Sullivan Brothers Iowa Veterans Museum

Displaying 1 - 4 of 4 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Observance of Veterans Day
Northern Iowan 119:22, p.4
Trevor Meyers writes about the history of Veterans Day and why it is important to honor and celebrate veterans; photo.
2 NISG to host events honoring veterans
Northern Iowan 118:22, p.1
Northern Iowa Student Government (NISG) will host the first annual Veteran's Night Out at the Sullivan Brothers Iowa Veterans Museum and Grout Museum in place of the Military Ball. This event will honor those serving currently or in the past; photo.
3 Past student activists call for change
Northern Iowan 112:51, p.2

The event "Brave Student Voices" took place in the Commons on April 12 and featured current students activists as well as members of the UNI Seven, including Byron Washington and Terry Stevens; photo.

4 Ninth year of beer benefit
Northern Iowan 112:39, p.1

The ninth annual Beers to You and Gourmet Too, a fundraiser for the Gallagher Bluedorn Performing Arts Center (GBPAC), will take place at the Five Sullivan Brothers Center in Waterloo on February 27; photos.