Training School Building

Displaying 1 - 42 of 42 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 The Laboratory School
First 75 Years 0:0, p.113
History of name changes from Training School to Campus School to Campus Laboratory School as well as a description of the changing philosophy of the school.
2 'Watch us as we climb to fame and glory; we are here for victory'
College Eye 34:1, p.1
Quick survey of campus buildings; photo.
3 Training School to hold open house
College Eye 31:40, p.3
Opportunity for students to visit Training School.
4 Second day of open house held
College Eye 30:43, p.1
Open house at the campus elementary school is to be held August 3.
5 Campus School invites students to open house
College Eye 30:43, p.3
Will hold open house on Thursday, July 27.
6 Campus School
Alumnus 20:4, p.8
History of Training School; photo.
7 Campus-wide improvements move forward; seven separate projects approximating $60,000 under way
College Eye 27:11, p.1
Survey of construction projects and improvements.
8 "Earmarks: of first training school discovered by reporter; little white school house once surrounded by prairie grass
College Eye 27:44, p.5
Outline of original training school building at corner of 27th and College Streets can still be seen.
9 Primary rooms to have open house
College Eye 25:9, p.3
10 Remodeling an building program
Alumnus 16:4, p.10
Heating plant should be ready for use by October 1, 1932; Commons may be ready by May 1933; other smaller remodeling projects underway.
11 Picture screen remodeled
College Eye 23:19, p.5
In Training School.
12 Training School decorated first time
College Eye 22:2, p.1
Redecorated for first time since its construction in 1913; partitions removed, new shelves installed.
13 Scrubwomen, B. A., M. A. stage "cleaning spree"
College Eye 21:23, p.6
Critic teachers clean up the Training School.
14 Training school
Fifty Years at the Teachers College 0:0, p.197
Brief history of the model, or training school.
15 Campus scene
Old Gold 0:0, p.12
16 Did you know?
College Eye 15:10, p.3
Most of the existing buildings on campus were designed by James E. Robinson.
17 Training School News
College Eye 14:46, p.3
News from the Training School.
18 The laboratory of the college--the Training School
Old Gold 0:0, p.10
Reminiscences about Training School; photo.
19 College Eye picture section
College Eye 13:9, p.5
Photos from around the Teachers College; photo.
20 Ye Training School
Old Gold 0:0, p.10
21 The Training School lunch room
College Eye 11:16, p.8
Used to serve seventy students per day.
22 Training School
Old Gold 0:0, p.18
School and playground; photo.
23 Campus
Old Gold 0:0, p.11
Illustration of one of the gateways; photos of buildings around campus.
24 Faculty reception to seniors and alumni; Training School scene of festivities
College Eye 9:1, p.1
Faculty and guests enjoy the party.
25 Untitled
College Eye 4:9, p.8
The Training School; photo.
26 The Training School
College Eye 4:1, p.5
News from the Training School; enjoying new school building; accounts of end of year ceremonies and celebrations.
27 The new Training School Building
Old Gold 0:0, p.207
Campus training school completed; dedicated February 10, 1914; dedication program; photos of classrooms and students.
28 Training School Building
Old Gold 0:0, p.14
29 The Mothers' Council
College Eye 3:21, p.358
Held a meeting in the Training School Auditorium.
30 New Training School building is dedicated
College Eye 3:19, p.317
Summary of speeches from dedication ceremony on February 10, 1914; photo.
31 Editorial
College Eye 3:14, p.235
Enrollment for winter term is about 1500; Training School Building ready for use; ISTC will assist rural schools.
32 New Training School Building opened
College Eye 3:14, p.236
Opened January 6, 1914; cost $150,000 to build; will serve as model building; dedication will come in February.
33 Official Notes
College Eye 3:14, p.238
News about the faculty and curriculum; Professors Hart and Eells to assist in rural education work; Training School Building ready for students.
34 Official Notes
College Eye 3:12, p.204
News about faculty activities; work on Training School Building going more slowly than expected; may not move to new building until the holidays.
35 Official Notes
College Eye 3:7, p.120
Training School Building may be ready by December 1913; several ISTC alumni are studying at Columbia University; Professor Campbell is continuing his survey of rural education; news about Harriet Elizabeth Gunn.
36 Work on the Training School
College Eye 2:14, p.6
Construction continuing on the Training School Building.
37 Official notes
College Eye 2:3, p.2
Freshman home economics class enrolls about one hundred students; James Robinson busy supervising construction of organ loft, college hospital, and Training School Building.
38 Supt. J. E. Robinson
College Eye 1:28, p.5
Board of Education authorized him to begin work on the Training School Building and a new emergency hospital that will accommodate fifteen patients.
39 Changes and plans for the coming year
College Eye 1:12, p.4
News about changes for past and present faculty; ISTC students will assist in domestic science in Cedar Falls schools; excavation for Training School may begin soon; may also build a "detention hospital; will let $10,000 contract for pipe organ..
40 Official Notes
Normal Eyte 21:3, p.36
Praise for the work of Professor Simmons; Mabel Mastain resigns; next new building will be Training School; architectural plans are done; will build metal stacks in new Library; will select artist for murals in the new Library Reading Room.
41 State board will meet; governing board of Teachers College plans to meet here some time in May
Normal Eyte 20:30, p.494
Will be first time Board of Education has met in Cedar Falls; will look at ISTC needs, including buildings for manual arts, training school, fine arts, college hospital, power house, greenhouse, tennis courts, and athletics seating.
42 Biennial period, 1895-1897
Normal Eyte 7:14, p.161
President Seerley's plans for the school including an assembly building, a science building, a training school, a gymnasium, and a library.