Treiber--Kay M. (Laboratory School Faculty)

Displaying 1 - 16 of 16 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 UNI recognizes retirees Saturday, May 4
Public Relations News Release 2001:467, p.1
Forty-four UNI retiring employees will be honored at the 4th annual recognition breakfast.
2 National Win with Civility Month
Public Relations News Release 2001:26, p.1
Kay Treiber will discuss the merits of being civil to one another.
3 Seven key values of a democracy
Public Relations News Release 2000:192, p.1
Kay Treiber will explain the seven values that are important in developing a sense of community and responsibility in young people.
4 Seven core values key to perpetuating democracy
Public Relations News Release 2000:285, p.1
Kay Trieber discusses the seven core values or principles for democracy and living.
5 Alumni, friends of Price Laboratory School to hold tenth annual dinner at the University of Northern Iowa Friday, Nov. 14
Public Relations News Release 1997:110, p.1
Alumni and Friends of Price Laboratory School will meet for dinner November 14. Guest speaker Dr. Richard Smith, with faculty grants awarded to Kay Treiber, Rick Vanderwall, and Jody Stone.
6 Important to learn keyboarding kills at early age to gain entrance to computers
Public Relations News Release 1997:26, p.1
Dean Primrose, assistant professor of teaching at UNI, and teachers Jacque Smith and Kay Treiber have developed a sequence program to teach kids keyboarding skills.
7 Teaching children the seven principles of democracy
Public Relations News Release 1996:481, p.1
Price Lab School instructor Kay Treiber teaches the seven principles of democracy to her classroom.
8 Awards/honors/service: Kay M. Treiber
Campus News Network 7:19, p.
Kay M. Treiber received award.
9 Seven democratic values important to perpetuating democracy
Public Relations News Release 1996:385, p.1
Kay Treiber has incorporated the seven democratic values into her teaching to help develop a sense of community and responsibility to her students.
10 Presentations/lectures/exhibitions: Price Laboratory Faculty and Staff
Campus News Network 7:15, p.
Price Lab School faculty spoke at the National Association of Laboratory Schools Annual Conference.
11 National Geographic Kidsnet teaches science, geography, other skills, while students gather legitimate data
Public Relations News Release 1995:300, p.1
Unit on acid rain is being developed by elementary students in conjunction with a program offered through the National Geographic Society.`
12 Rainy days and research
Public Relations News Release 1995:312, p.1
Kay Treiber's class is developing a database of information on the effects of acid rain.
13 Presentations/lectures/exhibitions: Price Lab School faculty
Campus News Network 5:14, p.
Price Laboratory School faculty presented at National Association of Laboratory Schools.
14 Alumni, Friends of Price Lab School to gather November 18
Public Relations News Release 1994:145, p.1
John Aldrich will address the meeting of alumni and friends of Price Lab School.
15 Alumni, friends of Price Lab School to gather November 19
Public Relations News Release 1993:184, p.1
John Tarr to be the guest speaker at Price Lab School gathering.
16 "El Rastro" to conclude elementary foreign language week at Price Laboratory School Friday (May 10)
Public Relations News Release 1990:555, p.1
Price Laboratory School to mark the end of "Elementary Foreign Language Week" with flea market and carnival.