UNI Right to Life

Displaying 1 - 9 of 9 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Satire piece not bullying
Northern Iowan 112:53, p.3

Carr-Murphy defends her satire piece "Student orgs offer help to those in need" in the April Fool's Day edition of the Northern Iowan in response to two letters to the editor submitted to the paper; photo. 

2 LTE: French Fry lacked quality
Northern Iowan 112:52, p.3

The author of an anonymous letter to the editor is critical of the Northern Iowan's article "Student orgs offer help to those in need," published in the March 31 French Fry April Fool's Day edition of the paper.

3 LTE: satire piece maligns student orgs
Northern Iowan 112:48, p.3

The author writes a letter to the editor on behalf of the student organizations College Republicans and Right to Life in response to the satire piece "Student orgs offer help to those in need" published in the Northern Iowan on March 31. In the author's opinion, it disparaged both organizations and they ask the Northern Iowan to retract it.

4 Student orgs offer help to those in need
Northern Iowan 112:46, p.7

In this satirical article written for April Fools, the columnist writes that UNI Right to Life and College Republicans are working with the administration to implement new policies to make decisions for female UNI students; photo.

5 Student orgs. wage chalking war over abortion
Northern Iowan 112:14, p.3

UNI Right to Life chalked the sidewalk in front of Maucker Union to spread abortion awareness. UNI Freethinkers and Inquirers (UNIFI) and UNI Students Together for the Advancement of Reproductive Rights (UNI STARR) responded with chalkings to promote reproductive rights. Members of each group discuss their messages; photo.

6 Censorship abound in UNIFI/RTL chalk war
Northern Iowan 112:14, p.4

In the author's opinion, student chalk messages should not be censored and should be removed only if they violate school policy of chalking without representation. Moeller discusses the recent messages by Right to Life and UNI Freethinkers and Inquirers; photo.

7 Columnist responds to Right to Life
Northern Iowan 112:6, p.1

The author responds to criticism of her previous opinion column, clarifying that Right to Life is a secular organization. Carr-Murphy further expresses her opinion in favor of Planned Parenthood and writes that Right to Life's partner organization, Alternatives, only poses as a women's healthcare organization; photo. 

8 UNI Right to Life responds to 'War on Christianity'
Northern Iowan 112:6, p.3

In response Hannah Carr-Murphy's column "War on Christianity" published in the Northern Iowan on September 10, student organization UNI Right to Life responds discussing their organization's goals and clarifying that religious belief is not required.

9 War on Christianity
Northern Iowan 112:4, p.1

In the author's opinion, the war on Christianity in America is rhetoric manufactured by the Republican party and conservative Christian politicians, and distracts from real issues of injustice; photo.