2012:129, p.1
UNI International Programs, Study Abroad Center, Culture and Intensive English Program, the International Student and Scholars Office celebrate International Education Week at UNI. Various activities will take place throughout the week-long celebration.
34 Get an edge and step out of your comfort zone by studying abroad
Northern Iowan 109:14, p.4
Students encouraged to take advantage of study abroad opportunities. Analysis of future employment and other benefits. Information on opportunities for going abroad provided.
35 Be UNIque, Study Abroad
Northern Iowan 109:7, p.6
Opportunities to study abroad are provided including credit hours, countries, and schedules.
36 Study abroad and see the world from a new perspective
Northern Iowan 109:5, p.4
Taking advantage of the opportunity to study abroad provides experiences the student will never forget. Ninety percent of the programs available are in English speaking countries. Financing is aided by scholarships and grants; photo.
37 UNI student saves life while aboard
Northern Iowan 109:2, p.8
Austin Hedstrom used his life saving skills to save the life of a Chinese boy. Hedstrom saw the problem, reacted, and took immediate action. Back thrusts caused the boy to spit up water. Hedstrom then went with the boy to the hospital; photo.
38 Be UNIque, Study Abroad
Northern Iowan 109:2, p.3
Study Abroad Center announces the opportunities for the coming year to study overseas. These sessions carry college credit, plus the chance to experience other cultures.
39 Student questions information disclosure by Study Abroad
Northern Iowan 108:51, p.1
Rebecca Byrne believes that Excel attachments to an E-mail that listed names, E-mail addresses, UNI ID numbers, emergency contact numbers, and the emergency contact relationship violated federal law.
40 Where in the world is UNI?
Northern Iowa Today 95:1, p.16
UNI ranked fourth in US for its study abroad program; over 3500 UNI students have studies abroad since 2000; photo.
41 Campaigning abroad
Northern Iowan 108:35, p.4
Students studying abroad face major hurdles if running for office in the Northern Iowa Student Government. Getting on the ballot is very challenging.
42 Abroad 101 ranks UNI as number four study abroad program in nation
Northern Iowan 108:31, p.1
Six hundred students from UNI took advantage of the study abroad program last semester. The office has grown from one person to a staff that provides programs in over sixty countries; photo.
43 UNI to celebrate 2011 International Education Week
Public Relations News Release 2011:114, p.1
International Education Week will be celebrated from November 14 to November 18.
44 Week highlights opportunities for international education
Northern Iowan 108:22, p.4
November 14 marks the beginning of a series of events highlighting many different countries. Information displays, international foods, cultural games, and speakers will be featured.
45 These aren't your mom's reasons for studying abroad
Northern Iowan 108:22, p.6
Studying abroad recommended. Examining yourself, your culture, and experiencing a new culture and way of life are exciting.
46 Stepping into the unknown; alumna combines spirit of adventure with international business savvy to help underprivileged
Northern Iowa Today 94:3, p.8
Kristi Philips talks about her extensive experience studying abroad during her years at UNI; photo.
47 UNI celebrates International Education Week
Northern Iowan 107:23, p.1
Provost Gloria Gibson opened the celebration Sunday in Lang Auditorium. Guang Jin, a UNI alumnus, was the keynote speaker. The week's activities announced.
48 U. S. issues European travel alert
Northern Iowan 107:16, p.3
Americans traveling to Europe are being warned to be vigilant while in tourist areas. Terrorist chatter has increased lately. It is better to be safe than sorry.
49 Class exchange brings unique opportunity to students
Northern Iowan 107:9, p.1
The largest number of CIEP students come from China and Saudi Arabia. Turkey, Japan, Viet Nam, Mexico, South Korea, Chile, and Iraq also have students in the program. These students are involved in a class exchange with a Human Relations class; photo.
50 UNI business students, get your passports ready
Northern Iowan 107:4, p.1
Cost-Neutral Semester Abroad Program is available to business students. Two scholarships are being offered for the 2011 spring semester. Applications will be accepted through October 31, 2011.