# | Title | Date | Summary |
1 | Panther Portrait: "Take apart a computer" night Northern Iowan 117:41, p.5 |
Women in Computing held their annual "Take Apart a Computer" even on March 11 in the Innovative Teaching and Technology Center (ITTC); photos. | |
2 | Where to draw the line on technology Northern Iowan 119:42, p.3 |
Drew Hill writes an opinion piece on the pros and cons of the advancement of technologies. This article focuses on the advancements and risks of brain-computer interfaces (BCIs); photo. | |
3 | The search engine war: ChatGPT vs Google Northern Iowan 119:35, p.3 |
Nixson Benitez writes an opinion article on the race for adapting AI into search engines. Benitez includes an interview with English department faculty Jim O'Loughlin; photo. | |
4 | Laptops versus desktops Northern Iowan 119:29, p.4 |
Aubrey Schafbuch interviews students Emma Criswell, Macey Reed, Grant Wulfseng, and IT Director of Client Services Ben Arnold about the declining uses of campus PCs. More and more students are using their own laptops now that certain software and printing abilities can be used on personal devices; photo. | |
5 | Taking down Big Tech: a cross-party issue Northern Iowan 117:49, p.3 |
In the author's opinion, "Big Tech" companies should be broken up and that the government should intervene. Horning points out that it is an issue that garners bipartisan support but few concrete actions; photo. | |
6 | Should video games be allowed in the classroom? Northern Iowan 116:28, p.3 |
In the author's opinion, video games can be beneficial to children's learning. Slomka argues that technology should be utilized rather than banned in the classroom; photo. | |
7 | Are self-driving vehicles safe? Northern Iowan 116:26, p.3 |
In the author's opinion, society is not ready for self-driving cars. Bennethum discusses arguments in favor of and against the new technology; photo. | |
8 | Tale of two YouTubes: A spectrum Northern Iowan 115:41, p.3 |
In the author's opinion, YouTube has provided opportunities for young people to be aware of the world and engaged with politics more than ever before; photos. | |
9 | Edit-a-thon focused on women and LGBTQ+ representation Northern Iowan 115:41, p.2 |
Rod Library will host UNI Edits Wikipedia: Women and LGBTQ+ in the library on March 8. The goal is to have more people editing Wikipedia with more diverse perspectves; photo. | |
10 | is YouTube a practical career? Northern Iowan 115:38, p.3 |
In the author's opinion, having a career in social media comes with downsides such as impracticality, suffering relationships, and fleeting fame. Bennethum attempts to dissuade readers from making a living on social media, instead favoring education; photo. | |
11 | Alibaba will give Amazon a run for its money Northern Iowan 115:24, p.3 |
The author considers the Chines e-commerce group Alibaba and argues that it's only a matter of time before they expand to America to compete with Amazon; photo. | |
12 | University re-evaluating computer labs Northern Iowan 115:22, p.2 |
The Northern Iowa Student Government is considering renovating unused computer labs; photo. | |
13 | Is your phone your life support? Northern Iowan 115:7, p.3 |
In the author's opinion, people can easily become addicted to their cell phones and other mobile devices, and Miene challenges readers to interact more with people around them. | |
14 | EU articles harm free speech Northern Iowan 115:7, p.3 |
In the author's opinion, two proposed articles relating to the internet, news, and social media in the European Union restrict creative freedom and the free press. King explains how the articles could affect not only Europe, but the United States; photos. | |
15 | Earn money by locking phone Northern Iowan 114:24, p.3 |
A phone app called "Pocket Points" allows students to earn rewards at local businesses by locking their phone during class and not use it; photo. | |
16 | Amazon Key: convenient or creepy? Northern Iowan 114:21, p.3 |
In the author's opinion, Amazon's recent announcement of the Amazon Key service is sort of creepy. He believes it could lead to potential robberies by the less honest delivery workers. He believes, Amazon has good intentions for this service, but he feels like we shouldn't give Amazon any more access into our lives then it already has. | |
17 | Google Clips raise privacy concerns Northern Iowan 114:19, p.3 |
Columnist King discuses the new Google Clips. King is concerned this product will be an invasion of privacy and allow Google too much personal information; photo. | |
18 | Virtual reality: Gimmick, or next step in gaming? Northern Iowan 112:54, p.3 |
In the author's opinion, virtual reality for video games won't be a lasting feature; photos. |
19 | More selfies than service Northern Iowan 112:46, p.5 |
In this satirical article written for April Fools, UNI students go on a mission trip. |
20 | Wi-Fi... just why?! Northern Iowan 112:46, p.7 |
In this satirical article written for April Fools, a student complains about the Wi-Fi. |
21 | Wi-Fi outcry at UNI Northern Iowan 112:40, p.2 |
22 | Technology is the new villain in "The Inferno" Northern Iowan 112:23, p.5 |
Mattox gives Interpreter Theatre's production of "The Inferno," written by Paul Siddens and directed by Katie Grassi, a mixed review. |
23 | Technology poses threat to theatre Northern Iowan 112:23, p.2 |
Students in the theatre program discuss the impact of audience members using technology during a performance, particularly in regards to missing parts of the show, distracting the performers, and privacy issues. |
24 | Desperate: send me your internet points Northern Iowan 112:21, p.4 |
Carr-Murphy encourages and explains why students should follow her Twitter social media account; photos. |
25 | Sex robots, Luddites and tech takeover Northern Iowan 112:20, p.4 |
Jackson discusses the future of technology, robots, and artificial intelligence. In the author's opinion, technological innovation should be welcomed instead of feared. |
26 | Personal tech devices belong in classroom Northern Iowan 112:7, p.3 |
In the author's opinion, professors should not restrict students from using personal electronic devices in the classroom; photo. |
27 | Finding direction, mentally and physically Northern Iowan 11:51, p.3 |
Columnist Monica Clark shares some insight on finding direction. | |
28 | Mr. Roboto Northern Iowan 111:36, p.2 |
The UNI chapter of the Association of Technology Management and Applied Engineering visited east high school to share their passion of robotics; photo. | |
29 | UNI to host lecture on media representations of women's sport Public Relations News Release 2014:50, p.1 |
UNI will host speaker NIcole M. LaVoi, the associate director of the Tucker Center for Research on Girls and Women in Sport at the University of Minnesota, October 2, in Sabin Hall, Room 002. | |
30 | Computer Consulting Center Northern Iowan 110:55, p. |
The Computer Consulting Centers gives their hours and services offered. | |
31 | An inquiry into the cult of innovation Northern Iowan 110:47, p.4 |
Explores the meaning behind the word innovation and how innovation is important to the world today. | |
32 | UNI to host best-selling author Steven Johnson on The Digital Turn Public Relations News Release 2013:230, p.1 |
UNI will host Steven Johnson giving his lecture for The Digital Turn: The 2013-14 Hearst Lecture Series. Johnson is a best-selling author with a unique perspective. The event is free and open to the public. | |
33 | Technology projects to invade UNI during the Student Technology Fair Public Relations News Release 2013:227, p.1 |
UNI will host the Iowa Technology and Education Connection (ITEC) Student Technology Fair. More than 50 projects from 12 school districts will be displayed for the public. Winners will be invited to showcase their projects in Des Moines. | |
34 | UNI offers Master of Science in Technology entirely at a distance Public Relations News Release 2013:225, p.1 |
UNI is accepting applicants for the Master of Science and Technology degree program. The program is now available online using eLearning. UNI is committed to providing affordable education to all residents of the state. | |
35 | Mini Comic-Con at UNI Public Relations News Release 2013:222, p.1 |
Rod Library will host a Mini Comic-Con with a variety of comic book-related activities. There will even be a costume contests with prizes awarded for each age group. The event is free and open to the public. | |
36 | Regional physics competition at UNI Public Relations News Release 2013:211, p.1 |
UNI's Department of Physics will host the Area Education Agency 267 Regional Physics Competition on March 27. Area High Schools will participate in the competition. The event stresses creativity and ingenuity as well as physics-related principles. | |
37 | UNI to host lecture on using digital tool for research Public Relations News Release 2013:207, p.1 |
UNI will host Juan Luis Suarez to deliver his lecture "Modeling Cultural Networks in the Hispanic Baroque". This is part of The Digital Turn series exploring how the internet is affecting writing, reading, language, and research. | |
38 | UNI hosts Spotlight on STEM Day Public Relations News Release 2013:178, p.1 |
UNI will be hosting Spotlight on STEM Day. Teachers and students throughout the state will showcase their work through table displays and presentations. They will discuss the challenges of integrating science and math with technology in the classroom. | |
39 | UNI to host digital media speaker Public Relations News Release 2013:180, p.1 |
Cheryl Ball will be speaking as part of the Digital Turn: Meryl Norton Hearst Lecture Series. Ball's Presentation, "Boutique Data in Writing Studies" will talk about the validity of research methods. | |
40 | UNI speech app released Northern Iowan 110:36, p.2 |
UNI created a new app to help people with speech disorders. The app is called "Name That!" and it is designed to show the patient a picture of an item and ask various questions to build meaning-based relationships. The app is now available for purchase. | |
41 | All-staff opinion column: What is a critical issue that needs to be addressed at UNI and why? Northern Iowan 110:34, p.3 |
Members of the editorial staff answered the question: class scheduling, meal options, enrollment, diversity, and technology were some of the topics discussed. | |
42 | New UNI app aims to help treat speech disorder Public Relations News Release 2013:163, p.1 |
A team led by Angela Burda and Stephen Hughes created the "Name That!" app. This app is designed to help supplement speech therapy treatment through at-home use. The app is currently available in the Apple App Store and Google Play. | |
43 | University releases new mobile app Northern Iowan 110:28, p.1 |
UNI recently released a mobile application to help students connect to the university. The app provides a schedule of UNI events, menus for dining centers, maps, and emergency contact information. Students can access app this from any smartphone. | |
44 | UNI goes mobile with custom designed MyUNI mobile app Public Relations News Release 2013:153, p.1 |
There is now a MyUNI mobile app available for smartphones. Some of the features of this app include access to eLearning, dining center menus, and new about the college. | |
45 | Bitcoins bring plenty of change to the digital age of currency Northern Iowan 110:28, p.3 |
Bitcoins are a virtual currency that allow for international online transactions without oversight from banks or the government. The value of bitcoins is constantly fluctuating similar to the stock market. Bitcoins have a lot of potential in the future. | |
46 | UNI offering updated literacy program Northern Iowan 110:26, p.1 |
UNI is now offering an updated version of the literacy assistance software, Read&Write Gold 11. This helps students with disabilities to improve both their reading and writing skills, and is a free software for UNI students; photo. | |
47 | Online courses at UNI receive top rankings Public Relations News Release 2013:131, p.1 |
Affordable Colleges Online recently ranked UNI as the most affordable and high-quality provider of online education in Iowa. Earlier this year UNI's Continuing Education and Special Programs also earned the Iowa Distance Learning Association Award. | |
48 | We're waiting on the world to change Northern Iowan 110:21, p.3 |
The author reminds readers that her generation has been given the tools to change the world. Many people have become hopeless when looking towards the future, but this generation can be the solution. We have the opportunity to change the world; photo. | |
49 | 'Ender's Game' full of powerful messages Northern Iowan 110:20, p.4 |
Author reviews the film "Ender's Game" based on the Orson Scott Card novel. The movie takes place in a futuristic society with Earth under alien attack. There is a strong theme of loving one's enemy throughout the film. | |
50 | UNI Interpreters Theatre to host 'An Evening of Text Messages' Public Relations News Release 2013:111, p.1 |
UNI Interpreters Theatre will host "An Evening of 'Text' Messages". This show features performances from beginning and advanced performance classes in the Department of Communication Studies. The event is free and open to the public. |