White--Roland W. (Class of 1936)
Displaying 1 - 50 of 92 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
1 | Roland W. White Alumnus 29:3, p.26 |
Lt., Navy, overseas. | |
2 | Panthers defend crown Old Gold 0:0, p.210 |
Coach Dickinson started the season with half of last year's squad and had to work on filling the gaps; photos. |
3 | White, Blanchard named most valuable by board, coaches Alumnus 20:4, p.20 |
Roster of letter-winners, including first major letters in tennis. | |
4 | Blanchard and White honored in Panther baseball and track College Eye 27:8, p.4 |
Junior Gordon Blanchard and Roland White received recognition from the athletic control board for their outstanding performances; photo. | |
5 | Tracksters win second straight loop crown Alumnus 20:3, p.19 |
1936 season wrap-up. | |
6 | Roland White takes second honors in meet at Milwaukee College Eye 27:3, p.4 |
Roland White and Lloyd Gnagy competed in the Central Intercollegiate meet. | |
7 | White, Gnagy enter Central track meet College Eye 27:2, p.6 |
Roland White and Lloyd Gnagy will compete in the Central Intercollegiate track and field meet in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. | |
8 | "I" Club Old Gold 0:0, p.222 |
Description, officers, and members; photo. | |
9 | Kings of the cinder path Old Gold 0:0, p.206 |
1936 track season schedule and highlights; photos. | |
10 | Graduates Old Gold 0:0, p.244 |
Graduate photos. | |
11 | Lambda Gamma Nu Old Gold 0:0, p.62 |
Description of activities, officers, and members; photos. | |
12 | Football Old Gold 0:0, p.55 |
Season schedule and highlights; photos. | |
13 | Panther trackmen to defend conference title; Teachers College track squad concede third in conference carnival College Eye 27:1, p.4 |
Eighteen ISTC trackmen left for Brookings, South Dakota, to compete in the North Central Conference championship. | |
14 | Panther pole vaulters College Eye 27:43, p.4 |
Dick Long, Roland White, and Tom Boardman pose with their vaulting poles; photo. | |
15 | Magic touch needed to point for track meet Alumnus 20:2, p.17 |
Done with Iowa Conference; season preview. | |
16 | Three year men College Eye 27:35, p.4 |
Pictured is senior pole vaulter Roland White and senior infielder John Champlin; photo. | |
17 | Champlin most valuable gridder Alumnus 20:1, p.14 |
John Champlin is football MVP; Orville Nichols named to all-state team; list of other letter-winners. | |
18 | Purple Panthers close season in burst of speed Alumnus 20:1, p.13 |
Finish 4-2-2; season wrap-up; photo. | |
19 | Roland White has been named to the committee in charge of general arrangements Public Relations News Release 1935:355, p.1 |
Profile. | |
20 | Major awards were granted to twenty one Teachers College football players Public Relations News Release 1935:313, p.1 |
John Champlin was named as the player of the greatest value to the team. | |
21 | The Teachers College opens its North Central conference football wars against South Dakota Public Relations News Release 1935:278, p.2 |
Eight men in the starting lineup will be playing their last game for the Teachers College. | |
22 | In final appearance tomorrow College Eye 27:22, p.4 |
Ten senior football players will play their final game; photo. | |
23 | The Teachers College football team started its last week of practice today Public Relations News Release 1935:243, p.1 |
Saturdays contest will be the final performance for ten letter winners. | |
24 | Two Iowa Falls gridders will perform before a home crowd for the last time Public Relations News Release 1935:254, p.1 |
Profiles. | |
25 | The Teachers College football team travels to Sioux City for its tenth meeting with Morningside Public Relations News Release 1935:239, p.1 |
The starting lineup will include either six or seven graduating lettermen. | |
26 | The football team faces its last opportunity to break the jinx this season against Morningside Public Relations News Release 1935:236, p.1 |
The Teachers College football team hasn't won a game away from home in nearly three years. | |
27 | The Teachers College football team that can "tackle" will take the field tomorrow Public Relations News Release 1935:192, p.2 |
Probable starting lineups. | |
28 | Between seven hundred and eight hundred are expected to attend the style show Public Relations News Release 1935:190, p.1 |
The show will be presented as a three-act play. | |
29 | Coach Tom Johnson and twenty-two Panther gridders left for Cedar Rapids Public Relations News Release 1935:169, p.1 |
Starting lineup. | |
30 | The Teachers College football squad leaves tomorrow for its annual battle with the Kohawks Public Relations News Release 1935:167, p.1 |
History of games against Coe College. | |
31 | The Teachers College eleven leaves tomorrow for Cedar Rapids Public Relations News Release 1935:168, p.1 |
Starting lineup. | |
32 | Gretchen Champlin was elected treasurer of the freshman class Public Relations News Release 1935:145, p.1 |
Other students who were candidates for freshman class treasurer. | |
33 | The Teachers College football team will make its bid for the eigth win in the Homecoming series Public Relations News Release 1935:144, p.1 |
Probable starting lineups. | |
34 | The Teachers College makes its second bid for gridiron victory tomorrow Public Relations News Release 1935:106, p.1 |
Starting lineup. | |
35 | The Teachers College football team concluded its practice session and will entrain for Ypsilanti tonight Public Relations News Release 1935:100, p.1 |
Traveling squad members. |
36 | The Teachers College football team will open the 1935 season tomorrow against Cornell Public Relations News Release 1935:78, p.2 |
Probable starting lineups. | |
37 | Fifty-three receive awards for baseball, track competition Alumnus 19:4, p.16 |
Roster of letter winners. | |
38 | Coach Tom Johnson announced that he would continue scrimmage sessions all this week Public Relations News Release 1935:72, p.1 |
Season update and possible starting lineup. | |
39 | Only ten days of practice remain for the Panthers to get ready for the invasion of Cornell Public Relations News Release 1935:31, p.1 |
There are no set positions yet, as changes are still being made in the entire make up of the team. |
40 | Roland White snapped through a long passing drill Public Relations News Release 1935:19, p.1 |
White has been alternating with Harry Helgason as the fullback post. | |
41 | The Teachers College football squad will settle down to a steady diet of scrimmage Public Relations News Release 1935:9, p.1 |
Forty one men are currently available for the team. |
42 | Three Iowa Falls football players are counted upon as valuable cogs in the football machine Public Relations News Release 1934:1145, p.1 |
Short profiles. | |
43 | Nineteen lettermen will be on hand this fall Public Relations News Release 1934:1130, p.3 |
Season preview and schedule. | |
44 | Track team champions of two conferences Alumnus 19:3, p.14 |
Win both Iowa and North Central conferences; 1935 season wrap-up; photo. | |
45 | Three varsity athletes and two freshmen won awards in three sports Public Relations News Release 1934:1113, p.1 |
Fifteen men were given awards for participating in two sports. | |
46 | Earle Meikle and Everett Scott were voted to be the men of greatest value Public Relations News Release 1934:1108, p.1 |
Letters and numerals for tennis, track, and baseball were announced by S. A. Lynch. | |
47 | Nichols and White back from Central Intercollegiate tilt College Eye 27:45, p.1 |
Neither placed in his event. | |
48 | Track Old Gold 0:0, p.244 |
1935 schedule and season highlights; photos. |
49 | Football Old Gold 0:0, p.234 |
1934 schedule and season highlights; photos. | |
50 | Lambda Gamma Nu Old Gold 0:0, p.214 |
Organized in 1923; aims, advisors, officers, and members; photos. |