Veenker--C. Harold (Class of 1943)
Displaying 1 - 9 of 9 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
1 | Three Mason Citizens were among the 40 former baseball lettermen who honored coach L. W. "Mun" Whitford last weekend at a reunion in Cedar Falls Public Relations News Release 1950:43, p.1 |
The three men were Louis F. Breitback, Robert Dutcher, and C. H. Veenker. Whitford, who started his 25th year with the college this fall, was presented with a gold wrist-watch; a gift from his former players. The presentation was made at half-time. | |
2 | Betty Lou Higgins and Lt. C. H. Veenker Alumnus 29:1, p.28 |
Married January 1, 1944. Betty is the children's librarian at the Ames Public Library. Lt. Veenker is with the Marine Corps overseas. | |
3 | Kampus to Khaki College Eye 35:33, p.5 |
Updates on students and staff, who are currently in the military. | |
4 | Phi Sigma Epsilon Old Gold 0:0, p.131 |
The only national social fraternity at Teachers College this year, the group holds social events such as Homecoming dinner and sleigh riding in the winter. Many members have gone into service; photo. | |
5 | Panther Batmen Win Six and Lose Five Old Gold 0:0, p.179 |
Panthers end the season six and five with some good wins and some close losses, the biggest loss being the end of the program for the duration of the war and coach "Mon" Whitford leaving for the army; photo. | |
6 | "I" Club Old Gold 0:0, p.182 |
One of the first goals of a physical education major, the "I" club is made up of outstanding letter winners. The club aims to build morale and foster friendly competition and was able to hold regular meetings despite loss of members over the year; photo. |
7 | Intramural scoring lead to Veenker College Eye 34:19, p.4 |
Harold Veenker holds first place in scoring with 32 points. | |
8 | Panthers meet Illinois Normal here tomorrow College Eye 33:30, p.4 |
Panthers will play their first home games against Illinois Normal University over the weekend; photo. | |
9 | These four Panthers will lead 1942 'hit parade' College Eye 33:28, p.6 |
Dick Nottger, Everett Mueller, Bob Titsworth, and Hal Veenker are the star hitters on the Panther squad; photo. |