Von Neumann--Robert A. (Art Faculty)
Displaying 1 - 32 of 32 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
1 | Jewelry exhibition on display Monday College Eye 48:25, p.6 |
Will show American jewelry. | |
2 | Hand crafted jewelry is outstanding feature in 320 piece art show College Eye 47:3, p.3 |
Work by Professor von Neumann included; photo. | |
3 | Art faculty attends Lincoln Equity meeting College Eye 46:26, p.4 |
4 | Art faculty travels College Eye 46:25, p.7 |
To Illinois show. | |
5 | Pulos, IU art prof, opens metal show College Eye 46:23, p.3 |
Art faculty appear on television panel discussion. | |
6 | Ski intramurals begin tomorrow at golf course College Eye 46:19, p.7 |
Robert von Neumann will instruct. | |
7 | Fowler, Von Neumann meet in N. Y. College Eye 46:18, p.5 |
Attend national college art meeting. | |
8 | Instructor shows art College Eye 46:18, p.5 |
Professor von Neumann show work in West Virginia. | |
9 | Von Neumann gives silversmithing program College Eye 45:34, p.2 |
10 | Works of art faculty in New York galleries Alumnus 38:2, p.9 |
Work of Professors Smith and Von Neumann on display. | |
11 | Two art instructors appear on television College Eye 45:24, p.5 |
Professors von Neumann and Driesbach will display work. | |
12 | Von Neumann and Smith will show art at New York College Eye 45:20, p.3 |
Other artists also honored. | |
13 | Von Neumann teaches new class in skiing College Eye 45:12, p.8 |
Sponsored by WRA. | |
14 | Instructor wins prize College Eye 45:9, p.1 |
Professor von Neumann wins craftsman award. | |
15 | Film club Old Gold 0:0, p.143 |
Robert von Neumann serves as president of the Film Club, which was founded by Professor Stanley Wood in 1949; photo. | |
16 | Photo contest judged College Eye 44:28, p.1 |
Professors Matala, von Neumann, and Redner judge campus contest. |
17 | Memorial Gallery shows TC exhibit College Eye 44:27, p.1 |
Faculty work on display in Ft. Dodge. | |
18 | Art contributions bring home prizes College Eye 44:17, p.6 |
Professors von Neumann and Smith win prizes in Iowa competition. | |
19 | President explains Film Club purpose College Eye 44:10, p.2 |
Designed to study need and demand in college for fine examples of cinematic art. | |
20 | Art exhibit shows local men's work College Eye 44:7, p.3 |
Work by Professors Von Neumann and Daley on display in Illinois. | |
21 | Art department plans workshop College Eye 44:3, p.1 |
Part of elementary education conference. | |
22 | Film Club tickets on sale Sept. 15 College Eye 44:1, p.1 |
Purpose of club is to show high quality foreign and domestic films. | |
23 | Art Old Gold 0:0, p.132 |
Description of the Art Department and photo of the faculty; photo. | |
24 | Talks on Mexico College Eye 43:21, p.8 |
Robert von Neumann speaks to Art Club. | |
25 | Des Moines show features work of TC artists College Eye 43:18, p.1 |
Several win awards. | |
26 | Harry G. Guillaume announces that more than 100 persons are expected to attend the third annual Art Workshop for Elementary School Teachers Public Relations News Release 1951:136, p.1 |
All elementary classroom teachers in the state have been invited to the one-day workshop to be held in the Arts and Industries building. Thirty-six elementary school children from the Cedar Falls public schools and parents will also attend the workshop. | |
27 | Art Old Gold 0:0, p.42 |
Brief description of the department; photo. | |
28 | Lost! Record albums College Eye 42:16, p.7 |
29 | Faculty members win art awards College Eye 42:13, p.5 |
Glen Bradshaw and Robert Von Neumann honored. | |
30 | Forty new administrative faculty members join staff fall quarter College Eye 42:2, p.5 |
List of new faculty. |
31 | Forty new staff members at Iowa State Teachers college Public Relations News Release 1950:26, p.1 |
The new personnel replace staff members now on leave and former staff members who have retired or accepted new positions. Eleven faculty members are on leave. | |
32 | Art faculty adds new instructor College Eye 41:35, p.1 |
Robert A. Von Neumann will join the Teachers College art faculty this fall. |