Tompkins--Charles John (Class of 1931)

Displaying 1 - 50 of 59 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Mr. and Mrs. Charles Tompkins
Alumnus 27:3, p.24
Works for the Durochrome Manufacturing Company in San Marino, California.
2 Football squad shows promise of power
Alumnus 15:4, p.18
1931 season preview; photo.
3 Fourteen lettermen and a host
Public Relations News Release 1930:517, p.1
Football team begins practice for 1931 season; schedule included.
4 Grid prospects promise much, states mentor; wealth of material from both frosh and varsity squads of last year is slated to return
College Eye 23:11, p.1
Preview of 1931 Tutor football team.
5 Lambda Gamma Nu
Old Gold 0:0, p.271
Members and pledges; photo.
6 Football Letter Winners
Old Gold 0:0, p.139
Award winners; photos.
7 Football
Old Gold 0:0, p.134
Season highlights and schedule; photos.
8 "Believe it or Not"; read and learn about the graduates
Old Gold 0:0, p.93
Humorous look at the graduates' personalities.
9 Graduates
Old Gold 0:0, p.65
Graduate photos.
10 Gridders receive sweaters
Alumnus 15:2, p.19
Twenty-one members of the football team win sweaters with letters.
11 Twenty-one Iowa Teachers gridders will be honored
Public Relations News Release 1930:204, p.1
Twenty-one players letter in football.
12 Election of captains abolished
Alumnus 15:1, p.24
Coaches will appoint captains before each contest.
13 The varsity football squad of 1930
Alumnus 15:1, p.22
Team photo; photo.
14 Stiff schedule seasons gridders for 1931
Alumnus 15:1, p.22
Team finished 1930 season with 2-5-1 record; roster of letter winners; schedule for 1931.
15 Twenty-one members of the 1930 Iowa State Teachers College grid squad
Public Relations News Release 1930:106, p.1
Twenty-one players lettered in football.
16 These men make the Iowa Teachers varsity football squad
Public Relations News Release 1930:104, p.1
Roster of this year's football team.
17 Iowa Teachers athletic teams will have no more permanent captains
Public Relations News Release 1930:102, p.1
This is the last year for teams to have permanent captains; hereafter captains will be named for each contest.
18 Seven regulars, or near regulars
Public Relations News Release 1930:97, p.1
The last football game of the season; possible starting line-up discussed.
19 These men have dads and school behind them
College Eye 22:10, p.4
Teachers College team to take on Michigan Normal; photo.
20 Tutors will play last home game of season; dads will watch while sons play Michigan Normal
College Eye 22:10, p.1
Students' fathers to visit campus and attend football game, photo.
21 Charles Tompkins, of this city
Public Relations News Release 1930:90, p.1
Will not play football next year; he graduates this spring.
22 Dads will look on this Saturday at Iowa State Teachers College
Public Relations News Release 1930:86, p.1
ISTC will meet Michigan State Normal Saturday.
23 T. T. Tompkins, Spirit Lake
Public Relations News Release 1930:78, p.1
Will watch his son Charles, captain of the football team, during the Dad's Day football classic.
24 The personnel of the Iowa State Teachers grid squad
Public Relations News Release 1930:76, p.1
Coach Whitford announces which players will play Western State at Kalamazoo, Michigan.
25 Iowa Teachers journey to Kalamazoo, Michigan
Public Relations News Release 1930:72, p.1
Football team plays at Western State in Kalamazoo.
26 Iowa Teachers meet Simpson
Public Relations News Release 1930:62, p.1
Football team prepare for game against Simpson College.
27 Backfield worries
Public Relations News Release 1930:56, p.1
Injuries saddle the football team in their game against Penn.
28 Iowa State Teachers, victors in two starts Iowa Conference foes
Public Relations News Release 1930:55, p.1
Football team prepares for Boy Scout Day game against Penn.
29 Coach L. W. (Munn) Whitford's Iowa State Teachers grid machine
Public Relations News Release 1930:39, p.1
Tutor foorball squad holds the lead in the Iowa Conference, 2-0.
30 Grid leader
College Eye 22:6, p.4
Injured Tutor football captain Charles Tompkins expected to be ready for Penn game October 25; photo.
31 Homecoming festivities reach their peak Saturday
Public Relations News Release 1930:33, p.1
Homecoming game against Coe College discussed.
32 These five men form the backbone.
Public Relations News Release 1930:32, p.1
The top five ISTC football players will play in Homecoming game.
33 Iowa State Teachers leave here Saturday
Public Relations News Release 1930:29, p.1
The football team plays Luther College this weekend; tentative starting line-up given.
34 Injuries continue to ride hard on the heels of Coach Munn Whitford's grid squad
Public Relations News Release 1930:28, p.1
The football team sits out key players due to injuries.
35 Iowa Teachers, leaderless and generally weakened by injuries
Public Relations News Release 1930:20, p.1
Several Tutors won't play the football season opener at Dubuque Saturday night.
36 Iowa State Teachers complete their heaviest week of grid drill
Public Relations News Release 1930:15, p.1
Football team scrimmages once again; potential line-up given. Several player will not scrimmage because of injuries.
37 Starting the second full weel of drill
Public Relations News Release 1930:11, p.1
First football game of the season is against Dubuque; possible line-up for the season is given.
38 Strenghtened by veterans who returned to school
Public Relations News Release 1930:3, p.1
Football team has first scrimmage of season; team roster.
39 Leads Tutors
College Eye 22:1, p.7
Schedule for 1930 season; photo.
40 L. W. Whitford, head football coach
Public Relations News Release 1929:563, p.1
Coach Whitfod holds try-outs for the 1930 football team.
41 Football
Old Gold 0:0, p.152
1929 season schedule and highlights; photos.
42 Grid squad ties second place in conference
Alumnus 14:1, p.21
Season wrap-up; scores, roster of letter winners; Dave McCuskey is star; photo.
43 New pilot; "Chuck" Tompkins elected grid captain for 1930; captain-elect is two year grid veteran; election announced at President Latham's banquet
College Eye 21:12, p.6
Tompkins, quarterback; photo.
44 Charles Tompkins, of Spirit Lake
Public Relations News Release 1929:84, p.1
Elected captain of the football team.
45 Iowa State Teachers College gridders
Public Relations News Release 1929:46, p.1
Tutors will play Grinnell College this Saturday.
46 What Tompkins thinks about the Homecoming game
College Eye 21:0, p.3
Charles Tompkins talks about the upcoming game.
47 Homecoming festivities reach their peak Saturday
Public Relations News Release 1929:12, p.1
The Homecoming football game; partial list of football players.
48 T. C. Club
Old Gold 0:0, p.166
Officers and members; photo.
49 Football
Old Gold 0:0, p.146
Schedule and player profiles; photos.
50 Sophomore B. A.
Old Gold 0:0, p.90
Officers and class roll; photo.