
Displaying 1 - 50 of 266 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 CATS Traditions Challenge
Northern Iowan 119:43, p.4
Diamond Roundtree writes about the Connecting Alumni to Students (CATS) Traditions Challenge and the deadlines for the spring semester graduates; photo.
2 Traditions keeper ceremony
Northern Iowan 119:27, p.4
Trevor Meyers reports on updates to the list of Traditions Keepers and explains to students what the challenge is and how to get involved; photo.
3 Traditions Keeper Ceremony
Northern Iowan 118:53, p.4
As the semester ends, students will submit their traditions to be initiated as Tradition Keepers of UNI and recieve a medal during the Traditions Keeper Ceremony put together by Connecting Alumni to Students (CATS); photo.
4 T.C. to celebrate eighth homecoming
Northern Iowan 118:10, p.5
The article is a reprint from The College Eye, 11/09/1927, when UNI was the Iowa State Teacher College (ISTC). It discusses homecoming events and traditions; photo.
5 traditions Challenge leads to lifelong memories
Northern Iowan 114:51, p.3
The author gives a description on the Traditions Challenge and the memories that she gained along the way.
6 Homecoming "Amazing Race"flies across campus
Northern Iowan 114:13, p.2
The annual Traditions Challenge "Amazing Race" was held during Homecoming week. Students follow clues across campus to experience nine of UNI traditions; photo.
7 2016 Student Guide
Northern Iowan 112:54, p.

The summer 2016 student guide, including letters of welcome, information about higher education, and features of Cedar Falls; photos.

8 Addition to traditions challege
Northern Iowan 111:4, p.4
The University of Northern Iowa is accepting changes to their school spirit curriculum; photo.
9 Recruiting new panthers
Northern Iowan 111:1, p.9
A sea of purple flooded the McLeod Center as incoming freshmen and transfer students got a taste of what it means to be a Panther at the first annual Panther Kick-Off; photo.
10 UNI couples sidestep curse
Northern Iowan 110:14, p.4
On the night before the Homecoming game, hundreds of students surrounded the Campanile to participate in the tradition of Campaniling; photo.
11 Students scramble to complete challenges
Northern Iowan 110:13, p.1
As a part of Homecoming week, CATS put on a Traditions Challenge Amazing Race. Teams raced around the campus demonstrating their knowledge of UNI and taking photos for their Traditions Challenge book; photo.
12 Purple Tie Affair: UNI puts its best foot forward for Homecoming
Northern Iowan 110:11, p.1
The Homecoming theme this year is Purple Tie Affair. Homecoming starts with the Homecoming Kickoff at 5:30pm on Monday, October 12.
13 11. Make your own history at UNI by tackling the Traditions Challenge
Northern Iowan 109:54, p.
All incoming freshman get the Traditions Challenge book. Students are encouraged to start making memories by completely the different challenges listed in the book. Students are to take pictures of the challenges; photo.
14 UNI Homecoming celebration features new events
Public Relations News Release 2012:90, p.1
Homecoming events will now include a Royal Court and Homecoming Competition. Student organizations will have the opportunity to compete by attending various Homecoming events.
15 Welcome from your student body president
Northern Iowan 109:1, p.8
Students are encouraged to meet new friends and welcome freshmen to campus. A brief introduction to the Northern Iowa Student Government provided; photo.
16 Traditions Challenge
Northern Iowan 108:54, p.
There are forty-five steps to earning a Traditions Keeper medallion and twenty five steps to earn a lapel pin. Attending concerts, athletic events, lectures, and other events on campus qualify for the awards. Photos will help you remember; photo.
17 Great sports traditions
Northern Iowan 108:53, p.8
Believes that the singing of "Take Me Out to the Ballgame" at Wrigley Field, the beard growing during the Stanley Cup, and Super Bowl Day are three of the most remembered traditions in all of sports; photo.
18 Honoring traditions and traditions keepers
Northern Iowan 107:55, p.2
Ceremony held to honor those completing the Traditions Challenge. Keynote speaker was President Benjamin Allen.
19 Traditions Challenge: making your own history at UNI
Northern Iowan 107:54, p.
Students urged to take advantage of Traditions Challenge. The book is similar to a scrapbook to help keep track of your experiences at UNI. There are a list of nearly fifty traditions to experience; photo.
20 Executive Editor of the Northern Iowa welcomes students
Northern Iowan 107:54, p.
John Anderson challenges students to embrace the changes in their lives as they begin college. Immerse yourselves in the traditions of the university. Open your minds by attending concerts, athletic events, and speakers; photo.
21 Four Square Friday: a UNI tradition
Northern Iowan 107:45, p.6
Friday afternoons find students playing Four Square. Peter Schares is the unofficial ringleader of the group; photo.
22 Traditions Challenge award winners
Northern Iowan 107:28, p.7
Connecting Alumni to Students group started the Traditions Challenge awards two years ago with the release of a book to all UNI students. The book asks that students take photos of themselves completing campus traditions.
23 UNI Alumni Association, CATS to host Amazing Race Traditions Challenge
Northern Iowan 107:15, p.5
Homecoming weekend has a new activity. Students can participate in the Traditions Challenge by finding and taking photos on the list. There are twenty-five possible challenges. The resulting scrapbook will be a memento of college days.
24 UNI traditions: are you up for the challenge?
Northern Iowa Today 93:3, p.25
New students received book with descriptions of fifty-five UNI traditions; photo.
25 Panther Portraits
Northern Iowan 106:17, p.21
Graduate student pumpkin carvings; photo.
26 87 years of Homecoming traditions
Northern Iowan 104:14, p.1
Traditions have come and gone, but the football game, returning alumni, and rambunctious students remain constant; photo.
27 A way of Life
Northern Iowan 104:9, p.6
Traditions of Latinos throughout the world.
28 You stay classy, Northern Iowa
Northern Iowan 104:6, p.16
Students urged to follow UNI traditions at athletic events; photo.
29 Transfer students compare homecoming experiences
Northern Iowan 102:14, p.11
UNI students formerly from Mt. Mercy College and Creighton University talk about Homecoming events from their previous colleges.
30 Homecoming fun starts next week at UNI
Northern Iowan 102:11, p.5
Schedule of events taking place at Homecoming 2005.
31 Sunday, Oct. 9
Public Relations News Release 2005:0, p.2
Residence hall window painting for homecoming will take place with judging to be done on October 10.
32 NI year in news
Northern Iowan 101:55, p.1
Recap of news stories and photographs from the 2004-2005 school year; photo.
33 Class ring goes on sale Feb. 15-17 in Union
Northern Iowan 101:37, p.2
The new UNI Official Class Ring will go on sale.
34 UNI Alumni Association issues official class ring
Public Relations News Release 2004:0, p.1
New class ring available to alumni and students who have achieved junior standing.
35 Holiday season has traditions at UNI
Northern Iowan 100:27, p.13
Highlights past UNI holiday traditions; photo.
36 Ghastly creatures haunting UNI?
Northern Iowan 100:18, p.11
History of ghosts at UNI; photo.
37 Past Homecomings lead to current traditions
Northern Iowan 100:11, p.11
Past Homecomings recounted; photo.
38 Campaniling more than 'just a kiss'
Northern Iowan 99:10, p.15
Campaniling became officially recognized as a part of Homecoming in 1982, although the tradition began much earlier; photo.
39 Winning windows show spirit.
Northern Iowan 98:12, p.13
Window painting contest includes windows on College Hill and at the Residence Halls.
40 Student voices
Northern Iowan 98:12, p.11
Students respond to the question "What is your favorite UNI Homecoming tradition?"; photo.
41 Smoochin' at midnight
Northern Iowan 98:12, p.11
Campaniling became an official Homecoming activity in 1982; photo.
42 If you could see us now . . .
Northern Iowan 98:12, p.11
A description is given of the different and similar traditions of Homecoming over the years.
43 Kiss not just a kiss at UNI's Campaniling
Northern Iowan 97:10, p.11
Campaniling has been a stronger tradition since 1982 when the Homecoming Committee began offering buttons for those attending; photo.
44 Variety Show, Royalty forgotten UNI traditions
Northern Iowan 97:10, p.11
There has not been a Homecoming queen since 1971 nor a Homecoming variety show since 1993; photos.
45 Freshmen always a prime target for upperclassmen's pranks
Northern Iowan 97:1, p.13
Freshmen traditions have ranged from the wearing of purple beanies with green bills to putting ice cream buckets on students' heads.
46 Chain, mace traditions symbolic of UNI's past
Northern Iowan 96:55, p.13
UNI graduation traditions include the wearing of the chain by the President and the carrying of the mace by the Commencement marshal; photo.
47 Santa, horse-drawn sleigh rides to kick off holiday fun
Northern Iowan 96:25, p.8
Tree lighting ceremony will be November 30. Activities are described; photo.
48 Coming soon: the holiday spirit
Campus News Network 10:8, p.3
Schedule of holiday festivities on November 30.
49 Christmas Variety Show auditions
Northern Iowan 96:23, p.2
Auditions will be held November 17. Show will be presented December 3 and 4.
50 KGRK trivia contest provides 24 hours of mayhem, tradition
Northern Iowan 95:27, p.3
37th Annual KGRK Trivia Contest held December 4-5.