Sykes--Coral Gladys (Class of 1910)
Displaying 1 - 50 of 50 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
1 | Iowa City, Iowa Alumnus 28:3, p.6 |
Former students meet in Chicago. | |
2 | Ralph W. Scott Alumnus 21:2, p.19 |
Sales engineer in Detroit, Michigan, for the Julian d' Este Company; married to Coral Sykes, who visited the campus. | |
3 | A wedding of interest to alumni College Eye 3:5, p.97 |
Coral Sykes married Ralph W. Scott. | |
4 | Miss Coral Sykes College Eye 2:1, p.12 |
Attended local wedding. | |
5 | Coral G. Sykes Normal Eyte 21:6, p.100 |
Enjoying her work in Kirksville, Missouri. | |
6 | Coral Sykes Normal Eyte 21:4, p.62 |
Teaches in the Kirksville Normal School. | |
7 | Cliosophic Old Gold 0:0, p.135 |
Description of the Cliosophic literary society, includes group photos, officers, goings on of the society for the year, basketball rosters, program for an open session, and photo of the Clio-Orio orchestra. | |
8 | Miss Ethel Sykes Normal Eyte 20:30, p.503 |
Spent Sunday with her sister. | |
9 | Miss Mildred Sykes Normal Eyte 20:28, p.467 |
Spent her vacation with her sister. | |
10 | Clios banqueted by Orios; members of two societies meet in annual banquet; many witty toasts given Normal Eyte 20:22, p.371 |
Program for the banquet and entertainment. | |
11 | Seniors entertain; give Valentine party in Gymnasium on Saturday evening; interesting program given Normal Eyte 20:21, p.344 |
Enjoyed games and music. | |
12 | Neos rout Clios; defeat yellow and white team 23 to 9; first round in tournament completed Normal Eyte 20:20, p.339 |
Three Clio regulars were ill. | |
13 | Clio open session; two-part program pleases large crowd; humorous farce is rendered. Normal Eyte 20:12, p.203 |
A review of "A Bunch of Roses." | |
14 | The Band and Orchestra Old Gold 0:0, p.164 |
Repertoire and roster of members; photo. |
15 | Student recital; musical by pupils of Music department much enjoyed Normal Eyte 19:21, p.326 |
Program of performers and their work. | |
16 | Society; Chresto Normal Eyte 19:17, p.265 |
Chrestos enjoy program and dinner with international theme. | |
17 | Ames wins debate; farmers almost even up old score. Normal fought ably, but "aggies" convinced judges Normal Eyte 19:10, p.148 |
Recap of the debate; photo. | |
18 | Society; Aristo, Orio, Chresto Normal Eyte 19:8, p.125 |
Aristos give program on "The Possibilities of Young Men"; Orios discuss Balkans; Chrestos held initiation. | |
19 | Miss Coral Sykes Normal Eyte 19:1, p.15 |
Back in school. | |
20 | The orchestra Old Gold 0:0, p.143 |
Success of Merrill Orchestra at the Iowa State Normal School due to enthusiasm of the leader and members. | |
21 | The Cliosophic Society Old Gold 0:0, p.227 |
Officers, mascot, and activities of the society; photo. | |
22 | Cliosophic Literary Society Old Gold 0:0, p.226 |
Photo. | |
23 | Coral Sykes Normal Eyte 18:23, p.367 |
Father died. | |
24 | Y. W. C. A. notes Normal Eyte 18:21, p.332 |
Held several prayer meetings. | |
25 | A chapel orchestra Normal Eyte 18:4, p.60 |
Professor Merrill will direct a student orchestra that will play at the end of each chapel service. | |
26 | Coral Sykes Normal Eyte 18:2, p.30 |
Will enroll again to continue her courses in music. | |
27 | The Normal Orchestra Old Gold 0:0, p.150 |
Briefly discusses advancements in the orchestra, their repertoire, and members; photo. |
28 | Cecilian Glee Club Old Gold 0:0, p.148 |
Brief history of the Club and roster of current members; photo. | |
29 | The Cliosophic Society Old Gold 0:0, p.181 |
Society officers, members and description of activities; photo. | |
30 | Society Normal Eyte 17:8, p.123 |
Philos present literary program; Orios celebrate selection of debaters; Clios hold initiation; Neos present Indian program; Ossolis had social program. | |
31 | Y. W. C. A. notes Normal Eyte 17:6, p.92 |
Enjoyed breakfast meeting and devotions. | |
32 | The Normal Orchestra Pedagog 0:0, p.120 |
Doing well under the direction of Professor Merrill; photo. | |
33 | The Cliosophic Society Pedagog 0:0, p.85 |
Brief organization of the organization; photo. | |
34 | Pedagog staff Pedagog 0:0, p.8 |
Roster of editorial staff and associates for the 1906 Pedagog. | |
35 | Wednesday afternoon Normal Eyte 16:29, p.461 |
Students presented a recital of music and readings; program of performers and their work. | |
36 | Wednesday p. m. Normal Eyte 16:27, p.430 |
Pupils of Professors Curtiss, Merrill, and Gray performed. | |
37 | Society Normal Eyte 16:24, p.377 |
Shakes held Far North program; Aristos, Zetas, and Philos all held meetings. |
38 | Bertha Gould Normal Eyte 16:19, p.303 |
Visiting friends. | |
39 | Society Normal Eyte 16:15, p.230 |
Orios tell how their members are going to spend the upcoming vacation; Clios gave performance of scenes from William Tell; Philos gave a skating program. | |
40 | Orios Normal Eyte 16:3, p.41 |
Meeting includes debate on appropriate length of high school studies. | |
41 | The Normal Orchestra Normal Eyte Annual 0:0, p.56 |
Began in 1895 and has prospered through two talented directors; photo. | |
42 | The Cecilian Glee Club Normal Eyte Annual 0:0, p.52 |
Group organized in 1888; unites yearly with the Minnesingers to perform at Commencement; photo. | |
43 | Clio Normal Eyte 15:31, p.492 |
A College program and an Old Ladies' program were presented. | |
44 | Coral Sykes and Vera Bradley Normal Eyte 15:28, p.446 |
Were entertained by Lillian Egloff. | |
45 | Coral Sykes Normal Eyte 15:24, p.382 |
Has returned and entered the music department. | |
46 | Coral Sykes Normal Eyte 15:14, p.221 |
Is teaching near Mason City. | |
47 | Clio Normal Eyte 14:18, p.282 |
Members present program although tired. | |
48 | Alice Ione Cramer Normal Eyte 14:17, p.270 |
Alice Cramer visited her parents. | |
49 | Clio Normal Eyte 14:16, p.251 |
Ida Marschall is president of the Clios. | |
50 | Clio Normal Eyte 14:14, p.218 |
Visitors are always welcome at Clio programs. |