Wakefield--Clara (Class of 1900)

Displaying 1 - 22 of 22 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Mrs. Arthur C. Cole
Alumnus 15:1, p.32
The former Clara Wakefield, of Adel, Iowa, died at the Iowa Lutheran Hospital in Des Moines, Iowa, On June 27, 1930. For the past few years she and her husband have been conducting an abstract business in Adel, Iowa.
2 Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Cole
Normal Eyte 14:21, p.326
Live in Perry, Iowa, with their baby.
3 Clara (Wakefield) Cole
Normal Eyte 13:26, p.408
Mother died.
4 Miss Clara Wakefield
Normal Eyte 13:3, p.44
Married Arthur C. Cole.
5 Among alumni present
Normal Eyte 12:9, p.140
Several alumni attended the debate in Ames.
6 Harriett Mallon
Normal Eyte 11:34, p.834
Harriett Mallon will again be working in Rivingston; includes roster of other alumni who have found jobs.
7 Clara Wakefield
Normal Eyte 10:18, p.436
Is second assistant at Adel.
8 Clara Wakefield
Normal Eyte 10:9, p.218
Attended YWCA convention and football game.
9 Elections for the week
Normal Eyte 9:32, p.761
Many students have secured teaching positions.
10 Jennie Berg
Normal Eyte 9:22, p.523
Mother died.
11 Membership
Normal Eyte 9:17, p.402
A look at the work of the YWCA membership committee.
12 Clio public
Normal Eyte 9:9, p.207
Lengthy description of program of music, debate, and recitations.
13 Sixteen delegates from the Y. W. C. A.
Normal Eyte 9:8, p.180
Attended state convention; list of those who attended.
14 Society reporters
Normal Eyte 9:3, p.63
Schedule of articles on the societies.
15 The oratorical work for next year
Normal Eyte 8:33, p.463
Oratorical Association has elected new officers.
16 Clio
Normal Eyte 8:29, p.410
Account of recent program.
17 Clio public
Normal Eyte 8:28, p.393
Account of recent program with Temple of Fame theme.
18 Clio
Normal Eyte 8:20, p.283
Account of recent program with Dutch theme.
19 Y. W. C. A.
Normal Eyte 8:9, p.128
Hold reception; delegates attend state conference; President Seerley delivers sermon.
20 Clio
Normal Eyte 7:33, p.12
Account of recent meeting.
21 Clio
Normal Eyte 7:31, p.16
Account of recent program.
22 Clio
Normal Eyte 7:26, p.15
Account of recent meeting.