Todd--Charles Otto (Eduation Faculty)

Displaying 1 - 50 of 175 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Tau Sigma Delta
Old Gold 0:0, p.161
Brief description of the sorority; photo.
2 New faculty faces
Alumnus 25:4, p.3
Roster of new faculty and their assignments.
3 He learned the hard way
Alumnus 25:4, p.26
Charles O. Todd, popular education professor, was born in a log house in the Hoosier state in 1873. He died May 25, 1941. He married the former Charlotte Faulkner, his primary teacher. They had two children, Charles and Jeanne.
4 Six departments, library get new members
College Eye 33:2, p.1
Profiles of new faculty and staff members.
5 Death comes to Dr. Todd
Alumnus 25:3, p.4
Charles Otto Todd died May 25, 1941.
6 Faculty
Old Gold 0:0, p.63
List of faculty; photo.
7 Two city superintendents to lead elementary conference
College Eye 32:24, p.1
A look at the program for the conference.
8 Golf tournament nears completion
College Eye 31:43, p.4
A. E. Brown will face C. O. Todd in the final match of the faculty men's golf tournament.
9 Charles and Todd battle it out in links match
College Eye 31:42, p.4
Professor Charles defeated Professor Todd in faculty golf tournament.
10 Education
Old Gold 0:0, p.163
Brief description of the department; photo.
11 Point system, extra-curricular activities criticized at forum Sunday night
College Eye 31:32, p.2
Gerald Knoff leads discussion on what students believe they have missed in college.
12 Principals to meet today
College Eye 31:26, p.1
13 Holy Week program begins Monday; Cram to give first address
College Eye 31:23, p.1
Schedule of morning and afternoon services.
14 Extended activity program makes Commons social center
College Eye 31:18, p.3
Schedule of activities.
15 Visit schools at Fort Dodge
College Eye 30:13, p.5
Delegation of TC faculty visits.
16 Perfect weather, new motor boat, but no water
College Eye 30:9, p.2
City opened locks; water too low for Professor Riebe.
17 Ten faculty men play "Proud Papa" role tomorrow
College Eye 30:7, p.5
Several faculty have children attending ISTC.
18 Thompson annexes faculty handicap golf tournament; outplays Todd to win crown
College Eye 29:43, p.4
Summary of the final round of the tournament.
19 Golf tourney reaches final stages of play
College Eye 29:42, p.4
C. O. Todd will face either O. M. Nordly or M. R. Thompson in the championship match.
20 Faculty members golf at Eldora
College Eye 29:42, p.4
A number of faculty played there.
21 First round in tournament nears finish
College Eye 29:38, p.4
Results from the beginning of the first round.
22 Progressivists and scouters
Old Gold 0:0, p.225
Brief description of groups and list of members; photos.
23 C. O. Todd
Alumnus 22:2, p.20
Associate professor of education.
24 Todd speaks
College Eye 29:9, p.5
At Methodist Church and also in Algona.
25 Do faculty members get up early?
College Eye 28:39, p.4
Faculty members talk about their early morning activities.
26 Todd attends Iowa conference on child development
College Eye 28:38, p.3
27 Education
Old Gold 0:0, p.45
Description of changes in the department; photos.
28 United Student Movement
Old Gold 0:0, p.104
Activities, officers, and members; photo.
29 Elementary Club
Old Gold 0:0, p.123
Activities, officers, and members; photo.
30 Walters absent
College Eye 28:32, p.3
Has missed class due to arthritis.
31 Spring finds faculty members busy with lecturers and trips; many attend music convention; Denny and Riebe leave for Wisconsin
College Eye 28:27, p.3
Schedule of upcoming campus meetings.
32 Bridge fiend grips men of the faculty
College Eye 28:17, p.3
Faculty men have started a bridge tournament.
33 Dr. Hanson, past religious director, dies; pictures self once more in the college chapel at death
College Eye 28:9, p.1
Died October 30, 1936; obituary; photo.
34 Macy Campbell Club meets in Waterloo
College Eye 28:7, p.5
Harry Reed speaks of practical education.
35 Todd speaks
College Eye 28:6, p.6
Professor Todd spoke at YMCA meeting in Waterloo.
36 "Playing safe" is next chapel topic
College Eye 28:2, p.1
Sunday School class for college students will also meet.
37 Denny to play winner of Todd-Wellborn match
College Eye 27:53, p.4
Results are announced from this week's play in the men's faculty golf tournament.
38 M. R. Beard elected Men's Club president for coming year
College Eye 27:9, p.2
39 Values of Genesis is church school topic
College Eye 27:4, p.2
40 Bosley and Todd to participate in Y. M, C. A. conference
College Eye 27:3, p.1
At Geneva, Wisconsin; photo.
41 New Sunday School class to be taught by Bosley and Todd
College Eye 27:2, p.3
Will study the Bible as literature.
42 Tau Sigma Delta
Old Gold 0:0, p.73
Description of activities, officers, and members; photos.
43 Education
Old Gold 0:0, p.39
Description of courses and instructors' activities; photos.
44 Faculty bidders get tournament started
College Eye 27:29, p.3
Professor Todd directs bridge tournament.
45 Lorraine Peterson was one of eleven pledges who were initiated into Tau Sigma Delta
Public Relations News Release 1935:454, p.1
Special guests at the initiation dinner.
46 Mary Tripp was one of eleven pledges who were initiated into Tau Sigma Delta
Public Relations News Release 1935:455, p.1
Special guests at the initiation dinner.
47 Genevieve Kuhl was one of eleven pledges who were initiated into Tau Sigma Delta
Public Relations News Release 1935:449, p.1
Special guests at the initiation dinner.
48 Irma Hunt was one of eleven pledges who were inititated into Tau Sigma Delta
Public Relations News Release 1935:448, p.1
Special guests at the initiation dinner.
49 Lois Glade was one of eleven pledges who were initiated into Tau Sigma Delta
Public Relations News Release 1935:453, p.1
Special guests at the initiation dinner.
50 Martha Loonan was one of eleven pledges who were initiated into Tau Sigma Delta
Public Relations News Release 1935:451, p.1
Special guests at the initiation dinner.