Tutor Ticklers

Displaying 1 - 50 of 268 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 'Tutor Ticklers' won't be revived
College Eye 36:17, p.3
Too few organizations to support show.
2 Tutor Ticklers revival approved
College Eye 36:16, p.1
Student organizations will put on acts.
3 Students favor Tutor Ticklers
College Eye 36:14, p.2
4 Tutor Ticklers, college variety may be revived
College Eye 36:13, p.1
Tutor Tickler show was active from 1930-1939.
5 The American Way
Old Gold 0:0, p.192
6 Worries are over now--or how to tickle tutors
Alumnus 25:2, p.1
Highlights of recent Tutor Ticklers show.
7 1941 Tutor Tickler income lowest
College Eye 32:20, p.4
About $100 earned for Student Loan Fund.
8 ADAs, Smitty's cop first places
College Eye 32:19, p.1
Brief review of Tutor Tickler winners.
9 Student Council, 1000 students to petition cut system revision
College Eye 32:18, p.1
Will also investigate organization of Tutor Ticklers.
10 'American Way' opens tonight; premier showing at 8:15
College Eye 32:18, p.1
Lengthy description of the Tutor Tickler show.
11 Rules killing Tutor Ticklers
College Eye 32:18, p.2
Point system makes it difficult for upperclassmen to participate.
12 Tutor Timetable
College Eye 32:18, p.1
Meetings and events scheduled.
13 Worries are the order of the day for Chris and Burt
College Eye 32:17, p.1
Many students have worked long hours to prepare for the Tutor Ticklers show; photo.
14 Show goes on despite handicaps
College Eye 32:17, p.1
Tutor Ticklers has run into many difficulties on its way to production.
15 Tutor Tickler directors assign hours
College Eye 32:16, p.3
16 Name student show judges
College Eye 32:16, p.1
Mrs. Hart, Mr. Hake, and Howard Robert will judge show.
17 Tutors tickle American way
Alumnus 25:1, p.13
Preview of vaudeville show.
18 Announce Tutor Tickler act directors, staff personnel
College Eye 32:14, p.1
List of those who will be introducing the acts.
19 Five main acts selected for ' American Way'
College Eye 32:13, p.1
Lengthy description of the Tutor Ticklers show.
20 Greek men plan Tutor Tickler acts
College Eye 32:11, p.3
21 Notice
College Eye 32:11, p.1
Individuals may try out for Tutor Ticklers.
22 Fraternities kept busy with pledges and Tutor Ticklers
College Eye 32:10, p.2
23 Tutor Ticklers give all-musical show
College Eye 32:9, p.1
Description of the show; list of crew.
24 Tutor Tickler meeting slated
College Eye 32:8, p.2
25 Burow and Overgaard are 1941 Tutor Tickler directors
College Eye 32:8, p.2
A symphonic choir and 24-piece orchestra will be used in this year's production.
26 Director for Tutor Ticklers lacking
College Eye 32:5, p.1
Few have applied.
27 Tutor Ticklers
Old Gold 0:0, p.116
Brief description of the group; photo.
28 Notice
College Eye 31:29, p.1
Student Council will appoint Tutor Ticklers directors yet this spring.
29 Tutor Ticklers tickle top tutor
Alumnus 24:2, p.3
Spoof of College policies wins prize; raise over $300 for loan fund; photo.
30 A. D. A.-"Delt" act wins first prize
College Eye 31:18, p.1
Roster of Tutor Ticklers winners.
31 A Social 'I'
College Eye 31:18, p.3
Comments on attendance at 'Musing hour and first place winners of Tutor Ticklers.
32 Praises music, comedy
College Eye 31:17, p.1
Lengthy description of the Tutor Ticklers acts.
33 Critic acclaims Tickler show; a ripping good time
College Eye 31:17, p.1
A look at preparations for the Tutor Ticklers show; photo.
34 Tutor Tickler tales
College Eye 31:17, p.2
Comments on the performers in Tutor Ticklers.
35 'T. C. Cavalcade' is next week; of past, present, future
College Eye 31:16, p.1
Tutor Ticklers to present 'T. C. Cavalcade' at student variety show; preview of the show.
36 Tutor Timetable
College Eye 31:16, p.1
Events on campus.
37 Costumes, sets for Tutor Tickler show 'By Magic'
College Eye 31:14, p.1
Description of the sets.
38 Tutor Tickler judges pick eleven acts
College Eye 31:13, p.1
Auditions were conducted by three judges, one representing the faculty, one representing the students, and one representing the general public; list of winning entries.
39 Tutor Ticklers date from 1930; idea was President Latham's
College Eye 31:11, p.1
History of the Tutor Ticklers variety show.
40 The directors do some planning
College Eye 31:10, p.1
Discuss prospective acts for this year's Tutor Ticklers; photo.
41 Choir to coordinate acts of past, present, future
College Eye 31:10, p.1
Managers organizing Tutor Ticklers; list of crew.
42 Notice
College Eye 31:9, p.1
First meeting of Tutor Ticklers directors.
43 Simplicity in design is motto of Tutor Ticklers
College Eye 31:8, p.1
Horace Hoover and Robert Kamm talk about preparations for the show.
44 Tutor Tickler heads chosen, Kamm, Hoover selected
College Eye 31:7, p.1
Co-directors of Tutor Ticklers chosen at Student Council meeting.
45 A Social 'I'
College Eye 31:6, p.3
Social events and happenings on campus.
46 Tutor tickler's jumbo
Old Gold 0:0, p.254
47 The winning act
Alumnus 23:2, p.3
Winning main act at 1939 Tutor Ticklers; photo.
48 We regret----
College Eye 30:19, p.2
Corrects earlier article on Tutor Ticklers judges
49 Timely Tid-Bits
College Eye 30:18, p.3
News on and around campus.
50 Sport Shorts
College Eye 30:18, p.4
Water pageant will be scheduled; basketball is at a disadvantage because of remodeling of the Women's Gymnasium; congratulates W. A. A. on their performance with the Tutor Ticklers.