Water Safety Training

Displaying 1 - 50 of 140 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 How to stay safe when you swim
Public Relations News Release 2000:407, p.1
Chris Denison discusses tips for water safety.
2 University of Northern Iowa lifeguards take second place at the second annual Ed Shea Lifeguarding Competition
Public Relations News Release 1998:387, p.1
The Wellness and Recreation Services Lifeguard Team from UNI took second place at the Second Annual Ed Shea Lifeguarding Competition held in Illinois. A list of those on the team is given.
3 Lifeguards conquer second place
Northern Iowan 95:47, p.16
Lifeguarding team of four won second place at the Second Annual Ed Shea Lifeguard Competition; photo.
4 Lifeguard club victorious
Northern Iowan 94:23, p.19
UNI club wins lifeguard competition in Carbondale; photo.
5 Red Cross begins new safety program
Northern Iowan 86:27, p.1
Glen Henry talks about the new certification requirements.
6 Life-saving courses still have openings
Northern Iowan 73:58, p.1
Two courses being offered.
7 WSI training
Northern Iowan 72:22, p.6
Women's PE Department will offer course.
8 Water safety
Northern Iowan 71:49, p.6
Will offer re-training course.
9 Red Cross course offered for water safety instructors
Northern Iowan 65:42, p.9
10 Red Cross course
Northern Iowan 65:37, p.6
Will hold water safety course.
11 Swimmers to report; guards are needed
Northern Iowan 64:11, p.3
Persons interested in lifeguarding or swimming should report.
12 Water safety for handicapped to be offered
College Eye 52:17, p.1
Professor Yager will offer one-week class.
13 'Night and Day', annual aqua show, to be given by Life Saving Corps
College Eye 41:28, p.3
Members of the Life Saving Corps are listed as well as officers of the organization; photo.
14 Choose 'Night and Day' theme for life saving show
College Eye 41:27, p.7
The Live Saving Corps to produce show.
15 Senior woman attempts reviving drowning victim
College Eye 41:1, p.7
Calista Wehrli gives artificial respiration to Sidney McCollum until the Cedar Falls Fire Department arrives.
16 Life Saving Club to give annual water show Sat.
College Eye 40:29, p.6
"South Sea Splashes" water show will take place in the women's pool.
17 Splashes . . .
College Eye 40:29, p.1
Nancy Van Anne and Marcy Jennings perform at the "South Sea Splashes" water show; photo.
18 Free admission to water show
College Eye 40:28, p.3
Brief description of program.
19 Cram will direct safety courses
College Eye 40:26, p.6
For water safety instructors.
20 Notice
College Eye 40:21, p.5
Recreational swimming available; water safety course offered.
21 Instructor's life saving course is added this spring
College Eye 40:18, p.4
22 Life saving corps to present water show tomorrow
College Eye 39:23, p.4
Description of the program.
23 Tickets for life saving exhibit available
College Eye 39:22, p.6
Description of the annual program.
24 Gym Gems
College Eye 39:10, p.4
Announces recent and upcoming activities, including soccer games, touch football games, dinners, and a lifesaving corps show.
25 Treckell new prexy of lifesaving corps
College Eye 38:31, p.5
26 Water show tomorrow night; will feature fancy diving and swimming
College Eye 38:29, p.6
Description of the show and list of performers.
27 Three-ring water show planned for April 26
College Eye 38:28, p.7
To educate public on water safety.
28 Water carnival to be April 26
College Eye 38:26, p.5
Water Saving Corps will present annual show.
29 Gym Gems
College Eye 38:19, p.5
Discuses the Water Safety Instructor course, Miss Carney's modern dance, and Hawksie skiing down the slopes behind Lawther.
30 Instructor course will be offered to local swimmers
College Eye 38:16, p.1
31 Thirty enroll for week's instruction in water safety
College Eye 37:20, p.4
32 Red Cross worker will give water safety instruction next week
College Eye 37:19, p.5
33 Life saving corps tests serve as refresher course
College Eye 37:5, p.4
Have been testing students from Traer.
34 Tutor timetable
College Eye 36:27, p.1
Weekly activities.
35 Tutor Timetable
College Eye 36:25, p.1
Campus event schedule.
36 Tutor Timetable
College Eye 36:24, p.1
Campus activities.
37 Red Cross visitor to conduct tests beginning Monday
College Eye 36:16, p.4
For water safety proficiency.
38 Red Cross water safety instuctor to give life saving examinations
Public Relations News Release 1945:16, p.1
Wheeler Van Steinburg will teach a course on first aid, water safety, and accident prevention.
39 Tutor Timetable
College Eye 36:10, p.4
Campus events and activities.
40 Tutor Timetable
College Eye 36:8, p.1
Events on campus.
41 Life saving corps select their 'victims'
College Eye 36:7, p.3
42 Tutor Timetable
College Eye 36:7, p.1
Events on campus.
43 Tutor Timetable
College Eye 36:6, p.1
Weekly activities.
44 Attention lifesavers!
College Eye 36:3, p.6
45 Life Savings Corps gone to war
College Eye 35:25, p.3
Will give demonstration of life-saving skills; photo.
46 Safety examiner to visit campus
College Eye 31:32, p.1
For water safety training.
47 Here and there on campus
Alumnus 24:2, p.19
Women's Life Saving Corps presents annual swimming demonstration.
48 Women's Life Saving Corps to present water carnival; Maggy and Jiggs will be chief characters in 'Pirate's Heyday'
College Eye 31:23, p.3
Preview of the show.
49 Sport Slants
College Eye 31:9, p.4
Physical Education students attend swimming demonstration.
50 Sport Slants
College Eye 31:6, p.9
The life saving corps is preparing for life saving exams; Students play childhood games; hockey player lingo different from other sports.