Thompson--Howard John (Student--1941; History Faculty)

Displaying 1 - 50 of 59 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Student and faculty life at the Teachers College in the Forties
A Century of Leadership and Service 2:0, p.165
Recreation, speech, debate, and drama during the 1940s; photo.
2 Importance of history outlined
Northern Iowan 84:5, p.3
Tries to put Professor Thompson's question into an Iowa perspective.
3 History question posed
Northern Iowan 84:4, p.2
Believes history is a living past.
4 29th Annual Recognition Breakfast May 9 to honor 33 long-term UNI employees
Public Relations News Release 1987:361, p.1

President Constantine Curris speaks at the Recognition Breakfast, honor thirty-three recently retired university employees. Entertainment was provided by the Northern Brass Quintet. Honorees are listed by department.

5 Merle R. Thompson
Alumnus 67:4, p.30
Died in summer of 1983.
6 Student interest in history on the rise
Old Gold 0:0, p.43
An increase of majors and minors in History are increasing, showing marked interest in the field; photo.
7 History lecture
Northern Iowan 75:44, p.9
Howard Thompson will talk about the welfare state.
8 Regents approve faculty leaves
Northern Iowan 73:31, p.4
List of faculty and their projects.
9 Historical Association
Northern Iowan 69:49, p.12
Professors Wohl and Thompson will discuss morality and history.
10 Relate instruction to peace cause
Northern Iowan 66:11, p.2
Professor Thompson will hold classes because he believes that it is in the best interests of education.
11 Success of dialog relies on listening
Northern Iowan 66:4, p.2
Offers advice for successful moratorium experience.
12 Join general ed. expansion forces
Northern Iowan 65:16, p.2
Professor Fox does not mind including more courses in the general education program, but he does not want to toss out any of those already in the program.
13 Supports general ed. revision and additional electives
Northern Iowan 65:15, p.2
Letter expresses support for Howard J. Thompson's desire for revision of general education program, but disagrees with Thompson's stand against black history and literature courses.
14 'No to electives: must reconstruct general ed.'
Northern Iowan 65:14, p.3
Letter argues against course on history of Black America and offers alternatives.
15 Disaster of misinterpretation
Northern Iowan 64:47, p.2
Recognizes Dr. King's non-violent stance.
16 Untitled
Northern Iowan 64:29, p.5
Changing schedules can be a long process; photo.
17 New bells purchased for Campanile
Alumnus 53:1, p.3
Contract awarded to I. T. Verdin; list of those who assisted with campaign; photo.
18 Free speech, free press fundamental
Northern Iowan 64:12, p.10
Professor Thompson criticizes the faculty letter protesting publication of the Hoffmans article.
19 Mrs. Nancy P. Thompson keeps busy at three jobs
Northern Iowan 64:10, p.5
Juggles teaching, family, and going to school; discusses her writing; photo.
20 'Wars begin in the minds of men'
College Eye 63:7, p.2
Professor comments on the Viet Nam war.
21 Would Ike take any action?
College Eye 63:7, p.3
Questions a statement made by former president Dwight D. Eisenhower.
22 University here will not bring ignominy
College Eye 60:44, p.2
Criticizes statements by Josef Fox concerning the option of a university status for SCI.
23 Debate never gets going: Faculty meeting produces no new Union discussion
College Eye 60:25, p.1
Faculty members and President Maucker present views on campus planning and the Union location.
24 'Dinner with the Prof' set for Tuesday night
College Eye 60:23, p.3
Mr. And Mrs. Howard Thompson will be guests.
25 Faculty should speak out on lights out
College Eye 59:8, p.2
Student appreciates Professors Bohme and Thompson's support; condemns Professor Fox for his complaints of faculty involvement.
26 Open letter to the Faculty Senate
College Eye 59:5, p.2
Requests lights-out regulations for Bartlett freshmen women be lifted.
27 Existentialist discussion Tuesday
College Eye 58:29, p.4
Several history faculty will present panel discussion.
28 Perspective: existence of post moderns radically uncertain
College Eye 58:20, p.2
Shares his post modern views.
29 Promotions for faculty announced
College Eye 52:36, p.1
Roster of those receiving promotions.
30 4 of faculty get Danforth awards
College Eye 52:25, p.2
Professors Stageberg, Thompson, Smith, and Delafield will study this summer.
31 4 ISTC faculty to receive Danford Awards
Public Relations News Release 1960:307, p.1
Professors Norman Stageberg, Howard Thompson, David Delafield, and Paul Smith receive awards for summer study through the Danford Foundation. The Artists' Equity Association sponsors a tour of European paintings, sculpture, and architecture.
32 Pi Gamma Mu Holds Group Discussion
Old Gold 0:0, p.181
Pi Gamma Mu is the social science fraternity. The organization is sponsored by Dr. H. Thompson. Meetings and "get togethers" were held mostly group discussions between faculty and students.
33 Asian Program By Social Science Department
Old Gold 0:0, p.106
The Department of Social Science creates programs and attempt to broaden student's horizons. In the Summer of 1960, an Asian program will be provided as a social studies workshop. The Department also sponsors Pi Gamma Mu and joins other departments in supporting the All-College Conference on International Affairs.
34 Committee recommends several changes
Alumnus 44:3, p.8
Committee on Standards and Directions report adopted by faculty; includes recommendations on scholastic standards, improvement of instruction, and future directions; also includes possibility of degrees without teaching certification.
35 3-year degree? 21 may try it as experiment
College Eye 50:35, p.1
Students get head start this summer in accelerated program.
36 Faculty favors liberal arts
College Eye 50:33, p.1
Recommendation of faculty committee will likely go to Regents.
37 Four to discuss modern Europe
College Eye 50:33, p.4
Professors Sage, Talbott, Thompson, and Leavitt will form panel; schedule for other discussions.
38 Summer In England Highlights Social Science Year
Old Gold 0:0, p.112
The goal of the Social Science Department was to enable students to better understand the past and present history and problems in the world in which he or she lives; a group of about fifty students went to a seminar in England and Europe; photo.
39 Delta Sigma Rho Encourages Forensics
Old Gold 0:0, p.207
Description of the national honorary fraternity; photo.
40 Delta Sigma Rho Encourages Forensics
Old Gold 0:0, p.207

The purpose of Delta Sigma Rho is to encourage the highest quality of participation in debate and other forensic activities; the only teacher's college in the whole nation to have a chapter of this fraternity is Iowa State Teachers College; photo.

41 Department of Social Science
Old Gold 0:0, p.54
The department assisted in the television program "Landmarks of Iowa History"; the Iowa Historical Society published Dr. L. L. Sage's biography, William Boyd Allison: A Study in Practical Politics; photo.
42 Social Science
Old Gold 0:0, p.104
Brief description of the department; photo.
43 Many join faculty to fill old and new staff positions
College Eye 47:1, p.3
Brief profiles of new faculty and staff.
44 Former student broadcasts Sunday
College Eye 33:31, p.3
Howard Thompson is one of four national finalists in competition sponsored by American Economic Foundation.
45 Thompson wins debate contest
College Eye 33:28, p.3
Howard Thompson is one of eight national finalists.
46 Appoint Thompson to Naval Academy
College Eye 33:21, p.6
Studied at ISTC for two years; had been studying at University of Iowa; photo.
47 Lecture, concert committee chosen
College Eye 32:40, p.1
Will re-establish series as result of $500 gift from anonymous donor.
48 1941 Old Gold
Old Gold 0:0, p.
Brief description of the group; photo.
49 Social science honors
Old Gold 0:0, p.238
Brief description of the group; photo.
50 Elementary Club
Old Gold 0:0, p.236
Brief description of the group; photo.