Walker--Marion McFarland (Dean of Women)

Displaying 1 - 50 of 422 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 The women who made UNI
Northern Iowan 118:40, p.2
Four women are celebrated for their contributions to UNI in its early years as a kickoff for Women's History Month: Marion McFarland Walker, Annie Turner Wittenmyer, Bertha Martin, and Alison Aitchison; photos.
2 Women vital to growth and success of UNI
Northern Iowan 100:27, p.13
Important women in history of UNI; photo.
3 Setting new standards for faculty preparation, professorial rank, and retirement
A Century of Leadership and Service 2:0, p.12
President Latham takes initial steps to improve faculty credentials, regularize the system of faculty rank, and define the possibilities for faculty retirement; photo.
4 Meeting educational needs, 1890-1902
A Century of Leadership and Service 1:0, p.141
Organization of academic departments, military studies, the Training School; expansion of the curriculum; photo.
5 Institutional growth; transfer of governance to the State Board of Education (1906 through June, 1909)
A Century of Leadership and Service 1:0, p.255
Organization of the school into formal departments; Dean of Women Walker develops guidelines for rooming houses; photo.
6 Death comes to two former faculty
Alumnus 41:3, p.5
Corley Conlon died July 16, 1957; Marion McFarland Walker died in May; biographical sketches.
7 Birthday greetings
Alumnus 37:2, p.8
Miss Walker will celebrate 91st birthday.
8 Coeds rate with 'Dad'
College Eye 29:28, p.3
Dad Aldrich returns from winter in California; compares that state with Iowa; photo.
9 Faculty women honored
Alumnus 21:3, p.16
Past presidents of College Club, women faculty group, honored; roster of those honored.
10 Gilchrist Hall picture calls up memories for '94 graduate
Alumnus 19:2, p.4
News of the Class of 1894.
11 Lambert will leave Friday for lengthy tour through East
College Eye 26:2, p.3
Will visit New York and Chesapeake Bay.
12 Marion McFarland Walker
Alumnus 17:2, p.20
Mrs. Walker pays tribute to President Seerley.
13 School bell calls alumni to annual dinner
Alumnus 15:1, p.1
375 alumni and faculty meet in Des Moines; hear messages from those not present, including long message from Anna McGovern; honor rural teachers; photo.
14 New dean
College Eye 21:1, p.1
Sadie Campbell succeeds Marion McFarland Walker as Dean of Women; photo.
15 Mrs. Marion McFarland Walker, Dean of Women returned
College Eye 20:41, p.6
Marion McFarland Walker returns from visiting in California.
16 Mrs. Walker resigns as Dean of Women; resignation to take effect fall term, 1929
College Eye 20:40, p.1
New dean yet to be chosen; brief profile; photo.
17 Official Announcement
College Eye 20:36, p.1
Dean McFarland will meet new students.
18 Officers of Administration
Old Gold 0:0, p.19
Administrators; photos.
19 Alpha
College Eye 20:30, p.5
Last week's program, spring banquet, new members announced, and informal initiation.
20 Y. W. C. A. enjoys retreat at Willard Hall
College Eye 20:26, p.1
Begin planning for next year.
21 Untitled
College Eye 20:22, p.1
Marion Walker completed lecture series for women who will be graduating.
22 Ossoli Literary Society wins trophy
College Eye 20:22, p.1
Wins Walker trophy for debate.
23 Mrs. Walker talks to Ellen Richards girls
College Eye 20:22, p.5
Dean of Women speaks at regular meeting.
24 Ossoli
College Eye 20:21, p.5
Debate team winner of the intersoroity debate.
25 First Annual "Y" Stag Party held Friday
College Eye 20:19, p.5
Warm fire, food, music await.
26 Lectures discontinued
College Eye 20:18, p.1
Marion Walker's lectures will be discontinued.
27 Theron Woolson Walker
College Eye 20:18, p.5
Returns to Iowa due to serious illness of his grandmother.
28 Sympathy extended to Mrs. Walker
College Eye 20:18, p.1
Her mother, Mary Melendy, died January 30, 1929.
29 Inter-Sorority dance prove a big success
College Eye 20:16, p.5
Sixty couples attended.
30 Theta Gamma Nu
College Eye 20:16, p.6
Visitors; new patroness.
31 Y. W. C. A. advisory board
College Eye 20:14, p.7
Roster of members.
32 Reception for graduates
College Eye 20:13, p.5
Details of the reception at the President's home.
33 Bartlett Hall celebrates
College Eye 20:11, p.5
A "hard times" party was well attended.
34 Dean Reed
College Eye 20:9, p.7
Several faculty head to Des Moines for ISTA meeting.
35 Delta Phi Delta
College Eye 20:8, p.8
Pledges elect officers; members attend Iowa Homecoming; visitors; tea.
36 Miss Ward stops enroute to Washington
College Eye 20:8, p.5
Miss Florence E. Ward visits campus.
37 Inter-Sorrtity tea
College Eye 20:7, p.5
Dean of Women holds tea in honor of new inter-sorority pledges.
38 V. O. V.
College Eye 20:7, p.6
Formal pledging, visitors, dances, tea.
39 Advisory Board entertains for Miss Seay
College Eye 20:4, p.5
Y. W. C. A. Advisory Board serves dinner for Katherine Seay.
40 Miss Haight entertains for Bartlett girls
College Eye 20:3, p.3
Mary Haight holds get acquainted session.
41 Official announcements
College Eye 20:2, p.1
Announcements of meetings for women.
42 Mrs. Walker entertains for Mrs. Latham
College Eye 20:2, p.1
Opportunity to meet Mrs. Latham.
43 Official announcements
College Eye 20:1, p.1
Students must apply for class absences; many students seeking work; freshmen lectures arranged.
44 Next Monday evening
College Eye 19:39, p.1
Dean of Women will speak to women students.
45 Y. W. C. A. Cabinet
Old Gold 0:0, p.212
Cabinet officers; advisory board members; purpose; photos.
46 Officers of administration
Old Gold 0:0, p.22
Officer roster; photos.
47 Women's Athletic Association
Old Gold 0:0, p.160
Description of the 1927 state convention of the Women's Athletic Association; photo.
48 Public pleased with 1928 Old Gold
College Eye 19:37, p.1
49 Society; kindergarten girls hold banquet
College Eye 19:36, p.5
Banquet information.
50 Phi Omega Pi
College Eye 19:36, p.8
Sorority happenings.