Displaying 1 - 50 of 171 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 NISG holds presidential elections: Boeding and Greene
Northern Iowan 116:35, p.1
Elle Boeding and Rachel Greene are running, currently unopposed, for Northern Iowa Student Government (NISG) student body president and vice president. They discuss their backgrounds and platform. NISCO elections will be held February 25-26; photos.
2 CDO search under way
Northern Iowan 112:50, p.1

Five finalists for the newly-created Chief Diversity Officer position will be interviewing on campus April 12-28: Roberto Sanabria, Rickey Hall, Gwenne Berry, John Bello-Ogunu, and Diane Marie Ariza; photo.

3 UNI-CUE workshop to help parents and students prep for college
Public Relations News Release 2013:117, p.1
Parents and students have the opportunity to learn about applying for college scholarships at the Educational Talent Search Program put on by the University of Northern Iowa Center for Urban Education.
4 UNI-CUE forming future leaders
Public Relations News Release 2012:319, p.1
Students will participate in math, reading, writing, social justice and conversational Spanish classes. In addition, students will create art projects, participate in cultural activities and go on field trips.
5 UNI named one of 14 finalists to presidential honor roll
Public Relations News Release 2012:224, p.1
UNI has been named one of the top 14 colleges and universities by the Community Service Honor Roll. This is the fifth year UNI has made the honor roll and the second year it have been named as a finalist.
6 UNI to host college planning meeting
Public Relations News Release 2011:53, p.1
The Educational Talent Search program at UNI will host a college planning meeting in Waterloo for high school juniors, seniors, and parents.
7 UNI-CUE seeks volunteers
Northern Iowan 107:2, p.5
Children attending UNI-CUE are looking for volunteers to help with reading, composition, social science, and math skills.
8 UNI Center for Urban Education to host back-to-school supplies project
Public Relations News Release 2010:4, p.1
The Center for Urban Education (UNI-Cue) will hand out free school supplies for students in grades K-12 from 5:30 to 8 p.m. or until all supplies are gone on Friday, Aug. 13, at UNI-CUE in Waterloo.
9 UNI-Cue hosts summer youth academy
Public Relations News Release 2008:597, p.1
A four-week youth academy is being held through July 10 to "prepare students for higher education and beyond." The adacemy focuses on improving reading skills, decision-making, leadership, citizenship and cultural awareness.
10 UNI to celebrate Lincoln Bicentennial with series of speakers, panels
Public Relations News Release 2008:316, p.1
A number of activities are planned in Lincoln's honor by the Center for Multicultural Education and the American Democracy Project/Provost's Office. Panel discussions will be held at University Book and Supply in Cedar Falls and at UNI-Cue in Waterloo.
11 UNI takes on new project to increase high school students' interest in science, technology, engineering and mathematics
Public Relations News Release 2008:189, p.1
The Iowa Mathematics and Science Academy (IMSA) will serve 40 high school students from Black Hawk, Bremer, Butler, Buchanan, and Grundy counties who meet the program's requirements and have an interest in going to college and majoring in a STEM field.
12 UNI-CUE to host workshop for current, prospective non-traditional college students December 10
Public Relations News Release 2007:329, p.1
"Do You Want a Better Future?" is the topic of a workshop to be held December 10.
13 Saturday, April 2
Public Relations News Release 2004:0, p.1
TRIO/Educational Opportunity Programs Day will be celebrated today.
14 UNI opens new center for high school and adult education
Public Relations News Release 2004:0, p.1
UNI's Community Technology Center is an extension of programs offered through UNI-CUE; will help with high school reading, writing, language and math; will hold adult language classes in English, Bosnian, and Spanish.
15 UNI and ISU to continue nonprofit management program
Public Relations News Release 2003:0, p.1
Final two sessions in management skills program to be held at UNI-CUE in Waterloo.
16 Board of Regents to meet June 15-16
Public Relations News Release 2003:0, p.1
UNI-pertinent issues on the agenda to be discussed are provided including the new Business and Community Services Building.
17 Funding for The Legacy granted
Northern Iowan 100:12, p.1
NISG granted funds for a newspaper that focuses on minority issues and human rights; photo.
18 UNI teams with ISU to provide new program
Northern Iowan 100:9, p.1
A certificate in nonprofit management will be issued to those persons participating.
19 UNI pairs with ISU to offer nonprofit management certificate program
Public Relations News Release 2003:0, p.1
Training for nonprofit organization managerial skills offered.
20 UNI Center for Urban Education open house showcases new facility
Northern Iowa Today 30:2, p.4
The center's new address is 800 Sycamore St., Waterloo. Previous addresses included 119 Vine St. and 715 E. 4th St.; photo.
21 UNI Center for Urban Education open house
Campus News Network 12:9, p.1
UNI-CUE offices moved to 800 Sycamore Street, Waterloo; photo.
22 UNI-CUE open house showcases new facility
Northern Iowan 98:28, p.2
UNI-CUE is part of the university's Educational Opportunity Program.
23 UNI Center for Urban Education open house to showcase new facility
Public Relations News Release 2001:234, p.1
The open house for the new UNI-CUE building will take place on Dec. 14.
24 Cox named to top UNICUE position
Northern Iowan 98:15, p.2
Delano Cox comes to UNI after retiring from his position as associate dean of the natural and health sciences department at Hawkeye Community College.
25 Delano Cox named to UNICUE's top position
Public Relations News Release 2001:164, p.1
Delano Cox will be the acting director of UNI's Center for Urban Education.
26 Free tutoring for grades 6-12 offered Wednesdays through May 17 at University of Northern Iowa Center for Urban Education (UNI-CUE)
Public Relations News Release 1999:224, p.1
Area high school and middle school students can attend free tutoring sessions at UNI's Upward Bound offices in Waterloo.
27 Educational Opportunity Center may be opening doors for adults
Public Relations News Release 1999:4, p.1
Robert Smith describes UNI-CUE's goals and participants.
28 Northern Lights celebrating a dozen decades of great teaching
Campus News Network 6:17, p.
Photographs of activities celebrating UNI's 120th anniversary; photo.
29 UNI-CUE open house to be held Thursday
Northern Iowan 92:52, p.6
Roger Maxwell will speak.
30 Northern Lights; a celebration honoring the 120th anniversary of the University of Northern Iowa
Campus News Network 6:16, p.2
Schedule of events for 120th anniversary celebration.
31 UNI-CUE to hold open house in celebration of University of Northern Iowa's 120th anniverstary, Tuesday, April 25
Public Relations News Release 1995:325, p.1
Roger Maxwell will be the featured speaker at the University of Northern Iowa Center for Urban Education open house.
32 Profile: Rachel Clayton
Campus News Network 6:7, p.3
Profile of UNI's assistant director of the Educational Opportunities Center Program, Rachel Clayton; photo.
33 UNI-CUE gives opportunities for disadvantaged students; eye on UNI
Northern Iowan 91:50, p.6
Center offers variety of programs and services.
34 Tutors providing role models
Campus News Network 3:7, p.2
New program offered by UNI-CUE.
35 University of Northern Iowa Center for Urban Education sends tutors to Juvenile Home
Public Relations News Release 1992:196, p.1
UNI students travel once a week to Vinton and Toledo to provide academic and social skills assistance to students.
36 Workshop to focus on "Developing the Strong Black Male".
Public Relations News Release 1992:199, p.1
Workshop to devote it's time to the development of strong black males. The workshop is aimed at all black males in the Waterloo area.
37 Two courses in African American literature to be offered this fall by University of Northern Iowa
Public Relations News Release 1992:2, p.1
UNI Center for Urban Education (UNI-CUE) will offer two courses in African American literature.
38 University of Northern Iowa Center for Urban Education to offer fall courses
Public Relations News Release 1991:747, p.1
UNI-CUE will offer several courses this fall which fulfill UNI degree requirements.
39 "Purlie" tryouts set for June 8-10 at University of Northern Iowa's Center for Urban Education in Waterloo
Public Relations News Release 1991:665, p.1
Tryouts for the Ossie Davis play "Purlie" will be June 8-10.
40 Students get experience through UNI-CUE
Northern Iowan 88:28, p.15
Dr. Means explains the programs offered through UNI-CUE.
41 College survival skills workshop set for Wednesday at University of Northern Iowa Center for Urban Education
Public Relations News Release 1990:702, p.1
UNI workshop will focus on how to succeed on a college campus, including money management, study skills, test taking tips, campus resources, and financial aid.
42 "Money for college" financial aid workshops scheduled for Saturdays, sponsored by UNI-Cue
Public Relations News Release 1990:236, p.1
UNI-CUE sponsors financial aid workshops.
43 Parenting workshop set for November 3 at University of Northern Iowa Center for Urban Education
Public Relations News Release 1990:144, p.1
Workshop dealing with parenting in the '90s' held at UNI-CUE.
44 Career opportunity educational workshop set for Wednesday (October 24) at UNI-CUE
Public Relations News Release 1990:124, p.1
Career workshop for adults held at UNI-CUE.
45 Students spend summer studying careers
Northern Iowan 87:1, p.19
Area public school children spent time on campus last summer learning about careers in "Summer Career Connection" sponsored by the Educational Talent Search and UNICUE.
46 Northern Iowa receives approval for Educational Opportunity Center.
Public Relations News Release 1988:42, p.1
The Center will receive nearly half a million dollars over the next three years in a grant from the U.S. Department of Education. Services provided will to be to collect and disseminate academic and financial aid information.
47 Masquerade parade
Northern Iowan 84:20, p.8
Children in costume; photo.
48 Program offers chance to tutor blind students
Northern Iowan 83:42, p.6
First time that tutoring of the blind has been available.
49 UNI students still needed for spring semester tutoring program.
Public Relations News Release 1986:170, p.1
Students seeking credit while tutoring in reading, math, or language arts were offered an opportunity to obtain experience in urban education. The program took place at the Center for Urban Education, and St. Mary's for two hours of credit.
50 UNI to offer free minority clerical training program
Public Relations News Release 1986:147, p.1
A minority training program is offered. Participants are required to have a typing speed of forty words per minute, clerical service experience, and completion of a pre-test. Applications were due to the Center for Urban Education.