Walker--Melvin (Class of 1972)

Displaying 1 - 4 of 4 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Med students cite use of UNI preparation
Alumnus 61:3, p.6
Alumni appreciate pre-med training at UNI.
2 "Second to none"; med students' blessing
Northern Iowan 72:55, p.9
Reactions of current medical and dental students to their undergraduate science degrees from UNI.
3 Merchant winners named
UNI Century 1:4, p.4
E. Beth Gilbert, Rebecca Truesdell, Ralph Tauke, and Melvin Walker are winners.
4 UNI Chemistry Students to Visit Monsanto Chemical Company
Public Relations News Release 1970:119, p.1
25 student members of the American Chemical Society and three faculty members are scheduled to leave Cedar falls for a weeknd trip to the St. Louis area on Oct. 22.