Terry--Selina Marie (English Faculty)

Displaying 1 - 50 of 370 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 UNI's Department of English Language & Literature announces winners of the Selina Terry Poetry Award
Public Relations News Release 2008:456, p.1
The first-place winner, Diane Temple, is guaranteed publication in the student-run literary magazine, "Inner Weather." The award celebrates Selina Terry, former professor of English, and was established in 1999 by Eugen Bovee. Students listed.
2 Sci-Fi writing award open to all
Northern Iowan 103:46, p.5
April 3, 2007, is the deadline for submitting entries for the Roberta S. Tamres Sci-Fi Award and the Selina Terry Poetry Award.
3 Those were the days
Alumnus 66:4, p.10
Memories from the Classes of 1931, 1941, and 1956; photo.
4 Miss Selina Terry
Alumnus 57:2, p.23
Died November 6, 1971.
5 Funeral services set for former UNI prof
Northern Iowan 68:17, p.6
Selina Terry dies; profile; photo.
6 Funeral Services Set for Former UNI English Prof
Public Relations News Release 1972:134, p.1
Funeral services for Selina M. Terry, 94, will be held Nov. 9 at the Dahl-Van Hoove-Schoof Funeral Home.
7 Mrs. May Heath, '25, publishes book on Iowa pioneer days
Alumnus 46:2, p.12
Recounts pioneer stories.
8 Local ISEA members finish teacher appreciation drive
College Eye 46:16, p.6
Local faculty will be memorialized in Salisbury House fund drive.
9 Miss Terry resigns
Alumnus 31:3, p.1

Professor Terry retires; founded Purple Pen.

10 Resignation of Selina Terry announced
Old Gold 38:34, p.1
Profile of Professor Terry, who resigned effective at the end of the spring term.
11 Board of Control of Student Publications
Old Gold 0:0, p.281
Brief description of the group; photo.
12 Faculty
Old Gold 0:0, p.114
List of faculty; photo.
13 Inquiring Reporter
College Eye 38:30, p.6
Faculty members from the English Department comment on the question, "What is wrong with the attitude other departments take toward English as it is taught in the classroom?"
14 Miss Terry, lover of African violets, tells of visit to Queen's Rose Garden
College Eye 38:27, p.2
Recounts 1938 visit.
15 Board in Control of Student Publications
Old Gold 0:0, p.33
The Board in Control of Student Publications will work with the Director of Publications to supervise student publications; photo.
16 Faculty
Old Gold 0:0, p.64
Photos of the faculty.
17 Board of Control
Old Gold 0:0, p.164
Brief description of group; photo.
18 Sigma Tau Delta
Old Gold 0:0, p.93
Jeanne Todd acts as president of the National Honorary English Fraternity for the fall semester with Reba Flathen acting as president during the spring quarter; photo.
19 Faculty
Old Gold 0:0, p.55
Faculty; photo.
20 Is present system of attendance satisfactory
College Eye 36:23, p.2
Students and faculty tell what they like and dislike about the current class attendance policy.
21 Publications
Old Gold 0:0, p.79
Believing that student publications in wartime are even more crucial to the welfare of the student body than in peacetime, the College Eye became more important; photo.
22 Sigma Tau Delta
Old Gold 0:0, p.98
Brief description of the group; photo.
23 Faculty
Old Gold 0:0, p.58
Faculty; photo.
24 Campus speaks
College Eye 35:26, p.2
Survey on question of the value of learning a second language.
25 Eye retracts statement
College Eye 35:24, p.4
Corrected statement regarding staff and advisor.
26 Faculty
Old Gold 0:0, p.48
Roster of Faculty, photo.
27 Sigma Tau Delta
Old Gold 0:0, p.61
National honorary English organization for junior and senior English majors with a 3.0 in all English work; photo.
28 Board in Control of Student Publications
Old Gold 0:0, p.166
This nine member board is charged with the responsibility to guide and direct the student publications; photo.
29 The Pen
Old Gold 0:0, p.164
The Pen is a quarterly publication of student art work, poetry, prose and essays. It has been acclaimed as one of the outstanding literary magazines of the country, Mary Ella Jones was this years editor; photo.
30 Writers' Club
Old Gold 0:0, p.61
A club with interest so great, members have braved some of the coldest nights to attend meetings with discussions on the members literary productions; photo.
31 Dial Dope 1540
College Eye 34:11, p.2
Announces upcoming broadcasts on KXEL.
32 Sigma Tau Delta
Old Gold 0:0, p.95
Brief description of the organization; photo.
33 The Pen
Old Gold 0:0, p.226
Brief description of the group; photo.
34 Faculty
Old Gold 0:0, p.58
List of faculty; photo.
35 Student board of publications
Old Gold 0:0, p.227
Brief description of the group; photo.
36 Rejuvenated 'Purple Pen' to be released March 11
College Eye 33:20, p.1
New board formed to try to include wider selection of material; will be called "Pen".
37 'Purple Pen' to come off press next week
College Eye 33:10, p.1
Preview of the next issue.
38 Writer's Club Tuesday
College Eye 33:4, p.3
39 Edit Purple Pen annual fall issue
College Eye 33:4, p.3
Will be distributed in November.
40 Freshmen discover new interest fields
College Eye 33:2, p.4
Students learn about extracurricular activities on campus.
41 Miss Terry recovering from recent operation
College Eye 32:37, p.1
42 Faculty
Old Gold 0:0, p.63
List of faculty; photo.
43 Purple Pen
Old Gold 0:0, p.182
Brief description of the group; photo.
44 31 students write for spring issue of Purple Pen
College Eye 32:32, p.1
Preview of the new issue.
45 Fall Purple Pen on sale November 19
College Eye 32:2, p.5
Tau Sigma Delta and Miss Terry are putting the magazine together.
46 An appreciation
College Eye 31:43, p.2
Text of Faculty Senate resolution on President Latham and his work.
47 Shorter summer term favored by faculty members
College Eye 31:42, p.1
Faculty express their opinions on a shorter summer term.
48 Beard, Cable, and Kurtz receive awards for inspirational service
College Eye 31:34, p.1
Receive faculty Purple and Old Gold Awards.
49 Board in control of student publications
Old Gold 0:0, p.261
Brief description of the department; photo.
50 English
Old Gold 0:0, p.171
Brief description of the department; photo.