Teacher Placement

Displaying 1 - 50 of 561 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 National Educator Expo this Saturday
Northern Iowan 101:48, p.2
Expo to help school recruit teachers and administrators will occur April 9th.
2 Teachers in nationwide job search at the national educator expo
Public Relations News Release 1999:305, p.1
Representatives from fifteen states and one hundred school districts will interview teachers during the National Educator Expo at UNI.
3 Head of the class
Public Relations News Release 1999:29, p.1
Teacher shortages in some regions around the United States are causing problems for students returning to school, says Rori Carson.
4 National trends create greater demand for education majors
Northern Iowan 94:33, p.4
Growing school enrollments outside Iowa and reduced class sizes mean more open positions for UNI graduates.
5 Bring your resumes, National Education comes to the Dome
Northern Iowan 93:55, p.19
National Educator Expo will be at the Dome May 13-14; Libby Vanderwall will present workshop Thursday.
6 Teachers find jobs at AITRF
Northern Edition 3:12, p.4
Promotion of All-Iowa Teacher Recruiting Fair.
7 1915 rules for teachers
Northern Iowan 85:42, p.10
8 Teacher requirements have changed; over the years
Northern Iowan 85:42, p.10
Practical tips on finding a teaching job.
9 Future bright for prospective teachers
Northern Iowan 81:33, p.6
Substantial competition to find and retain good teachers.
10 Campus Consultation
Northern Iowan 79:45, p.8
Don Wood talks about the prospects for finding a teaching job.
11 Teaching jobs available
Northern Iowan 78:24, p.4
Dean Carver and Don Wood talk about job prospects for teachers.
12 Education grads find jobs; teachers enter working world
Northern Iowan 77:28, p.1
76% of education grads find work.
13 Job prospects bright for future teachers
Northern Iowan 77:15, p.11
Ken Jacobsen talks about job prospects.
14 Fork over bucks to make some
Northern Iowan 76:56, p.
Most teaching students end up spending lots of money while finding a job.
15 Teacher shortages strike again
Alumnus 65:2, p.4
Shortages in most areas, but especially in technical areas; photo.
16 Seniors in education
Northern Iowan 76:53, p.13
Workshops will be held.
17 Placement record is improving steadily for graduating teachers
Northern Iowan 76:46, p.5
According to a recent report, 75% of teaching graduates who registered with UNI's placement and career services took full-time jobs after graduation.
18 Students supports Senator Carney's position
Northern Iowan 75:55, p.2
Feels that a coaching degree is a great asset but agrees that a teacher should not be hired simply becaue he is a coach.
19 "Good coaching is good teaching" claims student
Northern Iowan 75:55, p.2
Believes that good coaching is good teaching.
20 Teacher recruiting fair to be held Saturday, Sunday; campus visits from 30 schools
Northern Iowan 75:36, p.3
Overseas recruiters will visit campus.
21 Recruitment fair held this weekend
Northern Iowan 75:35, p.8
Opportunity for teachers to find overseas positions.
22 Recruiting fair offers foreign jobs
Northern Iowan 75:30, p.9
International representatives will be on campus.
23 UNI grads recommend rural and small town teaching; new trend away from metro areas
Northern Iowan 75:14, p.10
Travis Montgomery reports on survey of new teachers.
24 Interview day set for Thursday
Northern Iowan 73:54, p.4
Administrators from thirty schools will be on campus.
25 "Best year this decade for UNI teachers" Larry Routh
Northern Iowan 73:32, p.1
Larry Routh and Terry Besser talk about employment trends and placement services.
26 Guide to landing a teaching job; last in a series
Northern Iowan 73:20, p.4
Guide for getting a teaching position after college.
27 A guide to landing a teaching job; get yourself together . . .
Northern Iowan 73:19, p.10
An approach to getting a teaching job.
28 Planning, placement report released
Northern Iowan 72:22, p.4
Just 6% of liberal grads are unemployed; 64% of education grads found jobs.
29 Australia
Northern Iowan 72:14, p.12
Teacher recruiting program will conduct interviews.
30 Teaching alternatives despair not called for
Northern Iowan 70:55, p.12
Larry Routh offers advice on alternative careers for teachers.
31 Three views on the teacher surplus
UNI Century 2:2, p.3
Dean, PLS head, and placement director outline beliefs; photo.
32 Wanna teach in Australia?
Northern Iowan 70:8, p.7
Representatives will visit campus.
33 Teacher placement
Northern Iowan 70:5, p.6
34 UNI grad finds Germany good teaching prospect
Northern Iowan 69:62, p.8
Mark Welty talks about his experience.
35 Like to teach in Australia?
Northern Iowan 69:61, p.1
36 Fossum retires after 15 years with Placement
Northern Iowan 69:60, p.1

Professor Fossum looks back on his thirty years at UNI.

37 Commendation and message
Northern Iowan 69:51, p.2
Adds to information in recent letter about coaching qualifications.
38 "Where is the school that values education above all"
Northern Iowan 69:45, p.2
Student recounts difficulties in finding a teaching job without coaching duties.
39 Teachers or coaches
Northern Iowan 69:42, p.2
Believes some teachers are hired because of their coaching qualifications instead of their teaching qualifications.
40 Teacher placement meeting slated for Tuesday
Northern Iowan 69:29, p.1
41 Teacher placement figures announced; tentative tabulation
Northern Iowan 69:13, p.1
Supply of graduates increases while demand decreases.
42 Teacher placement meeting slated on Tuesday
Northern Iowan 69:7, p.6
43 Jobs for teachers continue to decline
Northern Iowan 68:25, p.4
Report for University of Iowa.
44 Grad student takes issue with article
Northern Iowan 68:7, p.2
Disputes claims of recent article on job placement.
45 UNI Placement Bureau
UNI Quarterly 3:1, p.30
A look at the services of this office in the face of an over-supply of teachers; photo.
46 Placement future bleak; 'Things will get worse . . .'
Northern Iowan 67:60, p.1
Outlook for teacher education graduates is not good.
47 Teacher shortages still exist
Alumnus 56:2, p.6
Dean Knutson outlines areas in which teachers are still in demand; photo.
48 Behind the scenes
UNI Quarterly 2:3, p.3
Collection of short articles about recent campus events and activities; photo.
49 Dean Knutson raps teacher surplus
Northern Iowan 67:39, p.3
Takes closer look at situation; notes areas in which teachers are in demand.
50 Placement Bureau serves alumni, students
Alumnus 55:4, p.8
Description of programs and services; concern for growing over-abundance of teachers; will institute charges for service to alumni; may computerize some data.