Wagner--Edward F. (Library Faculty)

Displaying 1 - 7 of 7 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Ed Wagner
Campus News Network 4:21, p.2

Ed Wagner is retiring from the library after thirty-six years of service.

2 Acknowledgments
A Century of Leadership and Service 1:0, p.
Professor Lang credits those who helped him in the research and writing of the centennial history.
3 Library Archives are open to everyone; although little known
Northern Iowan 69:56, p.5
Ed Wagner talks about the collections; photo.
4 New Improvements in the Library
Old Gold 0:0, p.100
Many new features have been added to the Library, Several new rooms , such as a micro-text room containing microfilm and micro-card readers, were added to the Library. The Library also sponsors Alpha Beta Alpha.
5 Improvement Is Key Factor in the Library
Old Gold 0:0, p.106
The new improvements were: new tables and chairs in the reading room, new chargeout desk, showing of student identification cards to check any book out, and expansion of the Browsing Collection; photo.
6 Returning students find library busy, changed
College Eye 50:4, p.5
Has new furniture; students must show identification in order to check out books; description of facilities; photo.
7 Ten recently appointed to staff and faculty
College Eye 50:2, p.6
Brief profiles of new staff.