Thompson--Howard John (Student--1941; History Faculty)
Displaying 1 - 50 of 59 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
1 | Student and faculty life at the Teachers College in the Forties A Century of Leadership and Service 2:0, p.165 |
Recreation, speech, debate, and drama during the 1940s; photo. | |
2 | Importance of history outlined Northern Iowan 84:5, p.3 |
Tries to put Professor Thompson's question into an Iowa perspective. | |
3 | History question posed Northern Iowan 84:4, p.2 |
Believes history is a living past. | |
4 | 29th Annual Recognition Breakfast May 9 to honor 33 long-term UNI employees Public Relations News Release 1987:361, p.1 |
President Constantine Curris speaks at the Recognition Breakfast, honor thirty-three recently retired university employees. Entertainment was provided by the Northern Brass Quintet. Honorees are listed by department. |
5 | Merle R. Thompson Alumnus 67:4, p.30 |
Died in summer of 1983. | |
6 | Student interest in history on the rise Old Gold 0:0, p.43 |
An increase of majors and minors in History are increasing, showing marked interest in the field; photo. | |
7 | History lecture Northern Iowan 75:44, p.9 |
Howard Thompson will talk about the welfare state. | |
8 | Regents approve faculty leaves Northern Iowan 73:31, p.4 |
List of faculty and their projects. | |
9 | Historical Association Northern Iowan 69:49, p.12 |
Professors Wohl and Thompson will discuss morality and history. | |
10 | Relate instruction to peace cause Northern Iowan 66:11, p.2 |
Professor Thompson will hold classes because he believes that it is in the best interests of education. | |
11 | Success of dialog relies on listening Northern Iowan 66:4, p.2 |
Offers advice for successful moratorium experience. | |
12 | Join general ed. expansion forces Northern Iowan 65:16, p.2 |
Professor Fox does not mind including more courses in the general education program, but he does not want to toss out any of those already in the program. | |
13 | Supports general ed. revision and additional electives Northern Iowan 65:15, p.2 |
Letter expresses support for Howard J. Thompson's desire for revision of general education program, but disagrees with Thompson's stand against black history and literature courses. | |
14 | 'No to electives: must reconstruct general ed.' Northern Iowan 65:14, p.3 |
Letter argues against course on history of Black America and offers alternatives. | |
15 | Disaster of misinterpretation Northern Iowan 64:47, p.2 |
Recognizes Dr. King's non-violent stance. | |
16 | Untitled Northern Iowan 64:29, p.5 |
Changing schedules can be a long process; photo. | |
17 | New bells purchased for Campanile Alumnus 53:1, p.3 |
Contract awarded to I. T. Verdin; list of those who assisted with campaign; photo. | |
18 | Free speech, free press fundamental Northern Iowan 64:12, p.10 |
Professor Thompson criticizes the faculty letter protesting publication of the Hoffmans article. | |
19 | Mrs. Nancy P. Thompson keeps busy at three jobs Northern Iowan 64:10, p.5 |
Juggles teaching, family, and going to school; discusses her writing; photo. | |
20 | 'Wars begin in the minds of men' College Eye 63:7, p.2 |
Professor comments on the Viet Nam war. | |
21 | Would Ike take any action? College Eye 63:7, p.3 |
Questions a statement made by former president Dwight D. Eisenhower. | |
22 | University here will not bring ignominy College Eye 60:44, p.2 |
Criticizes statements by Josef Fox concerning the option of a university status for SCI. | |
23 | Debate never gets going: Faculty meeting produces no new Union discussion College Eye 60:25, p.1 |
Faculty members and President Maucker present views on campus planning and the Union location. | |
24 | 'Dinner with the Prof' set for Tuesday night College Eye 60:23, p.3 |
Mr. And Mrs. Howard Thompson will be guests. | |
25 | Faculty should speak out on lights out College Eye 59:8, p.2 |
Student appreciates Professors Bohme and Thompson's support; condemns Professor Fox for his complaints of faculty involvement. | |
26 | Open letter to the Faculty Senate College Eye 59:5, p.2 |
Requests lights-out regulations for Bartlett freshmen women be lifted. | |
27 | Existentialist discussion Tuesday College Eye 58:29, p.4 |
Several history faculty will present panel discussion. | |
28 | Perspective: existence of post moderns radically uncertain College Eye 58:20, p.2 |
Shares his post modern views. | |
29 | Promotions for faculty announced College Eye 52:36, p.1 |
Roster of those receiving promotions. | |
30 | 4 of faculty get Danforth awards College Eye 52:25, p.2 |
Professors Stageberg, Thompson, Smith, and Delafield will study this summer. | |
31 | 4 ISTC faculty to receive Danford Awards Public Relations News Release 1960:307, p.1 |
Professors Norman Stageberg, Howard Thompson, David Delafield, and Paul Smith receive awards for summer study through the Danford Foundation. The Artists' Equity Association sponsors a tour of European paintings, sculpture, and architecture. | |
32 | Pi Gamma Mu Holds Group Discussion Old Gold 0:0, p.181 |
Pi Gamma Mu is the social science fraternity. The organization is sponsored by Dr. H. Thompson. Meetings and "get togethers" were held mostly group discussions between faculty and students. | |
33 | Asian Program By Social Science Department Old Gold 0:0, p.106 |
The Department of Social Science creates programs and attempt to broaden student's horizons. In the Summer of 1960, an Asian program will be provided as a social studies workshop. The Department also sponsors Pi Gamma Mu and joins other departments in supporting the All-College Conference on International Affairs. | |
34 | Committee recommends several changes Alumnus 44:3, p.8 |
Committee on Standards and Directions report adopted by faculty; includes recommendations on scholastic standards, improvement of instruction, and future directions; also includes possibility of degrees without teaching certification. | |
35 | 3-year degree? 21 may try it as experiment College Eye 50:35, p.1 |
Students get head start this summer in accelerated program. | |
36 | Faculty favors liberal arts College Eye 50:33, p.1 |
Recommendation of faculty committee will likely go to Regents. | |
37 | Four to discuss modern Europe College Eye 50:33, p.4 |
Professors Sage, Talbott, Thompson, and Leavitt will form panel; schedule for other discussions. | |
38 | Summer In England Highlights Social Science Year Old Gold 0:0, p.112 |
The goal of the Social Science Department was to enable students to better understand the past and present history and problems in the world in which he or she lives; a group of about fifty students went to a seminar in England and Europe; photo. | |
39 | Delta Sigma Rho Encourages Forensics Old Gold 0:0, p.207 |
Description of the national honorary fraternity; photo. | |
40 | Delta Sigma Rho Encourages Forensics Old Gold 0:0, p.207 |
The purpose of Delta Sigma Rho is to encourage the highest quality of participation in debate and other forensic activities; the only teacher's college in the whole nation to have a chapter of this fraternity is Iowa State Teachers College; photo. |
41 | Department of Social Science Old Gold 0:0, p.54 |
The department assisted in the television program "Landmarks of Iowa History"; the Iowa Historical Society published Dr. L. L. Sage's biography, William Boyd Allison: A Study in Practical Politics; photo. | |
42 | Social Science Old Gold 0:0, p.104 |
Brief description of the department; photo. | |
43 | Many join faculty to fill old and new staff positions College Eye 47:1, p.3 |
Brief profiles of new faculty and staff. | |
44 | Former student broadcasts Sunday College Eye 33:31, p.3 |
Howard Thompson is one of four national finalists in competition sponsored by American Economic Foundation. | |
45 | Thompson wins debate contest College Eye 33:28, p.3 |
Howard Thompson is one of eight national finalists. | |
46 | Appoint Thompson to Naval Academy College Eye 33:21, p.6 |
Studied at ISTC for two years; had been studying at University of Iowa; photo. | |
47 | Lecture, concert committee chosen College Eye 32:40, p.1 |
Will re-establish series as result of $500 gift from anonymous donor. | |
48 | 1941 Old Gold Old Gold 0:0, p. |
Brief description of the group; photo. | |
49 | Social science honors Old Gold 0:0, p.238 |
Brief description of the group; photo. | |
50 | Elementary Club Old Gold 0:0, p.236 |
Brief description of the group; photo. |