Sykes--Coral Gladys (Class of 1910)

Displaying 1 - 50 of 50 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Iowa City, Iowa
Alumnus 28:3, p.6
Former students meet in Chicago.
2 Ralph W. Scott
Alumnus 21:2, p.19
Sales engineer in Detroit, Michigan, for the Julian d' Este Company; married to Coral Sykes, who visited the campus.
3 A wedding of interest to alumni
College Eye 3:5, p.97
Coral Sykes married Ralph W. Scott.
4 Miss Coral Sykes
College Eye 2:1, p.12
Attended local wedding.
5 Coral G. Sykes
Normal Eyte 21:6, p.100
Enjoying her work in Kirksville, Missouri.
6 Coral Sykes
Normal Eyte 21:4, p.62
Teaches in the Kirksville Normal School.
7 Cliosophic
Old Gold 0:0, p.135
Description of the Cliosophic literary society, includes group photos, officers, goings on of the society for the year, basketball rosters, program for an open session, and photo of the Clio-Orio orchestra.
8 Miss Ethel Sykes
Normal Eyte 20:30, p.503
Spent Sunday with her sister.
9 Miss Mildred Sykes
Normal Eyte 20:28, p.467
Spent her vacation with her sister.
10 Clios banqueted by Orios; members of two societies meet in annual banquet; many witty toasts given
Normal Eyte 20:22, p.371
Program for the banquet and entertainment.
11 Seniors entertain; give Valentine party in Gymnasium on Saturday evening; interesting program given
Normal Eyte 20:21, p.344
Enjoyed games and music.
12 Neos rout Clios; defeat yellow and white team 23 to 9; first round in tournament completed
Normal Eyte 20:20, p.339
Three Clio regulars were ill.
13 Clio open session; two-part program pleases large crowd; humorous farce is rendered.
Normal Eyte 20:12, p.203
A review of "A Bunch of Roses."
14 The Band and Orchestra
Old Gold 0:0, p.164

Repertoire and roster of members; photo.

15 Student recital; musical by pupils of Music department much enjoyed
Normal Eyte 19:21, p.326
Program of performers and their work.
16 Society; Chresto
Normal Eyte 19:17, p.265
Chrestos enjoy program and dinner with international theme.
17 Ames wins debate; farmers almost even up old score. Normal fought ably, but "aggies" convinced judges
Normal Eyte 19:10, p.148
Recap of the debate; photo.
18 Society; Aristo, Orio, Chresto
Normal Eyte 19:8, p.125
Aristos give program on "The Possibilities of Young Men"; Orios discuss Balkans; Chrestos held initiation.
19 Miss Coral Sykes
Normal Eyte 19:1, p.15
Back in school.
20 The orchestra
Old Gold 0:0, p.143
Success of Merrill Orchestra at the Iowa State Normal School due to enthusiasm of the leader and members.
21 The Cliosophic Society
Old Gold 0:0, p.227
Officers, mascot, and activities of the society; photo.
22 Cliosophic Literary Society
Old Gold 0:0, p.226
23 Coral Sykes
Normal Eyte 18:23, p.367
Father died.
24 Y. W. C. A. notes
Normal Eyte 18:21, p.332
Held several prayer meetings.
25 A chapel orchestra
Normal Eyte 18:4, p.60
Professor Merrill will direct a student orchestra that will play at the end of each chapel service.
26 Coral Sykes
Normal Eyte 18:2, p.30
Will enroll again to continue her courses in music.
27 The Normal Orchestra
Old Gold 0:0, p.150

Briefly discusses advancements in the orchestra, their repertoire, and members; photo.

28 Cecilian Glee Club
Old Gold 0:0, p.148
Brief history of the Club and roster of current members; photo.
29 The Cliosophic Society
Old Gold 0:0, p.181
Society officers, members and description of activities; photo.
30 Society
Normal Eyte 17:8, p.123
Philos present literary program; Orios celebrate selection of debaters; Clios hold initiation; Neos present Indian program; Ossolis had social program.
31 Y. W. C. A. notes
Normal Eyte 17:6, p.92
Enjoyed breakfast meeting and devotions.
32 The Normal Orchestra
Pedagog 0:0, p.120
Doing well under the direction of Professor Merrill; photo.
33 The Cliosophic Society
Pedagog 0:0, p.85
Brief organization of the organization; photo.
34 Pedagog staff
Pedagog 0:0, p.8
Roster of editorial staff and associates for the 1906 Pedagog.
35 Wednesday afternoon
Normal Eyte 16:29, p.461
Students presented a recital of music and readings; program of performers and their work.
36 Wednesday p. m.
Normal Eyte 16:27, p.430
Pupils of Professors Curtiss, Merrill, and Gray performed.
37 Society
Normal Eyte 16:24, p.377

Shakes held Far North program; Aristos, Zetas, and Philos all held meetings.

38 Bertha Gould
Normal Eyte 16:19, p.303
Visiting friends.
39 Society
Normal Eyte 16:15, p.230
Orios tell how their members are going to spend the upcoming vacation; Clios gave performance of scenes from William Tell; Philos gave a skating program.
40 Orios
Normal Eyte 16:3, p.41
Meeting includes debate on appropriate length of high school studies.
41 The Normal Orchestra
Normal Eyte Annual 0:0, p.56
Began in 1895 and has prospered through two talented directors; photo.
42 The Cecilian Glee Club
Normal Eyte Annual 0:0, p.52
Group organized in 1888; unites yearly with the Minnesingers to perform at Commencement; photo.
43 Clio
Normal Eyte 15:31, p.492
A College program and an Old Ladies' program were presented.
44 Coral Sykes and Vera Bradley
Normal Eyte 15:28, p.446
Were entertained by Lillian Egloff.
45 Coral Sykes
Normal Eyte 15:24, p.382
Has returned and entered the music department.
46 Coral Sykes
Normal Eyte 15:14, p.221
Is teaching near Mason City.
47 Clio
Normal Eyte 14:18, p.282
Members present program although tired.
48 Alice Ione Cramer
Normal Eyte 14:17, p.270
Alice Cramer visited her parents.
49 Clio
Normal Eyte 14:16, p.251
Ida Marschall is president of the Clios.
50 Clio
Normal Eyte 14:14, p.218
Visitors are always welcome at Clio programs.