Walgren--John Wilson (Class of 1936)

Displaying 1 - 47 of 47 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 John W. Walgren
Alumnus 37:1, p.15
Supervisor of industrial arts education at Illinois State.
2 The following: Viola M. Arenson
Alumnus 34:4, p.16
List of graduates who received master's degree former the Colorado State College of Education.
3 John Walgren
Alumnus 21:2, p.30
Married Eunice Bronson on December 16, 1936.
4 John Walgren
Alumnus 21:1, p.28
Teaches in Alexander, Iowa.
5 Tracksters win second straight loop crown
Alumnus 20:3, p.19
1936 season wrap-up.
6 Graduates
Old Gold 0:0, p.244
Graduate photos.
7 "I" Club
Old Gold 0:0, p.222
Description, officers, and members; photo.
8 Kings of the cinder path
Old Gold 0:0, p.206
1936 track season schedule and highlights; photos.
9 Phi Sigma Epsilon
Old Gold 0:0, p.63
Description of activities, officers, and members; photos.
10 Veteran sprinter
College Eye 27:37, p.6
Senior Johnny Walgren, a veteran sprinter from last year, is pictured; photo.
11 Tutor sprint section weak; Walgren, Alderman, Hinshaw only veterans back for squad
College Eye 27:37, p.6
With last year's three leading men graduated, the Tutor track team is left short-handed on veterans.
12 Magic touch needed to point for track meet
Alumnus 20:2, p.17
Done with Iowa Conference; season preview.
13 Panther track team begins training for 1936 season; conference title defense; eleven lettermen turn out for initial workout Wednesday
College Eye 27:34, p.4
Thirty-five men are training for the 1936 track and field season; photo.
14 Fifty-three receive awards for baseball, track competition
Alumnus 19:4, p.16
Roster of letter winners.
15 Track team champions of two conferences
Alumnus 19:3, p.14
Win both Iowa and North Central conferences; 1935 season wrap-up; photo.
16 "I" Club 1935
Old Gold 0:0, p.143
The "T. C." club became the "I" club in 1931; purpose, adviser, and members; photo.
17 Track
Old Gold 0:0, p.244

1935 schedule and season highlights; photos.

18 Phi Sigma Epsilon
Old Gold 0:0, p.215
Founded in 1897; purpose, advisors, officers, and members; photos.
19 This quartet of Teachers College sprinters are expected to place high in the state meet
Public Relations News Release 1934:1096, p.1
The State meet will be held in Cedar Falls on Friday and Saturday.
20 The Teachers College track and field men will be entered in the state intercollegiate track meet
Public Relations News Release 1934:1095, p.1
Nichols will compete in the 440 and White in the pole vault; photo.
21 Panthers annex eighth straight conference win
College Eye 26:44, p.136
Panthers beat runner-up by twenty-five points.
22 Track, tennis teams leave for Brookings; will compete for North Central loop titles
College Eye 26:44, p.136
Teams head to South Dakota in pursuit of conference titles.
23 Coach Arthur Dickinson will send seventeen of his champions to the North Central conference meet
Public Relations News Release 1934:1078, p.1
All men who scored points in the Iowa loop meet, plus four others were nominated.
24 Coe team takes triangular meet
College Eye 26:43, p.4
Panthers finish second to Coe in track meet; set records.
25 This quartet of Teachers College runners will be favored to write in a new half-mile relay mark
Public Relations News Release 1934:1060, p.1
The Iowa conference track meet will be held here on May 17 and 18.
26 These four Teachers College athletes will be after the Iowa conference relay record
Public Relations News Release 1934:1065, p.1
Roland White will defend his previous pole vault title.
27 A name other than the Teachers College may be written in as Iowa Intercollegiate Athletic conference track champion
Public Relations News Release 1934:1066, p.2
Five teams are expected to be closely bunched when the final score is complete.
28 One of the most closely contested meets in years is expected for the Iowa conference track meet
Public Relations News Release 1934:1058, p.2
Conference records.
29 Tutors garner two firsts at Drake Classic
College Eye 26:41, p.4
Mile and half mile teams set new records.
30 The Teachers College will compete in the annual Dakota Relays today
Public Relations News Release 1934:1041, p.1
Coach Dickinson entered fourteen men, but probably only eight will figure in the final standings.
31 The Teachers College track squad is competing in the Drake Relays
Public Relations News Release 1934:1044, p.1
The Panthers are entered in all relays as well as several individual events.
32 They'll be gunning for a new Tutor half-mile relay record
College Eye 26:39, p.4
Four TC trackmen hope to break the current school record in the half mile relay.
33 Coach Dickinson awaits warm weather before starting the outdoor drills for his track squad
Public Relations News Release 1934:981, p.2
Season outlook and schedule.
34 Collegians and men faculty members will take part in the annual men's play day
Public Relations News Release 1934:609, p.1
Program for the event.
35 Trackmen pile up high scores
Alumnus 18:3, p.21
Win seventh consecutive conference championship; season wrap-up.
36 Varsity track squad
Old Gold 0:0, p.250
1934 schedule, season highlights, outstanding athletes, and squad members; photos.
37 The Iowa State Teachers College wins the Iowa loop track championship seven times in a row
Public Relations News Release 1934:516, p.1

Picture of the track team.

38 81 men will compete for the Iowa loop track title
Public Relations News Release 1934:496, p.2
Program for the event.
39 Coach A. D. Dickinson will take twelve men to the State Collegiate track meet
Public Relations News Release 1934:471, p.1
The meet will be on Saturday at Grinnell. Names of men and the events they in which they will be competing.
40 Trackmen place in three events at Hastings tilt
College Eye 25:39, p.4
Tutors place in pole vault, 880 yard relay, and the hundred yard dash.
41 Coach Dickinson nominates twenty-five to enter relays
Public Relations News Release 1932:431, p.1
For the new collegiate section of the annual invitational relays to be held this Saturday, Dickinson has chosen twenty-five men to compete against the other collegiate teams.
42 Six men leave for Nebraska; Moeller, Nichols, Walgren, Hulin, White, Meikle make trip
College Eye 25:38, p.4
Track members leave for Hastings Relays.
43 Six men to represent college at relays
Public Relations News Release 1932:407, p.1
The fourteenth annual Hastings college relays to be held on Saturday, April 14, at Hastings, Nebraska. Coach Dickinson is to enter six men to represent the college, a relay team and three for special events.
44 1934 track team prepares for season
Public Relations News Release 1932:397, p.1
Coach Dickinson's track team has been drilling outdoors for the last two weeks to prepare to compete for their seventh consecutive track championship.
45 Phi Chi Delta to initiate twenty at today's tea
College Eye 25:21, p.3
Schedule of social activities.
46 Varsity and freshman track
Public Relations News Release 1932:306, p.1
Saturday May 13, varsity and freshman track teams will compete with Coe and Cornell colleges in their annual triangular meet.
47 Annual track and field meet
Public Relations News Release 1932:296, p.1
Coach Fritzel's entire freshman squad and Coach Bender's varsity team (those who did not compete in the South Dakota relays) will compete in as many events as possible on May 4 and 5.