Vought--Vera E. (Class of 1927)

Displaying 1 - 9 of 9 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Newville, (Edna E. Vought),and Mrs. Karl Martin, (Vera E. Vought)
Alumnus 23:2, p.22
The former Edna E. Vought and husband Frank are now living in Mason City, Iowa, where he is associated with the Mid-Continent Petroleum Corporation. The former Vera E. Vought and husband Karl Martin are living on a farm near Redfield, Iowa.
2 Vought-Martin wedding
College Eye 19:35, p.5
Vera Vought married Karl W. Martin.
3 Vera Vought
College Eye 19:14, p.2
Will be teaching in Grimes.
4 Vera Vought
College Eye 18:21, p.3
Teaching in Ventura; spent Thanksgiving vacation on campus with friends.
5 Class of 1924
Old Gold 0:0, p.124
Photos and names of graduating students.
6 Second Year Home Economics
Old Gold 0:0, p.171
Names of officers and students; photo.
7 Cliosophic
Old Gold 0:0, p.279

Names of officers and members.

8 Cliosophic Literary Society
Old Gold 0:0, p.280
Photos of members of the Cliosophic Literary Society.
9 First Year Home Economics
Old Gold 0:0, p.138
Officers and roll for the students in the first year of the home economics program; photos.