Taylor--Loren F. (English Faculty)

Displaying 1 - 26 of 26 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 From the street to the classroom
Northern Iowan 104:25, p.14
Background of Kenneth Lyftogt, including commentary on books he has written; photo.
2 Poetry Hour
Northern Iowan 68:12, p.8
Loren Taylor will read short story.
3 Report knocks UNI advising program; journalism class surveys advisors
Public Relations News Release 67:27, p.6
Details of report.
4 Poetry Hour
Northern Iowan 65:58, p.6
Creative writing students will read.
5 Potpourri
Northern Iowan 65:58, p.6

Activities and meetings.

6 Midwest on sale in Crossroads
College Eye 60:58, p.1
Will feature poetry by Professors Ward and Lindberg.
7 Faculty poems in MIDWEST
College Eye 60:32, p.6
Next issue will feature faculty work.
8 Loren Taylor to be judge of contest
College Eye 59:43, p.5
Will judge essay contest.
9 MIDWEST sale starts on Monday
College Eye 59:37, p.4
A quick look at the contents.
10 UPC sponsors writing contest for students
College Eye 59:22, p.6
Invites unpublished fiction, drama, or poetry.
11 Taylor presents Shapiro, others in poetry hour
College Eye 59:7, p.5
Loren Taylor will read.
12 Taylor sees cliché as hindrance to creative writing
College Eye 58:30, p.2
Loren Taylor talks about writing.
13 Poetic Renaissance becomes reality with MIDWEST all-poetry issue
College Eye 58:18, p.3
Lengthy review of the new issue.
14 Midwest, literary review of SCI works, on sale Monday
College Eye 57:27, p.1
A look at the contents of the magazine.
15 Award writing contest winners fountain pens
College Eye 57:23, p.4
Commons sponsors contest.
16 Creative writing contest opens for students
College Eye 57:19, p.1
Commons will sponsor contest; James Hearst and Loren Taylor will judge entries.
17 Theme of current 'Midwest' to be racial prejudice
College Eye 52:19, p.1
A look at the new issue of the magazine.
18 Interest in Languages Promoted
Old Gold 0:0, p.105
The Department of Languages, Speech, and Literature offer conversational French or German classes, along with conventional speech and composition; the department sponsored the College Players, Speech Club, and Literary Circle; photo.
19 Boards Govern Communications
Old Gold 0:0, p.144
The Board of Control of Student Publications select the executive staff for the OLD GOLD and the COLLEGE EYE, and make sure that the staffs function properly; they are the governing department of all the student publications; photo.
20 Languages, Speech, and Literature
Old Gold 0:0, p.105
Description of the department; photos.
21 Boards Govern Communications
Old Gold 0:0, p.144
Description of the Boards of Control of Student Publication and Student Broadcasting; photos.
22 'Midwest' debuts Monday, Tuesday
College Eye 49:12, p.6
Preview of the literary magazine; literary supplement will no longer be published in the College Eye.
23 Languages, Speech and Literature
Old Gold 0:0, p.97
Brief description of the department; photo.
24 Languages, Speech, and Literature Newly Formed
Old Gold 0:0, p.85
Description of the newly formed department that incorporates three former departments; photos.
25 Dean M. J. Nelson announces eight new faculty members
College Eye 46:1, p.3
Profiles of new faculty members.
26 Faculty notes . . . .
Alumnus 38:3, p.4
Eighteen changes in faculty.