Teacher Certification
Displaying 1 - 50 of 232 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
1 | UNI receives grant from U. S. Department of Education Public Relations News Release 2010:111, p.1 |
The Department of Special Education received $260,413 from a grant aimed at helping states provide personnel for students with special needs. A new teacher preparation program will improve services and learning for children with disabilities. | |
2 | UNI partnering with Iowa Department of Education to provide endorsement opportunities Public Relations News Release 2004:0, p.1 |
Opportunities for the endorsement of special education teachers will be made available. | |
3 | Teaching without a certificate Northern Iowan 98:37, p.1 |
Since Iowa schools have been struggling to find licensed teachers to teach, the State Board of Educational Examiners has discussed a teacher intern license. | |
4 | Becoming a teacher without a teaching degree Public Relations News Release 2001:291, p.1 |
Rori Carson will talk about the impacts of a new proposal to allow unlicensed teachers to teach in high school classrooms. | |
5 | Media Advisory: University of Northern Iowa home to teacher mentoring program Public Relations News Release 1999:196, p.1 |
Iowa received a "D" grade in the national Quality Counts 2000 survey for its efforts to improve teacher quality. | |
6 | The Depression years A Century of Leadership and Service 2:0, p.1 |
General economic and political background as the college entered the 1930s under new leadership; photo. |
7 | Seeking to solve the state teacher shortage A Century of Leadership and Service 2:0, p.202 |
Attempts by the college to recruit prospective teachers; photo. | |
8 | Informational meeting on Early Childhood Endorsement (#103) to be held Wednesday) November 28 in Calmar Public Relations News Release 1990:197, p.1 |
Questions concerning Early Childhood Endorsement (#103) will be answered at an informational meeting in Calmar. | |
9 | The new administration begins its work A Century of Leadership and Service 1:0, p.95 |
Principal Seerley realigns relations with high schools and colleges; assumes new title of President; photo. | |
10 | Institutional growth and program expansion to 1890 A Century of Leadership and Service 1:0, p.107 |
Enrollment grows; the Board outlines its authority more clearly; difficulties with the Boarding Department and physical facilities; photo. | |
11 | Actions of the General Assembly--1890-1902; finally significant commitment A Century of Leadership and Service 1:0, p.115 |
Analysis of the struggles to obtain adequate funding for the Normal School; the millage tax; the Auditorium Building dedication; photo. | |
12 | University of Northern Iowa to offer series of courses in educational administration and special education in Creston Public Relations News Release 1989:352, p.1 |
The Green Valley Education Agency organizes a series of four courses in educational administration and special education. Coursework includes field experience assessment conducted at the educator's teaching site. | |
13 | UNI teacher education grads top national average on tests Northern Iowan 83:7, p.4 |
Dean Carver talks about the new tests. | |
14 | Certification requirements stiffened Northern Iowan 82:41, p.9 |
UNI Faculty Senate to vote on a proposal that would stiffen teacher certification requirements; would require students to have a 2.4 GPA in their major and minor and not just overall. | |
15 | Proposed changes in teacher education cited Northern Iowan 81:41, p.9 |
DPI's Orrin Nearhoff holds informational meeting. | |
16 | Re-certification requires human relations course UNI Century 8:1, p.2 |
UNI offers in-service course to meet requirement. | |
17 | Human relations course to meet new state requirement Northern Iowan 75:25, p.7 |
Professor Lamberti talks about the new two part interdisciplinary course. | |
18 | Teachers urged to attend school; earn minor area UNI Century 6:3, p.1 |
Additional certification might make teachers less subject to layoffs. | |
19 | Alumni teachers urged to get additional certifications Alumnus 63:2, p.7 |
Might help if they face staff cuts. | |
20 | What's Up? Northern Iowan 72:45, p.8 |
Activities and meetings. | |
21 | Challenges in education Northern Iowan 65:14, p.4 |
Describes the new set of policies and criteria for approval of high schools, passed by the North Central Association of Secondary Schools and Colleges, as well as the implications for UNI and its students. | |
22 | SCI publishes 3 lectures on teacher courses College Eye 63:55, p.8 |
23 | Must solve sexuality problem College Eye 63:30, p.2 |
Excited about ability to discuss homosexuality on campus; advocates nondiscrimination in teacher certification. | |
24 | August grads must pay fee for certification College Eye 57:36, p.4 |
25 | Iowa certificates available for $2 College Eye 53:26, p.1 |
26 | Teaching qualifications College Eye 48:36, p.2 |
Announces the new policy that all new elementary teachers must have a four-year degree to teach in Iowa. | |
27 | College starts new semester plan in 1957 College Eye 47:3, p.1 |
Will begin at start of 1957 summer session; cite ease of registration and transfer of credit. | |
28 | Check with registrar for certificates College Eye 46:33, p.1 |
29 | Attend certifying meeting in Capitol College Eye 46:30, p.9 |
Offer reactions to certification. | |
30 | Insight College Eye 44:42, p.2 |
Liberal arts majors with no professional emphasis performed well on national teachers examination. | |
31 | Renewal requests College Eye 44:38, p.4 |
Must file application for teacher re-certification. | |
32 | Students may gain college credits by attending laboratory or camp College Eye 44:35, p.4 |
To upgrade certification. | |
33 | Extension classes are being held College Eye 43:8, p.5 |
Classes offered in several locations to help with certificate renewal. | |
34 | Tom Lamke, research specialist, will take a month's leave of absence in October to carry out an assignment from the Office of the Secretary of Defense Public Relations News Release 1951:41, p.1 |
As a research consultant for the Defense Office, Lamke will work with the United States Armed Forces institute in a study of civilian correspondence programs. | |
35 | Greenfield is one of four southwest Iowa communities in which extension courses will be offered this fall Public Relations News Release 1951:33, p.1 |
"The elementary teacher shortage today is critical, and it will get worse as time goes on," President Maucker declared. "That's why we've set up a program of extension classes in cooperation with county school superintendents to alleviate the shortage." | |
36 | Audubon is one of four southwest Iowa communities in which extension courses will be offered this fall Public Relations News Release 1951:34, p.1 |
Other communities where extension classes will be conducted are Denison, Red Oak, and Greenfield. In outlining the extension course program, Maucker said it is beamed at teachers and potential teachers and those interested in furthering their education. | |
37 | Red Oak is one of four southwest Iowa communities in which weekly extension courses will be offered this fall Public Relations News Release 1951:36, p.1 |
President Maucker pointed out that the estalishment of the extension course program will not mean a substantial reduction of consultative services offered by the college. | |
38 | Iowa State Teachers college will offer weekly extension classes this fall in four southwest Iowa communities Public Relations News Release 1951:37, p.1 |
"The elementary teacher shortage today is critical, and it will get worse as time goes on," Dr. Maucker declared. "That's shy we've set up a program of extension classes in cooperation with county school superintendents to alleviate the shortage." | |
39 | Three other southwest Iowa communities in addition to Denison have been chosen as sites where extension courses will be offered this fall Public Relations News Release 1951:35, p.1 |
"The extension courses will be conducted by regular staff members from the college who will teach classes and engage in consultative work during the fall quarter. A close tie-in between the extension courses and the consultative services will be possible. | |
40 | Certificate renewal College Eye 42:41, p.6 |
41 | Four-Quarter rural program, 1943 First 75 Years 0:0, p.120 |
President Price puts renewed emphasis on elementary education; four quarter curriculum seen as move toward increasing standards in rural teaching. | |
42 | Preparation for all levels of public school work First 75 Years 0:0, p.81 |
Initial curriculum recognizes need for preparation for all levels of teaching; surveys of effects of the College on Iowa; description of ways in which the College met Iowa needs. | |
43 | Results of a seven-year study will be put into action this summer when a new teacher preparation curriculum is introduced Public Relations News Release 1950:368, p.1 |
Dean Nelson describes the four main objectives of the new program as good citizenship, adequate specialization, teaching skill, and a professional attitude. The new program means contact with school children throughout the four years. | |
44 | A four-man committee will meet for several days this summer to plan a state-wide workshop on student teaching and certification requirements Public Relations News Release 1950:353, p.1 |
Appointment of the committee was made by four participating state education associations at last weekend's, May 5, Conference on Professional Laboratory Experiences held at the college. Committee chairman is Wayland Osborn. | |
45 | Iowans can take Teacher Tests February 17 Public Relations News Release 1950:164, p.1 |
J. B. Paul will supervise administration of the tests at the College. Application blanks, sample test questions, and information on registration may be obtained from Paul or from National Teacher Examinations, Educational Testing Service, Princeton, N. J. | |
46 | Iowa State Teachers College Public Relations News Release 1950:91, p.1 |
Over 18,000 teachers have graduated from the college in Cedar Falls. | |
47 | The United States needs teachers Public Relations News Release 1950:51, p.1 |
At least 100,000 new grade school teachers will be needed annually for at least the next ten years in the United States. | |
48 | Hilltopics; think it over!! College Eye 41:31, p.2 |
More credits now necessary for teaching certificate; a look at the teacher shortage at the elementary level. | |
49 | Registrar discusses credit balance sheet, course credit, certificates College Eye 41:27, p.2 |
Discussion of required courses and record keeping. | |
50 | Majority of states have teachers teaching on emergency certificates College Eye 41:23, p.2 |
There is a still a shortage of lower elementary teachers. |