Wheeler--Charles (English Faculty)

Displaying 1 - 28 of 28 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Book centers on essay composition
Northern Iowan 80:19, p.4
Charles Wheeler talks about his book.
2 English Language and Literature
Old Gold 0:0, p.32
English Language & Literature includes areas of study in Linguistics, Teaching English as a Foreign Language, American Studies & Journalism.
3 Summer course
Northern Iowan 75:44, p.5
Charles Wheeler will teach "The teaching of English".
4 Evening English courses are a community service
Northern Iowan 73:28, p.5
English Department will offer ten evening classes; brief description of the classes.
5 Book recognized
Northern Iowan 73:5, p.7
Charles Wheeler writes about Willie Powell's life story and his affliction with muscular dystrophy.
6 New courses
Northern Iowan 72:47, p.1
Professors Wood and Wheeler will offer study skills courses.
7 Wheeler workshop
Northern Iowan 72:3, p.4
Professor Wheeler conducts workshop for school teachers on writing.
8 Literary work by profs
Northern Iowan 71:1, p.8
Library displays publications of English faculty.
9 UNI Prof. Wheeler writes grammar book without rules
Northern Iowan 68:40, p.4
Professor Wheeler attempts to synthesize trends.
10 English profs author book on writing
Northern Iowan 67:55, p.7
Professors Wheeler and McKean write book on prose; photo.
11 UNI Profs Author Book on Writing
Public Relations News Release 1971:637, p.1
Charles Wheeler and Keith McKean are the authors of "The World of Informative-Persuasive Prose."
12 UNI Profs Author Book on Writing
Public Relations News Release 1971:638, p.1
Charles Wheeler and Keith McKean are the authors of "The World of Informative-Persuasive Prose."
13 Cutline
Public Relations News Release 1971:633, p.1
Charles Wheeler (left) and Keith McKean (right) look over the first copies of their recently published composition handbook.
14 UNI English Club to Sponsor Workshop on Teaching of Writing
Public Relations News Release 1971:546, p.1
"How to Teach Writing" workshop is being sponsored by the English Club.
15 English prof duo authors newly published book
Northern Iowan 67:44, p.8
Professors McKean and Wheeler publish textbook on prose.
16 Two UNI English Profs are Authors of Book to be Published This Week
Public Relations News Release 1971:520, p.1
Dr. McKean and Mr. Wheeler are the author-editors of the book "The World of Informative-Persuasive Prose."
17 Four UNI 1971 Summar Faculty Research Appointments to be Made
Public Relations News Release 1970:168, p.1
Professors Eakin, Glenn, Wheeler and Newwell will consist of the faculty research appointments.
18 Weathers trial semester; UNI-CUE
Northern Iowan 66:29, p.1
Henry Johnson reports on first semester of work at UNI-CUE; photo.
19 UNI-CUE is "beautiful"
Northern Iowan 66:11, p.5
Program of instruction begins at UNI-CUE.
20 UNI-CUE: the wayward child
UNI Quarterly 1:1, p.24
History of UNI-CUE; programs and current activities; photo.
21 Bash, sponsored by APO, is Saturday night
Northern Iowan 64:50, p.1

Program of events.

22 Faculty recovers following blaze--lost books, notes, class materials
College Eye 59:51, p.1
Professors talk about what they lost in the Central Hall fire.
23 Wheeler likes EYE columnists
College Eye 59:47, p.2
Praises editorial columnists for interesting, thought-provoking columns.
24 Faculty members promoted by state Board of Regents
College Eye 59:44, p.1
List of those who were promoted.
25 'Little themes' give English I practice
College Eye 59:29, p.2
Disagrees with Fox's suggestion in previous article to assign more ungraded themes.
26 New kind of sophist walks today's college halls
College Eye 59:8, p.2
Students try to find exceptions and dispose of all the rules.
27 Essay Club to organize Thursday
College Eye 58:2, p.1
28 Thirty-three new faculty and staff members at SCI
College Eye 57:1, p.1
Roster of new faculty and staff and their assignments.