Thompson--Thomas H. (Philosophy and Religion Faculty)

Displaying 1 - 50 of 137 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Re-elect mayor Crews
Northern Iowan 108:20, p.4
Professor Thomas Thompson supports Mayor Jon Crews for reelection.
2 Maucker memorial to be held today
Northern Iowan 102:6, p.3
Memorial will inform students about the changes President Maucker brought about at the university and the legacy that he left behind; photo.
3 Other major administrative, service, and curricular changes
A Century of Leadership and Service 2:0, p.234
The college adopts the semester plan to begin in summer, 1957; changes in student teaching supervision include resumption of work in Cedar Falls schools; institution of honors program and work with provisional students; photo.
4 Faculty affairs
A Century of Leadership and Service 2:0, p.317
A look at salary schedules, fringe benefits, faculty loads, faculty governance, and faculty organizations in the 1950s and 1960s; photo.
5 Collective bargaining
A Century of Leadership and Service 2:0, p.428
Detailed account of legal actions and negotiations leading to the election of a faculty bargaining agent; photo.
6 Profile: the retirement "Class of '93-'94"
Campus News Network 4:18, p.3
Profile of this year's retiring employees; photo.
7 Sources
Public Relations News Release 1992:554, p.1
Contact persons for topics of discussion are listed.
8 University of Northern Iowa to host one-third of John Page Retrospective exhibit
Public Relations News Release 1992:88, p.1

The Gallery of Art, Waterloo Museum of Art, and the Hearst Center for the Arts will exhibit John Page's lifelong art career, spanning over 40 years.

9 Northern Iowa sources for this week's topics in the news
Public Relations News Release 1991:450, p.1
Faculty sources named to give in-depth information on stalking, international computer viruses, gangs in Iowa, and cutting fine arts in schools.
10 University of Northern Iowa awards Hearst scholarship to junior art major.
Public Relations News Release 1990:694, p.1
Timothy Kuhlman was awarded. Recipients of the scholarship must be juniors or first semester seniors at the time of the award. They must major in programs in the School of Music, Department of English Language and Literature, or the Department of Art.
11 Northern Iowa to graduate more than 1,200 Saturday in UNI-Dome.
Public Relations News Release 1989:626, p.1
The student address will be delivered by Annette Klein Zuck, who will receive a bachelor's degree with high honors, with a major in elementary education. Some 1,100 graduating students have indicated they will attend the ceremonies Saturday.
12 Day receives memories for UNI alumni, faculty
Northern Iowan 86:54, p.10
Dean Thompson and others recall UNI history.
13 Founders Day reflects on past, celebrates future; from orphanage to university
Northern Iowan 86:54, p.10
Brief survey of UNI history; photo.
14 Founders day events at University of Northern Iowa to celebrate the past, present and future.
Public Relations News Release 1989:565, p.1
A full weekend of activities on campus will culminate Monday with an all University Convocation recalling the past and looking to the future of the Cedar Falls institution.
15 University of Northern Iowa hires Dean of College of Humanities and Fine Arts
Public Relations News Release 1989:482, p.1
Professor Beverley Byers-Pevitts replaces Thomas Thompson as Dean of the College of Humanities and Fine Arts, pending approval by the Board of Regents. Professor Ronald Ross lead the search committee for the deanship.
16 University of Northern Iowa commencement to be 1 P. M. Saturday (Dec. 16).
Public Relations News Release 1989:299, p.1
550 new alumni will be officially added to the roster of graduates. Two doctor of education recipients: Randall Clegg and Kathleen Sullivan Mulholland. Connie Koenen Uhl, will deliver the student address.
17 Report suggests more gen ed
Northern Iowan 86:22, p.5
Faculty believe UNI comes close to meeting the Cheney Reports recommendations of fifty gen ed hours.
18 Kamerick art building at University of Northern Iowa wins prestigious design award.
Public Relations News Release 1989:218, p.1
The two story building, completed in 1985, was one of six projects from a field of 90 entries in Iowa to receive a 1989 Honor Award from the Iowa Chapter of the American Institute of Architects.
19 Qualified faculty are in high demand
Northern Iowan 86:1, p.3
Administrators talk about the difficulty in recruiting faculty.
20 University of Northern Iowa summer commencement Friday (Aug. 4) evening in UNI-DOME.
Public Relations News Release 1988:583, p.1
350 new alumni will be added to the roster of graduates. Constantine Curris will confer the degrees. Janice Blockhus will deliver the student address. Judith Harrington will conduct the recognition and award of honors.
21 The latest status symbol.
Public Relations News Release 1988:514, p.1
Paintings by Picasso, Rembrandt, Van Gogh and Dali have been the prize of many recent bidding wars at major art auctions, with prices escalating into the millions of dollars. Works of art have become the latest rage for the elite.
22 The beauty of art is not always in the eye of the beholder says University of Northern Iowa professor.
Public Relations News Release 1988:481, p.1
Art has become a status symbol to be able to buy expensive pieces of art, just like it is a status symbol to buy a Lamborghinis and to have summer houses in Palm Springs.
23 Northern Iowa to graduate more than 1,300 Saturday (May 13) in UNI - Dome.
Public Relations News Release 1988:468, p.1
Student address delivered by Michelle Wubben, who will receive a bachelor's degree with highest honors. Senior Class gift will be presented by Carole Johnson and Mark Rolland. President Curris will preside and confer degrees.
24 Art mania-- when beauty is in the eye of the price tag.
Public Relations News Release 1988:283, p.1
Tom Thompson says art has become a status symbol and says the price hikes have made it almost impossible for small museums to buy works that will attract the public.
25 What's Up
Northern Iowan 85:33, p.3
Meetings and activities.
26 University of Northern Iowa commencement to be at 1 P.M. Saturday, Dec. 17.
Public Relations News Release 1988:203, p.1
President Constantine Curris will confer degrees on the students, who will include four doctor of education recipients.
27 Fewer majors seen
Northern Iowan 85:14, p.9
Administrators talk about the cycles of enrollment in humanities courses.
28 Faculty concern created; as business school seeks accreditation
Northern Iowan 85:13, p.1
Accreditation standards may affect students outside the School of Business.
29 Recognition to coach of award-winning Northern Iowa individual events team
Public Relations News Release 1988:523, p.1
Mary Ann Renz provided great impetus to individual events forensics program and will be moving on to teach at Winona State University.
30 University of Northern Iowa summer Commencement scheduled for 7:30 pm July 29.
Public Relations News Release 1988:505, p.1
President Curris will confer degrees in the Dome; list of Purple and Old Gold Award winners.
31 Hearsts leave UNI largest-ever gift
Northern Iowan 84:62, p.1
Hearsts leave $600,000 to establish endowed chair; photo.
32 Northern Iowa to graduate more than 1,100 May 14 in UNI Dome.
Public Relations News Release 1988:421, p.1
More than 1,100 students who have completed their undergraduate and graduate studies during the spring semester will receive their degrees on May 14. The student address will be delivered by Robert Richard Hauser.
33 University of Northern Iowa to hold commencement exercises 1 P. M. Dec. 19
Public Relations News Release 1987:176, p.1
Professor James Martin conducts the recognition and awards ceremonies for fall commencements ceremonies, with Judith Harrington as commencement marshal. College deans distribute degrees of their respective fields. Music provided by the Brass Quintet.
34 Thompson to resign as dean
Northern Iowan 84:8, p.4
Dean Thompson's resignation will be effective after the 1988 summer session; has been dean for seven years; tributes to his work; photo.
35 UNI Summer Commencement set for Friday (July 31) in the UNI-Dome
Public Relations News Release 1987:438, p.1
DeAnn Marie Huinker delivers the commencement speech in the UNI-Dome. Professor Patricia Geadelmann and Jay Edelnant present awards and honors to Pamela Heinmeyer and Adrian Talbot. James Martin presided over the ceremonies.
36 UNI to graduate nearly 1,200 in exercises May 16
Public Relations News Release 1987:368, p.1
Elizabeth Ruth Bingham conducts the student address in the spring commencement ceremonies, where Professor William Lang is awarded a doctor of humane letters degree. President Curris presided over the ceremonies, with the Wind Quintet providing music.
37 Bingham to speak at commencement
Northern Iowan 83:52, p.1
Profile of Elizabeth Bingham; photo.
38 Finances may limit headship searches
Northern Iowan 83:50, p.4
Problem arises when a department head resigns as head but does not leave the faculty.
39 Bush's graduation invitation to be decided today
Northern Iowan 83:39, p.1
Commencement Committee will make decision.
40 Faculty approves new Gen. Ed. Program
Northern Iowan 83:21, p.1
After sharp debate, faculty passes new program, 142-113; text of new program.
41 Senate approves general education policies
Northern Iowan 83:19, p.6
Approve administrative procedures including articulation with holders of the A. A. degree.
42 Waterloo student awarded $1,000 UNI James Hearst scholarship
Public Relations News Release 1986:421, p.1
Troupe is a sophomore art major with an emphasis in photography; the award's purpose is to recognize academic and artistic promise, but student need is also considered; Powell and Colburn nominated her.
43 UNI to graduate nearly 1,200 in exercises May 10
Public Relations News Release 1986:399, p.1
The graduates include both undergraduate and graduate students; Fleming will give the address; Iseminger is seventy-two years old; members of the alumni class of 1936 will be honored.
44 Budget crisis hits hard
Northern Iowan 82:32, p.1
Jim Stampp talks about the way that UNI has handled the 3.85% reversion of funds to the state.
45 Fox's mission: wake students up: Friends colleagues reminisce
Northern Iowan 82:29, p.5
Quick excerpts from speeches made at the dedication of the Fox seminar room.
46 Seminar room dedication today for controversial Fox
Northern Iowan 82:28, p.6
Seminar room in Baker Hall to be named for Josef Fox; photo.
47 UNI fall commencement to be December 14 in the UNI-Dome
Public Relations News Release 1985:170, p.1
Koester will deliver the student address; other participants are listed; nearly six hundred students are expected to graduate.
48 Art Building dedication signals a new era
Northern Iowa Today 14:1, p.1
Art Building dedicated October 26, 1985; photo.
49 Untitled
Northern Iowan 82:16, p.3
Criticizes Dr. Thompson for quote in the October 25, 1985, issue of the Northern Iowan.
50 Quality of campus journalism threatened
Northern Iowan 82:15, p.1
Due to limited funds, only two courses will be offered.