
Displaying 1 - 22 of 22 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Theatre UNI presents Radium Girls
Northern Iowan 119:39, p.5
TheatreUNI is performing "Radium Girls" in the Strayer-Wood Theatre from March 1-4, 2023. Erin McRae interviews the show director, Katherine Hahn and the head of the theatre department, Eric Lange about the show; photo.
2 Panther portrait: "As You Like It"
Northern Iowan 119:15, p.5
A series of six photos taken by Jonathan Allender of TheatreUNI's first production of the season, "As You Like It".
3 Students still concerned about lack of free STD testing on campus
Northern Iowan 118:27, p.1
The Student Health Center stopped offering free STD testing last year, concerning students who do not have the ability to travel to a free testing facility; photo.
4 'Theatre is not going anywhere'
Northern Iowan 118:24, p.1
Members of the UNI Theatre department, Northern Iowa Student Government (NISG), and the administration met to discuss the importance of the theatre program and how to maintain it despite financial and staffing challenges; photos.
5 TheatreUNI to present 'The Fractured Mind of Eric Coble'
Northern Iowan 118:22, p.2
TheatreUNI performs their second show, "The Fractured Mind of Eric Coble," as a podcast; photo.
6 UNI Theatre in jeopardy
Northern Iowan 118:21, p.1
Students gathered in the Strayer-Wood basement to discuss the large changes to the TheatreUNI program, as only four of the eight faculty positions will be filled next year; photo.
7 N.I. en Español: Theatre UNI producirá “Dream with me”
Northern Iowan 117:36, p.2
Nixson Benitez writes an article in Spanish about the UNI Theater Department and the film they're creating that looks at issues exposed by the COVID-19 pandemic; photo.
8 TheatreUNI presents virtual 10-minute plays
Northern Iowan 117:25, p.4
TheatreUNI presents various student-directed 10-minute plays via viedo; photo.
9 TheatreUNI holding 10-minute play auditions
Northern Iowan 117:11, p.4
Students in assistant professor Amy Osatinski's theater class will be holding auditions for the 10-minute plays they direct, although editions will be different due to COVID-19 restrictions; photo.
10 Preview: 'You Can't Take It With You'
Northern Iowan 116:43, p.5
TheatreUNI will continue its performances of "You Can't Take It With You" March 12-13 and 25-9; photo.
11 "Black History: A Musical Journey"
Northern Iowan 116:36, p.5
Alldredge gives the one-night-only program "Black History: A Musical Journey" performed by the Multicultural Theatrical Society in the Communication Arts Center on February 15 a favorable review. The show featured live musical performances and narrative history highlighting black artists. Students Zoella Sneed, Caroline Henry, Devin Yarkosky, Ray Nelson, and Keira Doyle performed; photos.
12 TheatreUNI gives haunting performance in 'Cabaret'
Northern Iowan 116:27, p.1
TheatreUNI concluded its current season with a musical production of "Cabaret" in Strayer-Wood Theater, November 20-22 and December 4-8. Professor Amy Osatinski directed. Alldredge gives the performance a favorable review for a moving and chilling performance, and especially applauds actors Erika Bailey and Noah Hynick; photos.
13 Panther Portrait: Rocky Horror Picture Show
Northern Iowan 116:19, p.4
Alpha Psi Omega held UNI's annual midnight showing of "The Rocky Horror Picture Show" at Stayer-Wood Theater on November 1. David Harnois of TheatreUNI hosted; photos.
14 Celebrating LGBTQ+ History Month
Northern Iowan 116:13, p.4
UNI hosts several events throughout October, which is LGBTQ+ History Month, to celebrate and inform. They include displays, performances, training, speakers, and other events; photos.
15 Exploring representation in theatre
Northern Iowan 116:3, p.5
TheatreUNI presented "Anything You Can Do, I Can Do...?" on September 6 and 7 in the Bertha Martin Theatre. The show was developed over the summer by assistant professors of theatre Jim Bray and Amy Osatinski, who were awarded a fellowship from the Graduate College at UNI for its production. With the help of students identifying as black or Latinx, the show's theme concerned historical representation of Asian, Latinx, black, Jewish, and LGBTQ+ people in theatre with a mix of lightheartedness and seriousness; photos.
16 Welcome Back
Northern Iowan 116:1, p.1
Students that work at the Northern Iowan share advice to new and returning UNI students. Gabrielle Leitner (Executive Editor), Gabrielle Cummings (Art Director), Elizabeth Kelsey (News Editor), Sofia Legaspi (Campus Life Editor), Jacob Potter (Sports Editor), and Cecilia Mitchell (Copy Editor) give advice and answer questions; photo.
17 Scene D presents "The Christians"
Northern Iowan 115:52, p.2
The independent theatre project "Scene D" will produce "The Christians" April 25-28 at Rock & Bach Studios, formerly Calvary Baptist Church. Professors Grant Tracey and Kim Groninga are involved in the production; additionally, the set design was largely created by TheatreUNI students; photo.
18 "Legacy of Light' shines on stage
Northern Iowan 115:38, p.5
Mitchell gives an overall favorable review to TheatreUNI's production "Legacy of Light" held February 21 in Strayer-Wood Theatre; photo.
19 'She Kills Monsters' fun 90's romp
Northern Iowan 115:26, p.5
TheatreUNI performed "She Kills Monsters" in the Strayer-Wood Theatre November 28 - December 2. Miene gives the performance a favorable review; photos.
20 'Meet the Monsters' previews play
Northern Iowan 115:22, p.5
The Theatre Department hosted "Meet the Monsters" on October 31 in Strayer-Wood Theatre, where the cast and crew of the production "She Kills Monsters" showcased behind-the-scenes elements of the show; photo.
21 Technology poses threat to theatre
Northern Iowan 112:23, p.2

Students in the theatre program discuss the impact of audience members using technology during a performance, particularly in regards to missing parts of the show, distracting the performers, and privacy issues.

22 "Independence" paints picture of troubled home
Northern Iowan 112:13, p.5

Mattox gives TheatreUNI's production of "Independence" a favorable review.