Tempo--Shirley A. (Class of 1960)

Displaying 1 - 6 of 6 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Annual Old Gold Beauty Pageant
Old Gold 0:0, p.72
The Old Gold Beauty Pagent crowned Shirley Radeke as the Queen. 14 other finalists competed agienst her. They were Mary Kay Sergeant, Gwen Hennon, Joan Brown, Barbara Snyder, Mary Eleanor Paulk, Susie James, Judy Schmit, Pat Maultauf, Vicki Miller, Shirley Tempo, Shirley Radeke, Marcia Bottorff, JoAnn Monroe, Shirley Donaldson, Carol Lester, Mary Hodgson, Jo Noble, and Kay Courvoisier.
2 Old Gold Beauty Attendant
Old Gold 0:0, p.112
A few pages spread of the Old Gold Beauty Attendants; Photos.
3 Campbell...Home of Junior and Senior Women
Old Gold 0:0, p.145
Campbell is home to the junior and senior women. Each dorm has a personal telephone- a unique feature personal to Campbell. The hall held special dinners for Dad's Day, Homecoming, Christmas, and Mother's Day. The dorm also holds many dorm activities through out the year.
4 Queen Shirley reigns over Beauty dance
College Eye 51:18, p.1
Shirley Radeke named queen; attendants also named; photo.
5 Pi Tau Phi Serves Together
Old Gold 0:0, p.210
The sorority members of Pi Tau Phi take an active part, as individuals in student government and in other student activities on campus; a Mother's Day luncheon, overnights, dinners, parties, and other events took place; photo.
6 Hawaiians Entertain Various Groups
Old Gold 0:0, p.230
Brief description of the Hawaiian Club, organized to welcome new students from Hawaii and to plan social events; photo.