
Displaying 1 - 50 of 219 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 UNI's study abroad program bounces back post pandemic
Northern Iowan 119:16, p.1
Kate Murphy interviews the secretary at the study abroad center (SAC) Ann Frenna about the adjustments that have been made with planning study abroad trips during and after the pandemic; photo.
2 Traveling home for the holidays
Northern Iowan 118:23, p.5
Reprinted from the December 8, 1987 edition of the Northern Iowan, the article discusses the author's experience of going home for Thanksgiving; photo.
3 COVID-19 on campus: positivity and cases double; Regents lift travel ban
Northern Iowan 117:41, p.2
The Student Health Center reports its latest statistics, and the Board of Regents announced it was lifting its ban on university-sponsored international travel; photo.
4 When in doubt, road trip it out
Northern Iowan 117:26, p.3
The author encourages college students to road trip during the pandemic to help curb the spread while still being able to travel; photo.
5 UNI cancels international travel, COVID-19
Northern Iowan 116:42, p.1
Due to COVID-19, UNI has cancelled all university-sponsored international travel. The university first cancelled travel for the next 30 days, then for all summer 2020 study abroad courses. UNI implemented travel restrictions in stages, beginning in January with a temporary moratorium on travel to China, extending it to South Korea on February 29, Italy on March 2, and Iran on March 3. Students in UNI Camp Adventure were recalled or transferred from affected areas. On March 5, the Board of Regents issued a statement for all three public universities cancelling university-sponsored travel for all faculty, staff, and students for the next 30 days, which included spring break. UNI absorbed the cost of cancelled study abroad programs. Although the threat of the virus remained low for Iowa and campus, the university began preparations for the unlikely event of a campus shutdown with information posted on A panel on the virus and combatting its spread was to be held March 11 in Lang Hall Auditorium; photo.
6 Guest column: It's a great big world
Northern Iowan 116:37, p.3
Senior Megan Bradford discusses plans for life after graduation, and urges other students to explore and think about what they want; photo.
7 Exhibit moves through time and space
Northern Iowan 115:33, p.2
The UNI Gallery of Art presents "An Art Collection Travelogue," on display through March 8; photo.
8 The best field trip you'll ever take
Northern Iowan 115:28, p.3
Barikor writes about a study abroad experience in Spain and urges other UNI students to study abroad; photos.
9 ISSO to offer students a 'Taste of Culture"
Northern Iowan 115:23, p.5
The International Students and Scholars Office will host "Taste of Culture" in Rod Library on November 12. The represented countries will include Peru, Austria, Brazil, Chile, China, Columbia and others; photo.
10 Tips to remember while packing for study abroad
Northern Iowan 115:9, p.3
Kong, currently studying in England, gives packing tips to those preparing for their own study abroad experiences; photo.
11 Traveling the world with study abroad
Northern Iowan 115:7, p.4
The Study Abroad Center will host a Study Abroad Fair to encourage students to explore the possibility of studying abroad; photos.
12 SWS guest column: spring break safety checklist
Northern Iowan 112:43, p.3

Student Wellness Services gives students a spring break safety checklist covering alcohol, drugs, and sex.

13 The ebb and flow of study abroad programs
Northern Iowan 112:9, p.2
Many factors, such as enrollment and professor availability, play a role in UNI study abroad's capstone offerings.
14 A hidden gem, outdoors
Northern Iowan 111:13, p.3
Student Corey Cooling details his adventures with UNI Outdoors; photo.
15 Panthers should continue to travel for games
Northern Iowan 111:3, p.6
Student Sean Dengler believes that the Panther football team should continue to travel for games; photo.
16 Study abroad as a UNI student!
Northern Iowan 110:55, p.
Says students can study abroad while paying UNI tuition.
17 UNI's Panther Marching Band to perform in 29th New Year's Day Parade and Festival in London
Public Relations News Release 2013:215, p.1
UNI's Panther Marching Band will travel to London to perform in the 29th New Year's Day Parade. This is the bands first international performance. The former lord Mayor of the city of Westminster will be on campus to deliver the invitation to the band.
18 Orchestra composes trip of a lifetime
Northern Iowan 110:42, p.4
The Northern Iowa Symphony Orchestra will be going to Brazil for spring break to combine with the orchestra at the Universidade de Caxias do Sul for performances; photo.
19 Grab college opportunities and travel while young
Northern Iowan 110:41, p.3
The author encourages college students to take advantage of every opportunity to travel and experience different cultures. Even if you are not able to travel, there are many other ways at UNI to learn about and experience different cultures.
20 Students volunteer across the globe
Northern Iowan 109:45, p.1
Several students traveled with BASIC over spring break to go on mission trips. Several students shared their experiences on the trip; photo.
21 International tours
Northern Iowa Today 94:2, p.
Alumni Association offers several European tour options.
22 U. S. issues European travel alert
Northern Iowan 107:16, p.3
Americans traveling to Europe are being warned to be vigilant while in tourist areas. Terrorist chatter has increased lately. It is better to be safe than sorry.
23 Stay alive during spring break
Northern Iowan 106:40, p.5
Students urged to know their location, drink responsibly, travel in a group, and beware of sharing too much information electronically during Spring Break.
24 Don't know when I'll be back again
Northern Iowan 106:9, p.7
Travel and studying in other countries expands the educational experience. Camp Adventure and the Study Abroad programs help students travel abroad inexpensively and gain college credit at the same time.
25 Tips and guidelines for traveling aboard safely
Northern Iowan 106:5, p.14
Camp Adventure provides students with wonderful experiences overseas, but students need to be aware of the dangers of traveling abroad. Travel light, never carry your passport, leave an itinerary with family.
26 108 countries or bust!; Grandmother's lifetime adventurs inspire UNI alumna
Northern Iowa Today 93:2, p.10
Helen Ebersole, who visited 107 countries during her life, challenged her granddaughter Lindsey Schill to explore the world; photo.
27 UNI metal casting program granted five-year accreditation
Public Relations News Release 2008:575, p.1
The metal casting program recently received its first five-year accreditation from the Foundry Educational Foundation (FEF). Of 25 universities belonging to FEF, UNI is one of only three that have received a five-year term.
28 President Allen's budget notice
Northern Iowan 105:33, p.3
Anticipated reductions in the 2010 fiscal budget have caused President Allen to announce the following short term budget reductions: a hiring freeze, restriction of non-essential travel, and monitoring of temperature and lighting levels.
29 The ultimate road trip
Northern Iowan 105:33, p.9
Kendra Willey aided in the writing of the script for the documentary, "Paving the Way: The National Park to Park Highway"; photo.
30 Surf couches all over the world
Northern Iowan 105:5, p.9
Profile of Web site aimed at creating a network of world travelers; photo.
31 Traveling
Northern Iowan 104:45, p.7
Believes students tend either not to travel or not travel well. Using the Internet can be helpful in deciding what interesting places to visit. Touring a local national landmark or a museum can be time well spent.
32 Cars should be equipped with renewable energy sources
Northern Iowan 104:45, p.7
Thoughts on drastically changed automobiles; getting away from gasoline and diesel power completely; photo.
33 UNI's Center for Multicultural Education to take annual May trip to New York City
Public Relations News Release 2007:523, p.1
The experience of Chinese Americans and their struggles in the United States will be the focus for this year's annual "May trip."
34 New passport changes
Northern Iowan 104:6, p.4
Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative requires a valid passport or other documentation when traveling in North America, Central America, South America, the Caribbean, Mexico, or Bermuda.
35 UNI program studies tourism in northern Iowa
Public Relations News Release 2006:0, p.1
Students are working with faculty to address tourism through UNI's Sustainable Tourism and Environment Program.
36 Flyer beware: a traveler's story
Northern Iowan 103:30, p.17
Experiences with an online travel company revisited.
37 UNI Outdoors to travel through Himalayas
Northern Iowan 102:38, p.11
Group will hike to an elevation of 18,200 feet and tour sites in Nepal; photo.
38 Fridays with Koob
Northern Iowan 102:36, p.1
President Robert Koob discusses traveling for his job; photo.
39 France an eye-opener back home
Northern Iowan 102:1, p.7
Student's travels across France this summer are likened to a new student arriving at college for the first time.
40 Dreams of spring break to brighten the slump
Northern Iowan 99:42, p.5
Talks about which places he would like to go for spring break.
41 Spring break safety
Public Relations News Release 2002:341, p.1
Advice will be offered for students traveling for spring break.
42 Spring into your spring break; spring breakers advised to think about memories, not money
Northern Iowan 99:33, p.9
Travel agents recommend that students plan ahead for spring break because flights are becoming crowded.
43 Grad school dreams take Katie to Cali
Northern Iowan 99:33, p.5
Tells about trip to California to interview for graduate school.
44 On the road again
Public Relations News Release 1999:29, p.1
Dan McDonald comments on how traveling and tourism are changing, and how the Midwest suits tourists' needs better.
45 Prepare for your holiday trip before you get in the car
Public Relations News Release 1998:192, p.1
Nick Teig, driver's education instructor at Price Lab schools, talks about precautions you should take before holiday travel.
46 Tourism provides economic benefits for communities
Public Relations News Release 1997:345, p.1
Tourism, according to Dan McDonald, provides jobs and finances for a community.
47 Michigan: perfect getaway
Northern Iowan 93:58, p.6
Michigan is a great place to vacation.
48 Two-lane option . . . one-track mind
Northern Iowan 93:50, p.4
Comments on two lane highways in Iowa.
49 Outward Bound around the world
Northern Iowan 93:50, p.9
Outward Bound courses offer opportunity to travel and have fun in the wilderness.
50 You'll have plenty to do in the Lone Star State
Northern Iowan 93:48, p.8
Fun travel spots in Texas.