
Displaying 1 - 50 of 102 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Acrobats sculpture vandalized, restored
Northern Iowan 119:52, p.1
Caroline Christensen reports on the recent vandalism of the Acrobats sculpture where someone wrote the name Mack Brightman on it; photos.
2 Chalk controversy on College St.
Northern Iowan 112:53, p.1

Businesses on College Hill and Main Street were chalked with anti-sexual assault messages on April 8; photo.

3 The golden rule
Northern Iowan 105:14, p.5
Vandalism on campus seems to be on the increase. It is time that members of the university community choose to make a positive impact on those around them in hopes that the favor will be returned.
4 Riding along with the UNI Police
Northern Iowan 104:11, p.1
Reporter rides along with campus police officer; logs what happened on a Friday night; police officers talk about their work; photo.
5 Baby killers?
Northern Iowan 103:8, p.6
Keyed car noted as improper way to express opinion on abortion.
6 2 vehicles burglarized last month, no arrests
Northern Iowan 102:12, p.1
Two cars had valuables stolen from them, other cars were vandalized last week, and no suspects have been found yet.
7 60 cars victims of vandalism; UNI Police ask for 'any information'
Northern Iowan 102:10, p.1
Cars windows were vandalized with derogatory graffiti; photo.
8 Disrespect when defacing buildings
Northern Iowan 101:10, p.6
Speaks out against defacing campus property in order to convey a message.
9 Officials using terrorism to incite fear
Northern Iowan 99:37, p.5
Claims that today even simple acts of vandalism by teenagers are considered terrorism.
10 Skateboarding not a crime
Northern Iowan 94:2, p.10
Believes that vandalism, not skateboarding, is cause of damage on campus.
11 Bender residents take steps to stop vandals
Northern Iowan 91:16, p.1
Change locks in attempt to limit traffic and vandalism.
12 College Hill area target for vandalism . . . UNI student fined for possession of stop sign
Northern Iowan 90:56, p.1
Many signs vandalized in College Hill neighborhood in recent years.
13 Thank vandals for higher tuition
Northern Iowan 90:27, p.5
Tries to understand vandalism on campus.
14 "Pity" for vandals of UNIGLO window
Northern Iowan 90:14, p.7
Homecoming window painting was defaced.
15 University a forum for many different opinions
Northern Iowan 89:5, p.2
Upset with those who tore down posters announcing appearance of Ellie Smeal on campus.
16 Vandalism costs money
Northern Iowan 88:46, p.2
Urges students to see relationship between vandalism and higher fees.
17 Spring break campus managers 'thank' those who tear down signs
Northern Iowan 88:45, p.2
Try to figure out why ads were removed.
18 Vandalism in residence halls: 'slowed a bit,' but not dead
Northern Iowan 88:35, p.1
Description and nature of problem.
19 Students add their own personal touches to campus property
Northern Iowan 88:29, p.8
Dean Shoars talks about vandalism and graffiti on the UNI campus.
20 SAE's symbol of pride defaced habitually through the years
Northern Iowan 87:26, p.10
Stone lions in front of SAE house are frequently vandalized; photo.
21 Vandalism gives men's dorms a bad rap; Rider Hall on the top of the list this year
Northern Iowan 87:23, p.7
Students are reporting more incidents of vandalism in Rider Hall.
22 Vandalism hinders cement construction; . . . another problem'
Northern Iowan 87:18, p.5
Various forms of vandalism slow current construction projects.
23 Stolen sign upsets manager; "not just a silly prank"
Northern Iowan 87:3, p.1
Campus Student Bookstore sign was stolen September 1 but returned September 8; photo.
24 Fraternities seek suspects in vandalism incidents
Northern Iowan 85:34, p.6
Greeks report recent incidents of vandalism.
25 Classroom furniture aged by vandalism
Northern Iowan 85:32, p.8
UNI spends a lot of money replacing furniture.
26 Wilde Ideas
Northern Iowan 85:26, p.2
A look at vandalism.
27 Vandalism creates problems on the Hill
Northern Iowan 85:25, p.1
Hill merchants talk about the problem; photo.
28 Staff, residents declare vandalism is repugnant
Northern Iowan 85:25, p.2
Urges students to take pride in the residence hall.
29 Students help stop vandalism
Northern Iowan 83:34, p.6
Bruce Trameri talks about a program which will check people into Dancer Hall at night.
30 Competition spurs library vandalism
Northern Iowan 83:28, p.9
Doug Hieber and Jessica Marshall talk about the problem of articles being cut out of journals.
31 Computer piracy and vandalism policy updated
Northern Iowan 83:18, p.5
Text of the policy; faculty cite concerns over potential breaking of copyright law; survey finds that men use the lab twice as often as women; senior students use it more often than underclassmen.
32 Fire senseless
Northern Iowan 83:3, p.2
Believes that a recent fire was the work of an arsonist.
Northern Iowan 81:17, p.4
Considers action against Students for Peace because of their apparent use of graffiti.
34 Decline seen in vandalism at UNI
Northern Iowan 80:25, p.1
About $15,400 spent on vandalism repair last year; officials talk about measures to deal with it.
35 Address campus vandalism
Northern Iowan 80:20, p.2
Concerned with the amount of vandalism on campus and the cost to restore the damage.
36 Democracy needs assistance
Northern Iowan 79:44, p.2
Student is upset with government-owned properties becoming vandalized,
37 Small amount of vandalism being reported
Northern Iowan 79:28, p.1
Dan Gleissner talks about the kinds of damage that occurs in dorms.
38 Viewpoint
Northern Iowan 79:9, p.3
Car vandalized after Nebraska beats Iowa.
39 'Thanks for cans'
Northern Iowan 78:53, p.2
Rusty Martin sarcastically thanks unknown students for leaving cans on his front lawn.
40 Association formed to address Hill problems
Northern Iowan 78:13, p.1
An organizational meeting of the College Hill Association will be held Tuesday. The association hopes to improve the image of College Hill, as well as deal with problems such as vandalism and pollution.
41 'Cruel and unusual punishment' for killer
Northern Iowan 78:8, p.2
Professor Bittner is angry over uprooted tree.
42 Untitled
Northern Iowan 77:42, p.2
Spray-painting graffiti is wrong way to voice opinion.
43 Elevator hassles plague Dancer
Northern Iowan 77:37, p.6
Frequent breakdowns cause inconvenience.
44 What goes up doesn't always come down . . .
Northern Iowan 77:23, p.6
One of Dancer Hall's elevators is boarded up after being vandalized; photo.
45 Plant manager explains heating
Northern Iowan 77:21, p.11
Don Luchtenburg talks about the complexities of the heating system.
46 Vandalism rampant
Northern Iowan 77:8, p.1
Cedar Falls police and campus security talk about vandalism on and around campus.
47 'Destruction in Library'
Northern Iowan 76:39, p.2
Encourages students to photocopy the articles they want from journals rather than tearing out the pages.
48 Untitled
Northern Iowan 76:19, p.3
Warns students that are vandalizing university and private property; they are not protected from prosecution; photo.
49 Soccer team finishes '79 season at 2-2-3
Northern Iowan 76:15, p.10
UNI tied with Iowa State and lost to Waterloo on Saturday. The games had to be played in Waterloo since the goals from the UNI field were vandalized.
50 Tearing down posters ignores freedom
Northern Iowan 76:15, p.2
As a matter of freedom of speech, NORML's signs should not be torn down.