Von Neumann--Robert A. (Art Faculty)

Displaying 1 - 32 of 32 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Jewelry exhibition on display Monday
College Eye 48:25, p.6
Will show American jewelry.
2 Hand crafted jewelry is outstanding feature in 320 piece art show
College Eye 47:3, p.3
Work by Professor von Neumann included; photo.
3 Art faculty attends Lincoln Equity meeting
College Eye 46:26, p.4
4 Art faculty travels
College Eye 46:25, p.7
To Illinois show.
5 Pulos, IU art prof, opens metal show
College Eye 46:23, p.3
Art faculty appear on television panel discussion.
6 Ski intramurals begin tomorrow at golf course
College Eye 46:19, p.7
Robert von Neumann will instruct.
7 Fowler, Von Neumann meet in N. Y.
College Eye 46:18, p.5
Attend national college art meeting.
8 Instructor shows art
College Eye 46:18, p.5
Professor von Neumann show work in West Virginia.
9 Von Neumann gives silversmithing program
College Eye 45:34, p.2
10 Works of art faculty in New York galleries
Alumnus 38:2, p.9
Work of Professors Smith and Von Neumann on display.
11 Two art instructors appear on television
College Eye 45:24, p.5
Professors von Neumann and Driesbach will display work.
12 Von Neumann and Smith will show art at New York
College Eye 45:20, p.3
Other artists also honored.
13 Von Neumann teaches new class in skiing
College Eye 45:12, p.8
Sponsored by WRA.
14 Instructor wins prize
College Eye 45:9, p.1
Professor von Neumann wins craftsman award.
15 Film club
Old Gold 0:0, p.143
Robert von Neumann serves as president of the Film Club, which was founded by Professor Stanley Wood in 1949; photo.
16 Photo contest judged
College Eye 44:28, p.1

Professors Matala, von Neumann, and Redner judge campus contest.

17 Memorial Gallery shows TC exhibit
College Eye 44:27, p.1
Faculty work on display in Ft. Dodge.
18 Art contributions bring home prizes
College Eye 44:17, p.6
Professors von Neumann and Smith win prizes in Iowa competition.
19 President explains Film Club purpose
College Eye 44:10, p.2
Designed to study need and demand in college for fine examples of cinematic art.
20 Art exhibit shows local men's work
College Eye 44:7, p.3
Work by Professors Von Neumann and Daley on display in Illinois.
21 Art department plans workshop
College Eye 44:3, p.1
Part of elementary education conference.
22 Film Club tickets on sale Sept. 15
College Eye 44:1, p.1
Purpose of club is to show high quality foreign and domestic films.
23 Art
Old Gold 0:0, p.132
Description of the Art Department and photo of the faculty; photo.
24 Talks on Mexico
College Eye 43:21, p.8
Robert von Neumann speaks to Art Club.
25 Des Moines show features work of TC artists
College Eye 43:18, p.1
Several win awards.
26 Harry G. Guillaume announces that more than 100 persons are expected to attend the third annual Art Workshop for Elementary School Teachers
Public Relations News Release 1951:136, p.1
All elementary classroom teachers in the state have been invited to the one-day workshop to be held in the Arts and Industries building. Thirty-six elementary school children from the Cedar Falls public schools and parents will also attend the workshop.
27 Art
Old Gold 0:0, p.42
Brief description of the department; photo.
28 Lost! Record albums
College Eye 42:16, p.7
29 Faculty members win art awards
College Eye 42:13, p.5
Glen Bradshaw and Robert Von Neumann honored.
30 Forty new administrative faculty members join staff fall quarter
College Eye 42:2, p.5

List of new faculty.

31 Forty new staff members at Iowa State Teachers college
Public Relations News Release 1950:26, p.1
The new personnel replace staff members now on leave and former staff members who have retired or accepted new positions. Eleven faculty members are on leave.
32 Art faculty adds new instructor
College Eye 41:35, p.1
Robert A. Von Neumann will join the Teachers College art faculty this fall.