Van Wormer--Katherine S. (Social Work Faculty)

Displaying 1 - 50 of 145 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 UNI professor has hope for kidnapping victims
Public Relations News Release 2009:40, p.1
Katherine van Wormer is optimistic for kidnapping victim Jaycee Lee Dugard's recovery. What she experienced in captivity caused traumatic bonding, which is an attachment to a perpetrator of violence during a period of extreme stress combined with shame.
2 Debate over lowering the drinking age
Northern Iowan 105:23, p.1
American Democracy Project presents panel on advisability of lowering drinking age; photo.
3 Should the drinking age be lowered? UNI will discuss Nov. 12
Public Relations News Release 2008:201, p.1
Participants will pair up and take turns presenting arguments on both sides of the issue. Katherine Van Wormer, will present the argument for lowering the drinking age.
4 UNI professor asserts drinking culture best changed by drop in legal age of alcohol consumption
Public Relations News Release 2008:23, p.1
Katherine van Wormer, professor of social work at the University and co-author of "Addiction Treatment: A Strengths Perspective," believes the current legal drinking age in the U. S. has turned the drinking culture into a "drink-to-get-drunk" culture.
5 UNI Alcohol Task Force assembled
Public Relations News Release 2007:685, p.1
An alcohol task force has been established to reduce high-rish drinking and the associated negative consequences. Research shows excessive alcohol use leads to crime, injury, academic failure, poor health, addiction, and damage to reputation.
6 Iraq War issues discussed
Northern Iowan 104:47, p.2
Reprinted coverage of the Iraq War debate due to reporting errors.
7 Latest Iraq War debate
Northern Iowan 104:45, p.1
Two hundred attended a debate on the Iraq War. Four members of the Vets for Freedom group traveled to UNI for the debate; photo.
8 Six UNI professors receive Regents Award for Faculty Excellence
Public Relations News Release 2007:419, p.1
Biographical profiles of Mohammad Rawwas, Katherine van Wormer, Lucille Lettow, Charles Holcombe, Melissa Beall, and Daryl Smith.
9 Campus police now armed
Northern Iowan 104:28, p.2
On December 23, 2007, campus police began to carry firearms; Dave Zarifis talks about the matter; photo.
10 Response to letter written by Paul McNamara in November 9 Issue
Northern Iowan 104:23, p.8
Katherine van Wormer states that she honored Brian Gienau in her speech to the Faculty Senate, pointing out that his death was a great loss.
11 In regards to a October 24 Waterloo Cedar Falls Courier article
Northern Iowan 104:22, p.6
Mission of ROTC on UNI campus clarified.
12 Forum discusses possibility of arming campus police
Northern Iowan 104:3, p.1
Discussion of campus police carrying firearms was well attended; photo.
13 UNI to hold open forum to address issue of arming campus police Monday, August 27
Public Relations News Release 2007:117, p.1
A panel of UNI experts will speak at the forum and answer questions August 27.
14 UNI professors address domestic violence issues through research
Public Relations News Release 2006:0, p.1
The issues of women domestic violence cases are being researched for new ways to help the women.
15 UNI researchers argue for gender-specific treatment of female prisoners
Public Relations News Release 2006:0, p.1
Katherine van Wormer and Laura Kaplan recently published "Results of a National Survey of Wardens in Women's prisons: The Case for Gender Specific Treatment."
16 'Should Iowa Have a Death Penalty' attracts many opinions
Northern Iowan 102:40, p.1
Discussion for and against death penalty aimed to educate those who attended.
17 Tuesday, Feb. 21
Public Relations News Release 2005:0, p.1
School Counselors and Administrators Conference will be held; "Rock the House '06" concert will take place; Civic Discourse and Opposing Views series will host discussion of death penalty; "State of Hip Hop" panel discussion will be held at Maucker Union.
18 Debate on death penalty to take place at UNI
Public Relations News Release 2005:0, p.1
"Should Iowa Reinstate the Death Penalty?" will be the next topic of debate in the "Civic Discourse and Opposing Views" series.
19 Evils of gambling outweigh economic gains, says UNI professor
Public Relations News Release 2003:0, p.1
Katherine Van Wormer says that gambling can lead to divorce, bankruptcies, and embezzlements and other crimes.
20 UNI professor suggests 'forced celibacy' is cause of abuse by Catholic priests
Public Relations News Release 2003:0, p.1
Katherine van Wormer believes that there is a difference in the way people view male and female victims of sexual abuse.
21 UNI professor says merged school districts will increase drug use
Public Relations News Release 2003:0, p.1
Professor Katherine van Wormer says that students in smaller schools are less likely to be involved in drug use or other types of negative behavior.
22 Evils of gambling outweigh economic gains, says UNI professor
Public Relations News Release 2003:0, p.1
Social costs associated with gambling in a community said to outweigh the economic benefits.
23 UNI professor lists precursors to teen drug use
Public Relations News Release 2003:0, p.1
Suggestions for preventing drug usage by teens provided; also feels the consolidation of school systems adds to the problem.
24 Teens in small high schools less likely to use drugs
Public Relations News Release 2003:0, p.2
More contacts among students, teachers, and parents discussed as a factor towards lessening drug usage.
25 Alcohol Awareness Month
Public Relations News Release 2002:409, p.1
Dangers of alcohol will be explored and suggestions will be offered to deal with peer pressure to drink.
26 Social work professor urges schools to reach out to students struggling with gender issues
Public Relations News Release 2002:336, p.1
Katherine van Wormer claims that homosexual teenagers have a difficult time adjusting in the face of peer ridicule.
27 Campus smokers might be told to take it way outside
Northern Iowan 99:28, p.1
Faculty Senate considers a new bill that would not allowing smoking within thirty feet of a building entrance.
28 Legalizing marijuana
Public Relations News Release 2002:114, p.1
The benefits of marijuana legalization will be talked about.
29 UNI professor discusses teen drug use in new book
Public Relations News Release 2002:98, p.1
In "Addiction Treatment: A Strengths Perspective," co-authored by social work professor Katherine van Wormer, teen drug use is examined.
30 Teenagers' new drug
Public Relations News Release 2002:22, p.1
Explains how ecstasy works and why it has become so popular.
31 Alcoholics Anonymous
Public Relations News Release 2001:521, p.1
Katherine van Wormer discusses the success of the program.
32 67th anniversary of Alcoholics Anonymous
Public Relations News Release 2001:517, p.1
Talks about the 12-step program.
33 First UNI Masters of Social Work students graduate
Northern Iowan 98:55, p.1
Twenty-seven students will graduate from the Master of Social Work graduate program, which is one of only three programs in Iowa.
34 Faculty leaves attacked while defense continues; graduate faculty panel presents advantages of PDAs
Northern Iowan 98:50, p.1
Faculty members state that Professional Development Assignments are vital in order to keep professors up-to-date with recent developments in their fields.
35 Schwarzkopf's appearance spurs protests
Northern Iowan 98:48, p.1
Students and others protested outside the GBPAC while Norman Schwarzkopf spoke; photo.
36 Katherine van Wormer
Campus News Network 12:14, p.
Katherine van Wormer published the article "Restorative Justice and Social Work".
37 Katherine van Wormer
Campus News Network 12:11, p.
Katherine van Wormer published an article in the magazine "USA Today."
38 Mary Boes and Katherine van Wormer
Campus News Network 12:11, p.
Mary Boes and Katherine van Wormer published an article in the Social Workers' Desk Reference.
39 Taser topic jolts senate members
Northern Iowan 98:16, p.1
Director of Public Safety Dave Zarifis discusses the use of taser weapons by Public Safety officers.
40 Internet addiction
Public Relations News Release 2001:4, p.1
Katherine van Wormer discusses the possibility of people using the internet too much.
41 Child Awareness Day
Public Relations News Release 2000:439, p.1
Katherine van Wormer discusses child abuse.
42 Katherine van Wormer
Campus News Network 11:17, p.
Katherine Van Wormer's book about counseling female offenders and victims has been published.
43 Controversial year closes at UNI
Northern Iowan 96:55, p.1
Highlights of events that occurred throughout the 1999-2000 academic year including an all-time high enrollment of 13,553; photo.
44 Katherine van Wormer and Clemens Bartollas
Campus News Network 10:14, p.
Katherine van Wormer and Clemens Bartollas published a book on women and the justice system.
45 Katherine van Wormer and Mary Boes
Campus News Network 10:9, p.
Katherine van Wormer and Mary Boes published an article on social work.
46 Student applauds van Wormer
Northern Iowan 96:26, p.7
Student supports Katherine van Wormer's views of the military and refutes statements made by Captain Boesen in a November 19 letter.
47 Alumnus discouraged by van Wormer's comments
Northern Iowan 96:24, p.6
Graduate of UNI and ROTC program responds to Katherine van Wormer's comments about ROTC.
48 "Dead Man Walking" author to speak at UNI
Northern Iowan 96:23, p.1
Sister Helen Prejean will speak in the Union Wednesday about her experiences with death row inmates; photo.
49 Sister Helen Prejean, human rights activist and author of "Dead Man Walking", will visit UNI campus, Nov. 17
Public Relations News Release 1999:131, p.1
Sister Helen Prejean will speak at 7:30 p.m., November 17 in UNI's Maucker Union Expansion.
50 Academic freedom: a challenge
Campus News Network 10:7, p.1
Discussion about Katherine van Wormer and the policies regarding faculty responsibilities to the university.